Dict literals
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / h2tp / mapper / unsupported_constructs.ml
1 (**
2 * Copyright (c) 2015, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree. An additional grant
7 * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
9 *)
11 module M = Map_ast
12 module CE = Common_exns
13 module List = Core_list
14 open Ast
15 open Ast_ext
17 let map program =
18 let errors = ref [] in
20 let unsupported (p, m) =
21 errors := (CE.ConversionError (p, m)) :: !errors;
22 () in
24 let detect_invalid_attributes p attributes =
25 if List.exists ~f:(fun { ua_name; _ } -> "__Memoize" = snd ua_name) attributes
26 then unsupported (p, "__Memoize is currently not supported.")
27 else () in
29 let detect_invalid_fun_kind p = function
30 | FSync | FGenerator -> ()
31 | FAsync | FAsyncGenerator ->
32 unsupported (p, "async is currently not supported.") in
34 let detect_invalid_fun {f_user_attributes; f_fun_kind; f_name = (p, _); _} =
35 detect_invalid_attributes p f_user_attributes;
36 detect_invalid_fun_kind p f_fun_kind in
38 let detect_invalid_method {m_user_attributes; m_fun_kind; m_name = (p, _); _} =
39 detect_invalid_attributes p m_user_attributes;
40 detect_invalid_fun_kind p m_fun_kind in
42 let detect_invalid_collection p name afields =
43 match (base_collection_str name, afields) with
44 | (Some "\\HH\\Pair", [AFvalue _; AFvalue _]) -> ()
45 | (Some "\\HH\\Pair", _) ->
46 unsupported (p, "Invalid initialization of Pair")
47 | (Some "\\HH\\Map", _) | (Some "\\HH\\ImmMap", _) ->
48 (** TODO: task 10395133. support dict *)
49 List.iter ~f:begin function
50 | AFkvalue _ -> ()
51 | AFvalue (p, _) ->
52 unsupported (p, "Invalid Initialization of " ^ name)
53 end afields
54 | (None, _) ->
55 unsupported (p, "Unsupported collection type " ^ name)
56 | _ -> () in
58 let detect_invalid_expr = function
59 | (p, Await _) ->
60 unsupported (p, "await is currently not supported.")
61 | (_, Collection ((p, name), afields)) ->
62 detect_invalid_collection p name afields;
64 | _ -> () in
66 let detect_invalid_class_var = function
67 | ((p, _), Some (_, Collection _)) ->
68 let m = "Collection initializers in instance variables are currently" ^
69 " not supported." in
70 unsupported (p, m)
71 | _ -> () in
73 let detect_invalid_class_elt = function
74 | ClassVars (kinds, _, class_vars) when not (List.mem kinds Static) ->
75 List.iter ~f:detect_invalid_class_var class_vars;
77 | _ -> () in
79 let detect_invalid_class = function
80 | {c_name = (p, _); c_kind = Ctrait; c_implements = _::_; _} ->
81 unsupported (p,
82 "Traits implementing interfaces are currently not supported. ")
83 | _ -> () in
85 let mapper = M.mk_program_mapper { M.default_mapper with
86 M.k_class_ = (fun (k, _) c ->
87 detect_invalid_class c;
88 k c);
89 M.k_class_elt = (fun (k, _) _ elt ->
90 detect_invalid_class_elt elt;
91 k elt
93 M.k_fun_ = (fun (k, _) fun_ ->
94 detect_invalid_fun fun_;
95 k fun_);
96 M.k_method_ = (fun (k, _) _ method_ ->
97 detect_invalid_method method_;
98 k method_);
99 M.k_expr = (fun (k, _) e -> detect_invalid_expr e; k e);
100 } in
101 ignore (mapper program);
102 if not (List.is_empty !errors)
103 then raise (CE.CompoundError !errors);
104 program (* this mapper does no mapping *)