Added in some missing fields (columns) to watchman_events tables
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / typing /
1 (*
2 * Copyright (c) 2015, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
8 *)
10 open Hh_prelude
11 module Env = Typing_env
12 open Typing_env_types
13 module C = Typing_continuations
14 module LEnvC = Typing_per_cont_env
15 module LEnvOps = Typing_per_cont_ops
16 module Union = Typing_union
18 (*****************************************************************************)
19 (* Module dealing with local environments. *)
20 (*****************************************************************************)
22 let get_all_locals env = env.lenv.per_cont_env
24 (*****************************************************************************)
25 (* Functions dealing with old style local environment *)
26 (*****************************************************************************)
28 let union
29 env
30 ~join_pos
31 Typing_local_types.
33 ty = ty1;
34 defined = defined1;
35 bound_ty = bound_ty1;
36 pos = pos1;
37 eid = eid1;
39 Typing_local_types.
41 ty = ty2;
42 defined = defined2;
43 bound_ty = bound_ty2;
44 pos = pos2;
45 eid = eid2;
46 } =
47 (* TODO(mjt) Use a more specific reason here provided as an argument *)
48 let reason =
49 if TypecheckerOptions.using_extended_reasons env.genv.tcopt then
50 Some (Typing_reason.witness join_pos)
51 else
52 None
54 let (env, ty) = Union.union ?reason ~approx_cancel_neg:true env ty1 ty2 in
55 let (env, bound_ty) =
56 match (bound_ty1, bound_ty2) with
57 | (None, None) -> (env, None)
58 | (Some ty, None)
59 | (None, Some ty) ->
60 (env, Some ty)
61 | (Some ty1, Some ty2) ->
62 let (env, ty) =
63 Typing_intersection.intersect
64 ~r:(Typing_defs_core.get_reason ty1)
65 env
66 ty1
67 ty2
69 (env, Some ty)
71 (* TODO(mjt) Determin if this need updating to if the change to reasons will
72 be sufficient*)
73 let pos =
74 if phys_equal ty ty1 || Pos.equal Pos.none pos2 then
75 pos1
76 else if phys_equal ty ty2 || Pos.equal Pos.none pos1 then
77 pos2
78 else
79 Pos.none
81 let eid =
82 if Expression_id.equal eid1 eid2 then
83 eid1
84 else
85 Env.make_expression_id env
87 match bound_ty with
88 | None ->
89 Typing_local_types.
90 (env, { ty; defined = defined1 && defined2; bound_ty; pos; eid })
91 | Some bound_ty ->
92 let (env, err_opt) =
93 Typing_subtype.sub_type
94 env
96 bound_ty
97 (Some (Typing_error.Reasons_callback.unify_error_at join_pos))
99 let ty =
100 match err_opt with
101 | None -> ty
102 | Some err ->
103 Typing_error_utils.add_typing_error ~env err;
104 (* If the new type or bound violates the old one, then we want to
105 check the remainder of the code with the type of the variable
106 set to the bound *)
107 bound_ty
109 Typing_local_types.
110 ( env,
113 defined = defined1 && defined2;
114 bound_ty = Some bound_ty;
115 pos;
116 eid;
119 let get_cont_option env cont =
120 let local_types = get_all_locals env in
121 LEnvC.get_cont_option cont local_types
123 let drop_cont env cont =
124 let local_types = get_all_locals env in
125 let local_types = LEnvC.drop_cont cont local_types in
126 Env.env_with_locals env local_types
128 let drop_conts env conts =
129 let local_types = get_all_locals env in
130 let local_types = LEnvC.drop_conts conts local_types in
131 Env.env_with_locals env local_types
133 let replace_cont env cont ctxopt =
134 let local_types = get_all_locals env in
135 let local_types = LEnvC.replace_cont cont ctxopt local_types in
136 Env.env_with_locals env local_types
138 let restore_conts_from env fromlocals conts =
139 let local_types = get_all_locals env in
140 let local_types =
141 LEnvOps.restore_conts_from local_types ~from:fromlocals conts
143 Env.env_with_locals env local_types
145 let restore_and_merge_conts_from env ~join_pos fromlocals conts =
146 let local_types = get_all_locals env in
147 let (env, local_types) =
148 LEnvOps.restore_and_merge_conts_from
150 (union ~join_pos)
151 local_types
152 ~from:fromlocals
153 conts
155 Env.env_with_locals env local_types
157 (* Merge all continuations in the provided list and update the 'next'
158 * continuation with the result. *)
159 let update_next_from_conts env ~join_pos cont_list =
160 let local_types = get_all_locals env in
161 let (env, local_types) =
162 LEnvOps.update_next_from_conts env (union ~join_pos) local_types cont_list
164 Env.env_with_locals env local_types
166 (* After this call, the provided continuation will be the union of itself and
167 * the next continuation *)
168 let save_and_merge_next_in_cont env ~join_pos cont =
169 let local_types = get_all_locals env in
170 let (env, local_types) =
171 LEnvOps.save_and_merge_next_in_cont env (union ~join_pos) local_types cont
173 Env.env_with_locals env local_types
175 let move_and_merge_next_in_cont env ~join_pos cont =
176 let local_types = get_all_locals env in
177 let (env, local_types) =
178 LEnvOps.move_and_merge_next_in_cont env (union ~join_pos) local_types cont
180 Env.env_with_locals env local_types
182 let union_contextopts ~join_pos = LEnvOps.union_opts (union ~join_pos)
184 let union_by_cont env ~join_pos lenv1 lenv2 =
185 let locals1 = lenv1.per_cont_env in
186 let locals2 = lenv2.per_cont_env in
187 let (env, locals) =
188 LEnvOps.union_by_cont env (union ~join_pos) locals1 locals2
190 Env.env_with_locals env locals
192 let join_fake lenv1 lenv2 =
193 let nextctxopt1 = LEnvC.get_cont_option C.Next lenv1.per_cont_env in
194 let nextctxopt2 = LEnvC.get_cont_option C.Next lenv2.per_cont_env in
195 match (nextctxopt1, nextctxopt2) with
196 | (Some c1, Some c2) ->
197 Typing_fake_members.join c1.LEnvC.fake_members c2.LEnvC.fake_members
198 | (None, None) -> Typing_fake_members.empty
199 | (Some c1, None) -> c1.LEnvC.fake_members
200 | (None, Some c2) -> c2.LEnvC.fake_members
202 let union_lenvs_ env ~join_pos parent_lenv lenv1 lenv2 =
203 let fake_members = join_fake lenv1 lenv2 in
204 let local_using_vars = parent_lenv.local_using_vars in
205 let env = union_by_cont env ~join_pos lenv1 lenv2 in
206 let lenv = { env.lenv with local_using_vars } in
207 let per_cont_env =
208 LEnvC.update_cont_entry C.Next lenv.per_cont_env (fun entry ->
209 LEnvC.{ entry with fake_members })
211 let lenv = { lenv with per_cont_env } in
212 ({ env with lenv }, lenv)
214 (* Used when we want the new local environment to be the union
215 * of 2 local environments. Typical use case is an if statement.
216 * $x = 0;
217 * if(...) { $x = ''; } else { $x = 'foo'; }
218 * We want $x to be a string past this point.
219 * We check that the locals are defined in both branches
220 * when that is the case, their type becomes the union (least upper bound)
221 * of the types it had in each branch.
223 let union_lenvs env ~join_pos parent_lenv lenv1 lenv2 =
224 fst @@ union_lenvs_ env ~join_pos parent_lenv lenv1 lenv2
226 let rec union_lenv_list env ~join_pos parent_lenv = function
227 | []
228 | [_] ->
230 | lenv1 :: lenv2 :: lenvlist ->
231 let (env, lenv) = union_lenvs_ env ~join_pos parent_lenv lenv1 lenv2 in
232 union_lenv_list env ~join_pos parent_lenv (lenv :: lenvlist)
234 let stash_and_do env conts f =
235 let parent_locals = get_all_locals env in
236 let env = drop_conts env conts in
237 let (env, res) = f env in
238 let env = restore_conts_from env parent_locals conts in
239 (env, res)
241 let env_with_empty_fakes env =
242 let per_cont_env =
243 LEnvC.update_cont_entry C.Next env.lenv.per_cont_env (fun entry ->
244 LEnvC.{ entry with fake_members = Typing_fake_members.empty })
246 { env with lenv = { env.lenv with per_cont_env } }
248 let has_next env =
249 match get_cont_option env C.Next with
250 | None -> false
251 | Some _ -> true