Show Vector/Map/Set doc comments when hovering over literals
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / test / hover / vector_literal.php.exp
1 final class Vector
2 `Vector` is a stack-like collection. HHVM provides a native implementation
3 for this class. The PHP class definition below is not actually used at run
4 time; it is simply provided for the typechecker and for developer reference.
6 Like all objects in PHP, `Vector`s have reference-like semantics. When a
7 caller passes a `Vector` to a callee, the callee can modify the `Vector` and
8 the caller will see the changes. `Vector`s do not have "copy-on-write"
9 semantics.
11 `Vector`s only support integer keys. If a non-integer key is used, an
12 exception will be thrown.
14 `Vector`s support `$m[$k]` style syntax for getting and setting values by
15 key. `Vector`s also support `isset($m[$k])` and `empty($m[$k])` syntax, and
16 they provide similar semantics as arrays. Elements can be added to a
17 `Vector` using `$m[] = ..` syntax.
19 `Vector`s do not support iterating while new elements are being added or
20 elements are being removed. When a new element is added or removed, all
21 iterators that point to the `Vector` shall be considered invalid.
23 @guide /hack/collections/introduction
24 @guide /hack/collections/classes