Move io_tests to folly/io/async/test
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / test / nast / this_class_tparam_bound.php.exp
1 Errors:
2 [3:14-18] The type `this` cannot be used as a constraint on a class generic, or as the type of a static member variable
3 [7:23-27] The type `this` cannot be used as a constraint on a class generic, or as the type of a static member variable
4 [(Class
5 { c_span = [3:1-5:2]; c_annotation = (); c_mode = Mstrict; c_final = false;
6 c_is_xhp = false; c_has_xhp_keyword = false; c_kind = (Cclass Concrete);
7 c_name = ([3:7-8], "\\C");
8 c_tparams =
9 [{ tp_variance = Invariant; tp_name = ([3:9-10], "T"); tp_parameters = [];
10 tp_constraints = [(Constraint_as, ([3:9-10], (Happly (([3:9-10], "\\HH\\supportdyn"), [([3:9-10], Hmixed)])))); (Constraint_as, ([3:14-18], Hthis))];
11 tp_reified = Erased; tp_user_attributes = [] }
13 c_extends = []; c_uses = []; c_xhp_attr_uses = []; c_xhp_category = None;
14 c_reqs = []; c_implements = []; c_where_constraints = []; c_consts = [];
15 c_typeconsts = [];
16 c_vars =
17 [{ cv_final = false; cv_xhp_attr = None; cv_abstract = false; cv_readonly = false;
18 cv_visibility = Private; cv_type = ((), (Some ([4:11-13], (Hoption ([4:12-13], (Habstr ("T", [])))))));
19 cv_id = ([4:14-16], "x"); cv_expr = None; cv_user_attributes = [];
20 cv_doc_comment = None; cv_is_static = false; cv_span = [4:14-16] }
22 c_methods = []; c_xhp_children = []; c_xhp_attrs = [];
23 c_namespace =
24 { Namespace_env.ns_ns_uses = <opaque>; ns_class_uses = <opaque>;
25 ns_fun_uses = <opaque>; ns_const_uses = <opaque>; ns_name = None;
26 ns_mode = Namespace_env.ForTypecheck; ns_disable_xhp_element_mangling = false };
27 c_user_attributes = [{ ua_name = ([3:7-8], "__SupportDynamicType"); ua_params = [] }];
28 c_file_attributes = []; c_docs_url = None; c_enum = None; c_doc_comment = None;
29 c_emit_id = None; c_internal = false; c_module = None });
30 (Class
31 { c_span = [7:1-9:2]; c_annotation = (); c_mode = Mstrict; c_final = false;
32 c_is_xhp = false; c_has_xhp_keyword = false; c_kind = (Cclass Abstract);
33 c_name = ([7:16-17], "\\C");
34 c_tparams =
35 [{ tp_variance = Invariant; tp_name = ([7:18-19], "T"); tp_parameters = [];
36 tp_constraints =
37 [(Constraint_as, ([7:18-19], (Happly (([7:18-19], "\\HH\\supportdyn"), [([7:18-19], Hmixed)])))); (Constraint_as, ([7:23-30], (Haccess (([7:23-27], Hthis), [([7:29-30], "X")]))))];
38 tp_reified = Erased; tp_user_attributes = [] }
40 c_extends = []; c_uses = []; c_xhp_attr_uses = []; c_xhp_category = None;
41 c_reqs = []; c_implements = []; c_where_constraints = []; c_consts = [];
42 c_typeconsts =
43 [{ c_tconst_user_attributes = []; c_tconst_name = ([8:23-24], "X");
44 c_tconst_kind = (TCAbstract { c_atc_as_constraint = None; c_atc_super_constraint = None; c_atc_default = None });
45 c_tconst_span = [8:3-25]; c_tconst_doc_comment = None; c_tconst_is_ctx = false }
47 c_vars = []; c_methods = []; c_xhp_children = []; c_xhp_attrs = [];
48 c_namespace =
49 { Namespace_env.ns_ns_uses = <opaque>; ns_class_uses = <opaque>;
50 ns_fun_uses = <opaque>; ns_const_uses = <opaque>; ns_name = None;
51 ns_mode = Namespace_env.ForTypecheck; ns_disable_xhp_element_mangling = false };
52 c_user_attributes = [{ ua_name = ([7:16-17], "__SupportDynamicType"); ua_params = [] }];
53 c_file_attributes = []; c_docs_url = None; c_enum = None; c_doc_comment = None;
54 c_emit_id = None; c_internal = false; c_module = None })