Change the Aast Shape from shapemap to list
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / naming /
1 (**
2 * Copyright (c) 2015, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
8 *)
10 open Core_kernel
11 open Nast
13 let rec expr f (p, e) =
14 f p, expr_ f e
16 and expr_ f = function
17 | Any -> Any
18 | Array afl -> Array ( afl (afield f))
19 | Darray fl -> Darray ( fl (fun (e1, e2) -> expr f e1, expr f e2))
20 | Varray el -> Varray ( el (expr f))
21 | Shape sh -> Shape (shape f sh)
22 | True -> True
23 | False -> False
24 | Int n -> Int n
25 | Float n -> Float n
26 | Null -> Null
27 | String s -> String s
28 | This -> This
29 | Id sid -> Id (pstring f sid)
30 | Lplaceholder pos -> Lplaceholder (f pos)
31 | Dollardollar (p, id) -> Dollardollar (f p, id)
32 | Lvar (p, id) -> Lvar (f p, id)
33 | ImmutableVar (p, id) -> ImmutableVar (f p, id)
34 | Fun_id sid -> Fun_id (pstring f sid)
35 | Method_id (e, pstr) -> Method_id (expr f e, pstring f pstr)
36 | Method_caller (sid, pstr) -> Method_caller (pstring f sid, pstring f pstr)
37 | Smethod_id (sid, pstr) -> Smethod_id (pstring f sid, pstring f pstr)
38 | Yield_break -> Yield_break
39 | Dollar e -> Dollar (expr f e)
40 | Yield e -> Yield (afield f e)
41 | Yield_from e -> Yield_from (expr f e)
42 | Await e -> Await (expr f e)
43 | Suspend e -> Suspend (expr f e)
44 | List el -> List ( el (expr f))
45 | Assert (AE_assert ae) -> Assert (AE_assert (expr f ae))
46 | Clone e -> Clone (expr f e)
47 | Expr_list el -> Expr_list ( el (expr f))
48 | Special_func sf -> Special_func (special_func f sf)
49 | Obj_get (e1, e2, x) -> Obj_get (expr f e1, expr f e2, x)
50 | Array_get (e1, e2) -> Array_get (expr f e1, e2 (expr f))
51 | Class_get (cid, id) -> Class_get (class_id f cid, pstring f id)
52 | Class_const (cid, id) -> Class_const (class_id f cid, pstring f id)
53 | Call (ct, e, hl, el, uel) ->
54 Call (ct, expr f e, hl, el (expr f), uel (expr f))
55 | String2 el -> String2 ( el (expr f))
56 | PrefixedString (n, e) -> PrefixedString (n, (expr f e))
57 | Pair (e1, e2) -> Pair (expr f e1, expr f e2)
58 | Cast (h, e) -> Cast (hint f h, expr f e)
59 | Unop (uop, e) -> Unop (uop, expr f e)
60 | Binop (bop, e1, e2) -> Binop (bop, expr f e1, expr f e2)
61 | Pipe ((p, id), e1, e2) -> Pipe ((f p, id), expr f e1, expr f e2)
62 | Eif (e1, e2, e3) -> Eif (expr f e1, e2 (expr f), expr f e3)
63 | InstanceOf (e1, e2) -> InstanceOf (expr f e1, class_id f e2)
64 | Is (e, h) -> Is (expr f e, hint f h)
65 | As (e, h, b) -> As (expr f e, hint f h, b)
66 | Typename n -> Typename (pstring f n)
67 | New (cid, el, uel, ctor_annot) ->
68 New (class_id f cid, el (expr f), uel (expr f), ctor_annot)
69 | Efun (fun_, idl) ->
70 (* properly handling this would involve writing the mapper for all
71 * statements *)
72 Errors.internal_error (fst fun_.f_name)
73 "Nast_pos_mapper cannot handle lambdas";
74 Efun (fun_, idl)
75 | Xml (sid, attrl, el) ->
76 Xml (pstring f sid, attr_list f attrl, el (expr f))
77 | Unsafe_expr e -> Unsafe_expr (expr f e)
78 | Callconv (kind, e) -> Callconv (kind, expr f e)
79 | Execution_operator (e) -> Execution_operator ( e (expr f))
80 | ValCollection (s, el) -> ValCollection (s, el (expr f))
81 | KeyValCollection (s, fl) ->
82 KeyValCollection (s, fl (fun (e1, e2) -> expr f e1, expr f e2))
83 | Omitted -> Omitted
84 | NewAnonClass (el1, el2, c) -> NewAnonClass (el1, el2, c)
86 and afield f = function
87 | AFvalue e -> AFvalue (expr f e)
88 | AFkvalue (e1, e2) ->
89 let e1 : Nast.expr = expr f e1 in
90 let e2 = expr f e2 in
91 AFkvalue (e1, e2)
93 and shape f sm =
94 List.fold_left
95 ~f:begin fun acc (sf, e) ->
96 let sf = shape_field f sf in
97 let e = expr f e in
98 (sf, e) :: acc
99 end
100 ~init:[]
102 |> List.rev
104 and shape_field f = function
105 | Ast.SFlit_int pstr -> Ast.SFlit_int (pstring f pstr)
106 | Ast.SFlit_str pstr -> Ast.SFlit_str (pstring f pstr)
107 | Ast.SFclass_const (sid, pstr) ->
108 Ast.SFclass_const (pstring f sid, pstring f pstr)
110 and pstring f (p, s) =
111 f p, s
113 and instantiated_sid f (sid, hl) =
114 (pstring f sid, hl (hint f))
116 and special_func f = function
117 | Gena e -> Gena (expr f e)
118 | Genva el -> Genva ( el (expr f))
119 | Gen_array_rec e -> Gen_array_rec (expr f e)
121 and class_id f (pos, ci) = f pos, class_id_ f ci
123 and class_id_ f = function
124 | CIparent -> CIparent
125 | CIself -> CIself
126 | CIstatic -> CIstatic
127 | CIexpr e -> CIexpr (expr f e)
128 | CI isid -> CI (instantiated_sid f isid)
130 and hint f (p, h) = f p, hint_ f h
132 and hint_ f = function
133 | Hdynamic -> Hdynamic
134 | Hany -> Hany
135 | Hmixed -> Hmixed
136 | Hnonnull -> Hnonnull
137 | Hthis -> Hthis
138 | Htuple hl -> Htuple ( hl (hint f))
139 | Habstr s ->
140 Habstr s
141 | Harray (h1, h2) ->
142 Harray ( h1 (hint f), h2 (hint f))
143 | Hdarray (h1, h2) ->
144 Hdarray (hint f h1, hint f h2)
145 | Hvarray h -> Hvarray (hint f h)
146 | Hvarray_or_darray h -> Hvarray_or_darray (hint f h)
147 | Hprim tprim -> Hprim tprim
148 | Hoption h -> Hoption (hint f h)
149 | Hfun (is_reactive, is_coroutine, hl, kl, m, b, h, rm) ->
150 Hfun (is_reactive, is_coroutine, hl (hint f), kl, m, b, hint f h, rm)
151 | Happly (sid, hl) -> Happly (pstring f sid, hl (hint f))
152 | Hshape nast_shape_info ->
153 let add_shape_field_info_to_shape_map sf shape_field_info acc =
154 let map_over_shape_field_info ~f shape_field_info =
155 { shape_field_info with sfi_hint=f shape_field_info.sfi_hint } in
156 let sf = shape_field f sf in
157 let h = hint f in
158 let shape_field_info = map_over_shape_field_info ~f:h shape_field_info in
159 ShapeMap.add sf shape_field_info acc in
161 let nsi_field_map =
162 ShapeMap.fold
163 add_shape_field_info_to_shape_map
164 nast_shape_info.nsi_field_map
165 ShapeMap.empty in
166 Hshape { nast_shape_info with nsi_field_map }
167 | Haccess (h, sids) -> Haccess (hint f h, sids (pstring f))
169 and attr_list f attrl =
170 attrl begin fun attr -> match attr with
171 | Xhp_simple (pstr, e) -> Xhp_simple (pstring f pstr, expr f e)
172 | Xhp_spread e -> Xhp_spread (expr f e)