Refactor findref to not use lazy heap
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / server /
1 (**
2 * Copyright (c) 2015, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree. An additional grant
7 * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
9 *)
11 open Core
12 open Option.Monad_infix
13 open Reordered_argument_collections
14 open Typing_defs
16 type member = Ai.ServerFindRefs.member =
17 | Method of string
18 | Property of string
19 | Class_const of string
20 | Typeconst of string
22 type action = Ai.ServerFindRefs.action =
23 | Class of string
24 | Member of string * member
25 | Function of string
26 | GConst of string
28 (* The class containing the member can be specified in two ways:
29 * - Class_set - as an explicit, pre-computed set of names, which are then
30 * compared using string comparison
31 * - Subclasses_of - the class's name, in which comparison will use the
32 * subtyping relation
34 type member_class =
35 | Class_set of SSet.t
36 | Subclasses_of of string
38 type action_internal =
39 | IClass of string
40 | IMember of member_class * member
41 | IFunction of string
42 | IGConst of string
44 type result = (string * Pos.absolute) list
45 type ide_result = (string * Pos.absolute list) option
47 let process_fun_id results_acc target_fun id =
48 if target_fun = (snd id)
49 then results_acc := Pos.Map.add (fst id) (snd id) !results_acc
51 let check_if_extends_class tcopt target_class_name class_name =
52 let class_ = Typing_lazy_heap.get_class tcopt class_name in
53 match class_ with
54 | Some { Typing_defs.tc_ancestors = imps; _ }
55 when SMap.mem imps target_class_name -> true
56 | _ -> false
58 let is_target_class tcopt target_classes class_name =
59 match target_classes with
60 | Class_set s -> SSet.mem s class_name
61 | Subclasses_of s ->
62 s = class_name || check_if_extends_class tcopt s class_name
64 let process_member_id tcopt results_acc target_classes target_member
65 class_ ~targs:_ id _ _ ~is_method ~is_const =
66 let member_name = snd id in
67 let is_target = match target_member with
68 | Method target_name -> is_method && (member_name = target_name)
69 | Property target_name ->
70 (not is_method) && (not is_const) &&
71 ((String_utils.lstrip member_name "$") = target_name)
72 | Class_const target_name -> is_const && (member_name = target_name)
73 | Typeconst _ -> false
75 if not is_target then () else
76 let class_name = class_.Typing_defs.tc_name in
77 if is_target_class tcopt target_classes class_name then
78 results_acc :=
79 Pos.Map.add (fst id) (class_name ^ "::" ^ (snd id)) !results_acc
81 let process_constructor tcopt results_acc
82 target_classes target_member class_ ~targs _ p =
83 process_member_id
84 tcopt results_acc target_classes target_member class_ ~targs
85 (p, "__construct") () () ~is_method:true ~is_const:false
87 let process_class_id results_acc target_classes cid mid_option =
88 if (SSet.mem target_classes (snd cid))
89 then begin
90 let class_name = match mid_option with
91 | None -> snd cid
92 | Some n -> (snd cid)^"::"^(snd n) in
93 results_acc := Pos.Map.add (fst cid) class_name !results_acc
94 end
96 let process_taccess tcopt results_acc target_classes target_typeconst
97 class_ typeconst p =
98 let class_name = class_.tc_name in
99 let tconst_name = (snd typeconst.ttc_name) in
100 if (is_target_class tcopt target_classes class_name) &&
101 (target_typeconst = tconst_name) then
102 results_acc :=
103 Pos.Map.add p (class_name ^ "::" ^ tconst_name) !results_acc
105 let process_gconst_id results_acc target_gconst id =
106 if target_gconst = (snd id)
107 then results_acc := Pos.Map.add (fst id) (snd id) !results_acc
109 let attach_hooks tcopt results_acc = function
110 | IMember (classes, ((Method _ | Property _ | Class_const _) as member)) ->
111 let process_member_id =
112 process_member_id tcopt results_acc classes member in
113 Typing_hooks.attach_cmethod_hook process_member_id;
114 Typing_hooks.attach_smethod_hook process_member_id;
115 Typing_hooks.attach_constructor_hook
116 (process_constructor tcopt results_acc classes member);
117 | IMember (classes, Typeconst t) ->
118 Typing_hooks.attach_taccess_hook
119 (process_taccess tcopt results_acc classes t)
120 | IFunction fun_name ->
121 Typing_hooks.attach_fun_id_hook (process_fun_id results_acc fun_name)
122 | IClass c ->
123 let classes = SSet.singleton c in
124 Decl_hooks.attach_class_id_hook (process_class_id results_acc classes)
125 | IGConst cst_name ->
126 Typing_hooks.attach_global_const_hook
127 (process_gconst_id results_acc cst_name)
129 let detach_hooks () =
130 Decl_hooks.remove_all_hooks ();
131 Typing_hooks.remove_all_hooks ()
133 let add_if_extends_class tcopt target_class_name class_name acc =
134 if check_if_extends_class tcopt target_class_name class_name
135 then SSet.add acc class_name else acc
137 let find_child_classes tcopt target_class_name files_info files =
138 SharedMem.invalidate_caches();
139 Relative_path.Set.fold files ~init:SSet.empty ~f:begin fun fn acc ->
140 (try
141 let { FileInfo.classes; _ } =
142 Relative_path.Map.find_unsafe files_info fn in
143 List.fold_left classes ~init:acc ~f:begin fun acc cid ->
144 add_if_extends_class tcopt target_class_name (snd cid) acc
146 with Not_found ->
147 acc)
150 let get_child_classes_files class_name =
151 match Naming_heap.TypeIdHeap.get class_name with
152 | Some (_, `Class) ->
153 (* Find the files that contain classes that extend class_ *)
154 let cid_hash =
155 Typing_deps.Dep.make (Typing_deps.Dep.Class class_name) in
156 let extend_deps =
157 Decl_compare.get_extend_deps cid_hash
158 (Typing_deps.DepSet.singleton cid_hash)
160 Typing_deps.get_files extend_deps
161 | _ ->
162 Relative_path.Set.empty
164 let get_deps_set classes =
165 let get_filename class_name =
166 Naming_heap.TypeIdHeap.get class_name >>= fun (pos, _) ->
167 Some (FileInfo.get_pos_filename pos)
169 SSet.fold classes ~f:begin fun class_name acc ->
170 match get_filename class_name with
171 | None -> acc
172 | Some fn ->
173 let dep = Typing_deps.Dep.Class class_name in
174 let bazooka = Typing_deps.get_bazooka dep in
175 let files = Typing_deps.get_files bazooka in
176 let files = Relative_path.Set.add files fn in
177 Relative_path.Set.union files acc
178 end ~init:Relative_path.Set.empty
180 let get_deps_set_function f_name =
181 match Naming_heap.FunPosHeap.get f_name with
182 | Some pos ->
183 let fn = FileInfo.get_pos_filename pos in
184 let dep = Typing_deps.Dep.Fun f_name in
185 let bazooka = Typing_deps.get_bazooka dep in
186 let files = Typing_deps.get_files bazooka in
187 Relative_path.Set.add files fn
188 | None ->
189 Relative_path.Set.empty
191 let get_deps_set_gconst cst_name =
192 match Naming_heap.ConstPosHeap.get cst_name with
193 | Some pos ->
194 let fn = FileInfo.get_pos_filename pos in
195 let dep = Typing_deps.Dep.GConst cst_name in
196 let bazooka = Typing_deps.get_bazooka dep in
197 let files = Typing_deps.get_files bazooka in
198 Relative_path.Set.add files fn
199 | None ->
200 Relative_path.Set.empty
202 let find_refs tcopt target acc fileinfo_l =
203 let results_acc = ref Pos.Map.empty in
204 attach_hooks tcopt results_acc target;
205 let tcopt = TypecheckerOptions.make_permissive tcopt in
206 ServerIdeUtils.recheck tcopt fileinfo_l;
207 detach_hooks ();
208 Pos.Map.fold begin fun p str acc ->
209 (str, p) :: acc
210 end !results_acc acc
212 let parallel_find_refs workers fileinfo_l target tcopt =
214 workers
215 ~job:(find_refs tcopt target)
216 ~neutral:([])
217 ~merge:(List.rev_append)
218 ~next:( workers fileinfo_l)
220 let get_definitions tcopt = function
221 | IMember (Class_set classes, Method method_name) ->
222 SSet.fold classes ~init:[] ~f:begin fun class_name acc ->
223 match Typing_lazy_heap.get_class tcopt class_name with
224 | Some class_ ->
225 let add_meth meths acc = match SMap.get meths method_name with
226 | Some meth when meth.ce_origin = class_.tc_name ->
227 let pos = Reason.to_pos (fst @@ Lazy.force meth.ce_type) in
228 (method_name, pos) :: acc
229 | _ -> acc
231 let acc = add_meth class_.tc_methods acc in
232 let acc = add_meth class_.tc_smethods acc in
234 | None -> acc
236 | IClass class_name ->
237 Option.value ~default:[] begin Naming_heap.TypeIdHeap.get class_name >>=
238 function (_, `Class) -> Typing_lazy_heap.get_class tcopt class_name >>=
239 fun class_ -> Some([(class_name, class_.tc_pos)])
240 | (_, `Typedef) -> Typing_lazy_heap.get_typedef tcopt class_name >>=
241 fun type_ -> Some([class_name, type_.td_pos])
243 | IFunction fun_name ->
244 begin match Typing_lazy_heap.get_fun tcopt fun_name with
245 | Some fun_ -> [fun_name, fun_.ft_pos]
246 | None -> []
248 | IGConst _
249 | IMember (Subclasses_of _, _)
250 | IMember (_, (Property _ | Class_const _ | Typeconst _)) ->
251 (* this code path is used only in ServerRefactor, we can update it at some
252 later time *)
255 let find_references tcopt workers target include_defs
256 files_info files =
257 let fileinfo_l = Relative_path.Set.fold files ~f:begin fun fn acc ->
258 match Relative_path.Map.get files_info fn with
259 | Some fi -> (fn, fi) :: acc
260 | None -> acc
261 end ~init:[] in
262 let results =
263 if List.length fileinfo_l < 10 then
264 find_refs tcopt target [] fileinfo_l
265 else
266 parallel_find_refs workers fileinfo_l target tcopt
268 if include_defs then
269 let defs = get_definitions tcopt target in
270 List.rev_append defs results
271 else
272 results
274 let get_dependent_files_function _workers f_name =
275 (* This is performant enough to not need to go parallel for now *)
276 get_deps_set_function f_name
278 let get_dependent_files_gconst _workers cst_name =
279 (* This is performant enough to not need to go parallel for now *)
280 get_deps_set_gconst cst_name
282 let get_dependent_files _workers input_set =
283 (* This is performant enough to not need to go parallel for now *)
284 get_deps_set input_set
286 let result_to_ide_message x =
287 let open Ide_message in
288 Find_references_response (
289 x ~f:begin fun (symbol_name, references) ->
290 let references =
291 references ~f:Ide_api_types.pos_to_file_range in
292 {symbol_name; references}