Let Daemon.spawn stick random stuff into argv
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / utils / relative_path.ml
1 (**
2 * Copyright (c) 2015, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree. An additional grant
7 * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
9 *)
11 open Hh_core
12 open Reordered_argument_collections
13 open Utils
14 open String_utils
16 type prefix =
17 | Root
18 | Hhi
19 | Dummy
20 | Tmp
23 let root = ref None
24 let hhi = ref None
25 let tmp = ref None
27 let path_ref_of_prefix = function
28 | Root -> root
29 | Hhi -> hhi
30 | Tmp -> tmp
31 | Dummy -> ref (Some "")
33 let path_of_prefix x =
34 unsafe_opt_note "Prefix has not been set!" !(path_ref_of_prefix x)
36 let string_of_prefix = function
37 | Root -> "root"
38 | Hhi -> "hhi"
39 | Tmp -> "tmp"
40 | Dummy -> ""
42 let set_path_prefix prefix v =
43 let v = Path.to_string v in
44 assert (String.length v > 0);
45 (* Ensure that there is a trailing slash *)
46 let v =
47 if string_ends_with v Filename.dir_sep then v
48 else v ^ Filename.dir_sep
50 match prefix with
51 | Dummy -> raise (Failure "Dummy is always represented by an empty string")
52 | _ -> path_ref_of_prefix prefix := Some v
54 type relative_path = prefix * string
55 type t = relative_path
57 let prefix (p : t) = fst p
59 let suffix (p : t) = snd p
61 let default = (Dummy, "")
63 module S = struct
64 type t = relative_path
66 let compare = Pervasives.compare
68 (* We could have simply used Marshal.to_string here, but this does slightly
69 * better on space usage. *)
70 let to_string (p, rest) = string_of_prefix p ^ "|" ^ rest
71 end
73 let to_absolute (p, rest) = path_of_prefix p ^ rest
75 let to_tmp (_, rest) = (Tmp, rest)
77 let to_root (_, rest) = (Root, rest)
79 let pp fmt rp = Format.pp_print_string fmt (S.to_string rp)
81 module Set = Reordered_argument_set(Set.Make(S))
82 module Map = Reordered_argument_map(MyMap.Make(S))
84 let create prefix s =
85 let prefix_s = path_of_prefix prefix in
86 let prefix_len = String.length prefix_s in
87 if not (string_starts_with s prefix_s)
88 then begin
89 Printf.eprintf "%s is not a prefix of %s" prefix_s s;
90 assert_false_log_backtrace None;
91 end;
92 prefix, String.sub s prefix_len (String.length s - prefix_len)
94 let from_root (s : string) : t = Root, s
96 let relativize_set prefix m =
97 SSet.fold m ~init:Set.empty ~f:(fun k a -> Set.add a (create prefix k))
99 let set_of_list xs =
100 List.fold_left xs ~f:Set.add ~init:Set.empty