bubble ctx for decls - end
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / providers / provider_context.ml
1 (*
2 * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
4 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
7 *)
9 open Core_kernel
10 module PositionedSyntaxTree =
11 Full_fidelity_syntax_tree.WithSyntax (Full_fidelity_positioned_syntax)
13 type entry = {
14 file_input: ServerCommandTypes.file_input;
15 path: Relative_path.t;
16 source_text: Full_fidelity_source_text.t;
17 comments: Parser_return.comments;
18 ast: Nast.program;
19 ast_errors: Errors.t;
20 mutable cst: PositionedSyntaxTree.t option;
21 mutable tast: Tast.program option;
22 mutable tast_errors: Errors.t option;
23 mutable symbols: Relative_path.t SymbolOccurrence.t list option;
26 type t = {
27 tcopt: TypecheckerOptions.t;
28 backend: Provider_backend.t;
29 entries: entry Relative_path.Map.t;
32 let empty_for_tool ~tcopt ~backend =
33 { tcopt; backend; entries = Relative_path.Map.empty }
35 let empty_for_worker ~tcopt =
37 tcopt;
38 backend = Provider_backend.Shared_memory;
39 entries = Relative_path.Map.empty;
42 let empty_for_test ~tcopt =
44 tcopt;
45 backend = Provider_backend.Shared_memory;
46 entries = Relative_path.Map.empty;
49 let empty_for_debugging ~tcopt =
51 tcopt;
52 backend = Provider_backend.Shared_memory;
53 entries = Relative_path.Map.empty;
56 let map_tcopt (t : t) ~(f : TypecheckerOptions.t -> TypecheckerOptions.t) : t =
57 { t with tcopt = f t.tcopt }
59 let global_context : t option ref = ref None
61 let get_file_input ~(ctx : t) ~(path : Relative_path.t) :
62 ServerCommandTypes.file_input =
63 match Relative_path.Map.find_opt ctx.entries path with
64 | Some { file_input; _ } -> file_input
65 | None -> ServerCommandTypes.FileName (Relative_path.to_absolute path)
67 let get_fileinfo ~(entry : entry) : FileInfo.t =
68 let (funs, classes, record_defs, typedefs, consts) =
69 Nast.get_defs entry.ast
72 FileInfo.empty_t with
73 FileInfo.funs;
74 classes;
75 record_defs;
76 typedefs;
77 consts;
80 let get_global_context () : t option = !global_context
82 let set_global_context_internal (t : t) : unit =
83 match !global_context with
84 | Some _ ->
85 failwith "set_global_context_internal: a global context is already set"
86 | None -> global_context := Some t
88 let unset_global_context_internal () : unit =
89 match !global_context with
90 | Some _ -> global_context := None
91 | None -> failwith "unset_global_context_internal: no global context is set"