Updating submodules
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / test / unit / unit_test.ml
1 (*
2 * Copyright (c) 2015, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
9 *)
11 open Hh_prelude
13 exception Expected_throw_missing
15 exception Thrown_exception_mismatched of (exn * exn)
17 let expect_throws e f x =
18 try
19 let _ = f x in
20 Printf.eprintf "Error. Did not throw expected: %s\n" (Exn.to_string e);
21 false
22 with
23 | err ->
24 if Poly.(e <> err) then
25 let () =
26 Printf.eprintf
27 "Error. Expected exn: %s. But got : %s\n"
28 (Exn.to_string e)
29 (Exn.to_string err)
31 false
32 else
33 true
35 let run (name, f) =
36 Printf.printf "Running %s ... %!" name;
37 let result =
38 try f () with
39 | e ->
40 let e = Exception.wrap e in
41 let () = Printf.printf "Exception %s\n" (Exception.to_string e) in
42 let () =
43 Printf.printf "Backtrace %s\n" (Exception.get_backtrace_string e)
45 false
47 if result then
48 Printf.printf "ok\n%!"
49 else
50 Printf.printf "fail\n%!";
51 result
53 (** List.for_all but without shortcircuiting "&&", so runs all failures too. *)
54 let for_all_non_shortcircuit tests f =
55 List.fold_left tests ~init:true ~f:(fun acc test -> f test && acc)
57 let run_all (tests : (string * (unit -> bool)) list) =
58 Printexc.record_backtrace true;
59 exit
60 (if for_all_non_shortcircuit tests run then
62 else
65 let run_only tests names =
66 let f =
67 match names with
68 | [] -> const true
69 | _ -> (fun (n, _) -> List.mem names n ~equal:String.( = ))
71 let tests = List.filter tests ~f in
72 run_all tests
74 let main tests =
75 let names = Option.value (List.tl @@ Array.to_list Sys.argv) ~default:[] in
76 run_only tests names