move string-related utils into String_utils
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / client /
1 (**
2 * Copyright (c) 2015, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree. An additional grant
7 * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
9 *)
11 open Core
12 open String_utils
14 module C = Tty
16 let print_reason_color ~(first:bool) ~(code:int) ((p, s): Pos.absolute * string) =
17 let line, start, end_ = Pos.info_pos p in
18 let code_clr = C.Normal C.Yellow in
19 let err_clr = if first then C.Bold C.Red else C.Normal C.Green in
20 let file_clr = if first then C.Bold C.Red else C.Normal C.Red in
21 let line_clr = C.Normal C.Yellow in
22 let col_clr = C.Normal C.Cyan in
24 let to_print_code = if not first then [] else [
25 (C.Normal C.Default, " (");
26 (code_clr, Errors.error_code_to_string code);
27 (C.Normal C.Default, ")");
28 ] in
29 let to_print = [
30 (line_clr, string_of_int line);
31 (C.Normal C.Default, ":");
32 (col_clr, string_of_int start);
33 (C.Normal C.Default, ",");
34 (col_clr, string_of_int end_);
35 (C.Normal C.Default, ": ");
36 (err_clr, s);
37 ] @ to_print_code @ [(C.Normal C.Default, "\n")] in
39 if not first then Printf.printf " " else ();
40 if Unix.isatty Unix.stdout
41 then
42 let cwd = Filename.concat (Sys.getcwd ()) "" in
43 let file_path = [
44 (file_clr, lstrip (Pos.filename p) cwd);
45 (C.Normal C.Default, ":");
46 ] in
47 C.cprint (file_path @ to_print)
48 else
49 let strings = to_print (fun (_,x) -> x) in
50 Printf.printf "%s:" (Pos.filename p);
51 List.iter strings (Printf.printf "%s")
53 let print_error_color e =
54 let code = Errors.get_code e in
55 let msg_list = Errors.to_list e in
56 print_reason_color ~first:true ~code (List.hd_exn msg_list);
57 List.iter (List.tl_exn msg_list) (print_reason_color ~first:false ~code)