Don't detach handler after onError
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / typing / tast_check /
1 (*
2 * Copyright (c) 2018, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
8 *)
10 open Hh_prelude
11 open Aast
12 open Typing_defs
13 module Env = Tast_env
14 module SN = Naming_special_names
16 let check_types env (_, p, te) =
17 let rec check_types_helper = function
18 | Lvar _ -> ()
19 | Array_get ((ty1, _, te1), Some _) ->
20 let rec iter ty1 =
21 let (_, ety1) = Env.expand_type env ty1 in
22 match get_node ety1 with
23 | Tany _ -> true
24 | Tvec_or_dict _
25 | Ttuple _
26 | Tshape _
27 | Tdynamic ->
28 true
29 | Tclass ((_, cn), _, _)
30 when String.equal cn SN.Collections.cDict
31 || String.equal cn SN.Collections.cKeyset
32 || String.equal cn SN.Collections.cVec ->
33 true
34 | Tunion tyl -> List.for_all ~f:iter tyl
35 | Tintersection tyl -> List.exists ~f:iter tyl
36 | Tgeneric _
37 | Tnewtype _
38 | Tdependent _ ->
39 let (_, tyl) =
40 Env.get_concrete_supertypes ~abstract_enum:true env ety1
42 List.exists ~f:iter tyl
43 | _ -> false
45 if iter ty1 then
46 check_types_helper te1
47 else
48 let ty_str = lazy (Env.print_error_ty env ty1) in
49 let reasons =
50 ty_str ~f:(fun ty_str ->
51 Reason.to_string ("This is " ^ ty_str) (get_reason ty1))
53 Typing_error_utils.add_typing_error
54 ~env:(Env.tast_env_as_typing_env env)
55 Typing_error.(
56 primary @@ Primary.Inout_argument_bad_type { pos = p; reasons })
57 (* Other invalid expressions are caught in Nast_check. *)
58 | _ -> ()
60 check_types_helper te
62 let handler =
63 object
64 inherit Tast_visitor.handler_base
66 method! at_expr env =
67 function
68 | (_, _, Call { args; _ }) ->
69 List.iter
70 ~f:(function
71 | (Ast_defs.Pnormal, _) -> ()
72 | (Ast_defs.Pinout _, e) -> check_types env e)
73 args
74 | _ -> ()
75 end