Let Daemon.spawn stick random stuff into argv
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / utils / sys / daemon.ml
1 (**
2 * Copyright (c) 2015, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree. An additional grant
7 * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
9 *)
11 type 'a in_channel = Timeout.in_channel
12 type 'a out_channel = Pervasives.out_channel
14 type ('in_, 'out) channel_pair = 'in_ in_channel * 'out out_channel
16 type ('in_, 'out) handle = {
17 channels : ('in_, 'out) channel_pair;
18 pid : int;
21 (* Windows: ensure that the serialize/deserialize functions
22 for the custom block of "Unix.file_descr" are registred. *)
23 let () = Lazy.force Handle.init
25 let to_channel :
26 'a out_channel -> ?flags:Marshal.extern_flags list -> ?flush:bool ->
27 'a -> unit =
28 fun oc ?(flags = []) ?flush:(should_flush=true) v ->
29 Marshal.to_channel oc v flags;
30 if should_flush then flush oc
32 let from_channel : ?timeout:Timeout.t -> 'a in_channel -> 'a = fun ?timeout ic ->
33 Timeout.input_value ?timeout ic
35 let flush : 'a out_channel -> unit = Pervasives.flush
37 let descr_of_in_channel : 'a in_channel -> Unix.file_descr =
38 Timeout.descr_of_in_channel
40 let descr_of_out_channel : 'a out_channel -> Unix.file_descr =
41 Unix.descr_of_out_channel
43 let cast_in ic = ic
44 let cast_out oc = oc
46 (* We cannot fork() on Windows, so in order to emulate this in a
47 * cross-platform way, we use create_process() and set the HH_SERVER_DAEMON
48 * environment variable to indicate which function the child should
49 * execute. On Unix, create_process() does fork + exec, so global state is
50 * not copied; in particular, if you have set a mutable reference the
51 * daemon will not see it. All state must be explicitly passed via
52 * environment variables; see set/get_context() below.
54 * With some factoring we could make the daemons into separate binaries
55 * altogether and dispense with this emulation. *)
57 module Entry : sig
59 (* All the 'untyped' operations---that are required for the
60 entry-points hashtable and the parameters stored in env
61 variable---are hidden in this sub-module, behind a 'type-safe'
62 interface. *)
64 type ('param, 'input, 'output) t
65 val name_of_entry: ('param, 'input, 'output) t -> string
66 val register:
67 string -> ('param -> ('input, 'output) channel_pair -> unit) ->
68 ('param, 'input, 'output) t
69 val find:
70 ('param, 'input, 'output) t ->
71 'param ->
72 ('input, 'output) channel_pair -> unit
73 val set_context:
74 ('param, 'input, 'output) t -> 'param ->
75 Unix.file_descr * Unix.file_descr ->
76 unit
77 val get_context:
78 unit ->
79 (('param, 'input, 'output) t * 'param * ('input, 'output) channel_pair)
80 val clear_context:
81 unit -> unit
83 end = struct
85 type ('param, 'input, 'output) t = string
87 let name_of_entry name = name
89 (* Store functions as 'Obj.t' *)
90 let entry_points : (string, Obj.t) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 23
91 let register name f =
92 if Hashtbl.mem entry_points name then
93 Printf.ksprintf failwith
94 "Daemon.register_entry_point: duplicate entry point %S."
95 name;
96 Hashtbl.add entry_points name (Obj.repr f);
97 name
99 let find name =
100 try Obj.obj (Hashtbl.find entry_points name)
101 with Not_found ->
102 Printf.ksprintf failwith
103 "Unknown entry point %S" name
105 let set_context entry param (ic, oc) =
106 let data = (ic, oc, param) in
107 Unix.putenv "HH_SERVER_DAEMON" entry;
108 let file, oc =
109 Filename.open_temp_file
110 ~mode:[Open_binary]
111 ~temp_dir:Sys_utils.temp_dir_name
112 "daemon_param" ".bin" in
113 output_value oc data;
114 close_out oc;
115 Unix.putenv "HH_SERVER_DAEMON_PARAM" file
117 (* How this works on Unix: It may appear like we are passing file descriptors
118 * from one process to another here, but in_handle / out_handle are actually
119 * file descriptors that are already open in the current process -- they were
120 * created by the parent process before it did fork + exec. However, since
121 * exec causes the child to "forget" everything, we have to pass the numbers
122 * of these file descriptors as arguments.
124 * I'm not entirely sure what this does on Windows. *)
125 let get_context () =
126 let entry = Unix.getenv "HH_SERVER_DAEMON" in
127 if entry = "" then raise Not_found;
128 let (in_handle, out_handle, param) =
130 let file = Sys.getenv "HH_SERVER_DAEMON_PARAM" in
131 if file = "" then raise Not_found;
132 let ic = Sys_utils.open_in_bin_no_fail file in
133 let res = Marshal.from_channel ic in
134 Sys_utils.close_in_no_fail "Daemon.get_context" ic;
135 Sys.remove file;
137 with exn ->
138 failwith "Can't find daemon parameters." in
139 (entry, param,
140 (Timeout.in_channel_of_descr in_handle,
141 Unix.out_channel_of_descr out_handle))
143 let clear_context () =
144 Unix.putenv "HH_SERVER_DAEMON" "";
145 Unix.putenv "HH_SERVER_DAEMON_PARAM" "";
149 type ('param, 'input, 'output) entry = ('param, 'input, 'output) Entry.t
151 let exec entry param ic oc =
152 let f = Entry.find entry in
153 try f param (ic, oc); exit 0
154 with e ->
155 prerr_endline (Printexc.to_string e);
156 Printexc.print_backtrace stderr;
157 exit 2
159 let register_entry_point = Entry.register
161 let fd_of_path path =
162 Sys_utils.with_umask 0o111 begin fun () ->
163 Sys_utils.mkdir_no_fail (Filename.dirname path);
164 Unix.openfile path [Unix.O_RDWR; Unix.O_CREAT; Unix.O_TRUNC] 0o666
167 let null_fd () = fd_of_path Sys_utils.null_path
169 let setup_channels channel_mode =
170 match channel_mode with
171 | `pipe ->
172 let parent_in, child_out = Unix.pipe () in
173 let child_in, parent_out = Unix.pipe () in
174 (* Close descriptors on exec so they are not leaked. *)
175 Unix.set_close_on_exec parent_in;
176 Unix.set_close_on_exec parent_out;
177 (parent_in, child_out), (child_in, parent_out)
178 | `socket ->
179 let parent_fd, child_fd = Unix.socketpair Unix.PF_UNIX Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in
180 (** FD's on sockets are bi-directional. *)
181 (parent_fd, child_fd), (child_fd, parent_fd)
183 let make_pipe (descr_in, descr_out) =
184 let ic = Timeout.in_channel_of_descr descr_in in
185 let oc = Unix.out_channel_of_descr descr_out in
186 ic, oc
188 let close_pipe channel_mode (ch_in, ch_out) =
189 match channel_mode with
190 | `pipe ->
191 Timeout.close_in ch_in;
192 close_out ch_out
193 | `socket ->
194 (** the in and out FD's are the same. Close only once. *)
195 Timeout.close_in ch_in
197 (* This only works on Unix, and should be avoided as far as possible. Use
198 * Daemon.spawn instead. *)
199 let fork
200 ?(channel_mode = `pipe)
201 (type param)
202 (log_stdout, log_stderr) (f : param -> ('a, 'b) channel_pair -> unit)
203 (param : param) : ('b, 'a) handle =
204 let (parent_in, child_out), (child_in, parent_out)
205 = setup_channels channel_mode in
206 let (parent_in, child_out) = make_pipe (parent_in, child_out) in
207 let (child_in, parent_out) = make_pipe (child_in, parent_out) in
208 match Fork.fork () with
209 | -1 -> failwith "Go get yourself a real computer"
210 | 0 -> (* child *)
211 (try
212 ignore(Unix.setsid());
213 close_pipe channel_mode (parent_in, parent_out);
214 Sys_utils.with_umask 0o111 begin fun () ->
215 let fd = null_fd () in
216 Unix.dup2 fd Unix.stdin;
217 Unix.close fd;
218 end;
219 Unix.dup2 log_stdout Unix.stdout;
220 Unix.dup2 log_stderr Unix.stderr;
221 if log_stdout <> Unix.stdout then Unix.close log_stdout;
222 if log_stderr <> Unix.stderr && log_stderr <> log_stdout then
223 Unix.close log_stderr;
224 f param (child_in, child_out);
225 exit 0
226 with e ->
227 prerr_endline (Printexc.to_string e);
228 Printexc.print_backtrace stderr;
229 exit 1)
230 | pid -> (* parent *)
231 close_pipe channel_mode (child_in, child_out);
232 { channels = parent_in, parent_out; pid }
234 let spawn
235 (type param) (type input) (type output)
236 ?(channel_mode = `pipe)
237 ?name
238 (stdin, stdout, stderr)
239 (entry: (param, input, output) entry)
240 (param: param) : (output, input) handle =
241 let (parent_in, child_out), (child_in, parent_out) =
242 setup_channels channel_mode in
243 Entry.set_context entry param (child_in, child_out);
244 let exe = Sys_utils.executable_path () in
245 let name = Option.value ~default:(Entry.name_of_entry entry) name in
246 let pid = Unix.create_process exe [|exe; name|] stdin stdout stderr in
247 Entry.clear_context ();
248 (match channel_mode with
249 | `pipe ->
250 Unix.close child_in;
251 Unix.close child_out;
252 | `socket ->
253 (** the in and out FD's are the same. Close only once. *)
254 Unix.close child_in);
256 let close_if_open fd =
257 try Unix.close fd
258 with Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EBADF, _, _) -> ()
260 if stdin <> Unix.stdin then close_if_open stdin;
261 if stdout <> Unix.stdout then close_if_open stdout;
262 if stderr <> Unix.stderr && stderr <> stdout then close_if_open stderr;
264 PidLog.log
265 ~reason:(Entry.name_of_entry entry)
266 ~no_fail:true
267 pid;
268 { channels = Timeout.in_channel_of_descr parent_in,
269 Unix.out_channel_of_descr parent_out;
270 pid }
272 (* for testing code *)
273 let devnull () =
274 let ic = Timeout.open_in "/dev/null" in
275 let oc = open_out "/dev/null" in
276 {channels = ic, oc; pid = 0}
279 * In order for the Daemon infrastructure to work, the beginning of your
280 * program (or very close to the beginning) must start with a call to
281 * check_entry_point.
283 * Details: Daemon.spawn essentially does a fork then exec of the currently
284 * running program. Thus, the child process will just end up running the exact
285 * same program as the parent if you forgot to start with a check_entry_point.
286 * The parent process sees this as a NOOP when its program starts, but a
287 * child process (from Daemon.spawn) will use this as a GOTO to its entry
288 * point.
290 let check_entry_point () =
292 let entry, param, (ic, oc) = Entry.get_context () in
293 Entry.clear_context ();
294 exec entry param ic oc
295 with Not_found -> ()
297 let close { channels = (ic, oc); _ } =
298 Timeout.close_in ic;
299 close_out oc
301 let kill h =
302 close h;
303 Sys_utils.terminate_process h.pid
305 let close_out = close_out
306 let output_string = output_string
307 let flush = flush
309 let close_in = Timeout.close_in
310 let input_char ic = Timeout.input_char ic
311 let input_value ic = Timeout.input_value ic