Split error codes for read/write on array access and object access
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / typing / typing_taccess.ml
1 (*
2 * Copyright (c) 2015, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
8 *)
10 open Hh_prelude
11 open Common
12 open Typing_defs
13 module Inter = Typing_intersection
14 module Reason = Typing_reason
15 module Env = Typing_env
16 module Log = Typing_log
17 module Phase = Typing_phase
18 module TySet = Typing_set
19 module TR = Typing_reactivity
20 module CT = Typing_subtype.ConditionTypes
21 module Cls = Decl_provider.Class
22 module MakeType = Typing_make_type
24 (* A guiding principle when expanding a type access C::T is that if C <: D and
25 we know that D::T = X (represented by an Exact result below), then C::T is
26 also X. So Exact is propagated down the <: relation, see `update_class_name`
27 below where this behavior is encoded. *)
29 type context = {
30 (* The T in the type access C::T *)
31 id: Nast.sid;
32 (* The expand environment as passed in by Typing_phase.localize *)
33 ety_env: expand_env;
34 (* A set of visited types used to avoid infinite loops during expansion. *)
35 generics_seen: TySet.t;
36 (* Whether or not an abstract type constant is allowed as the result. In the
37 future, this boolean should disappear and abstract type constants should
38 appear only in the class where they are defined. *)
39 allow_abstract: bool;
40 (* If set, abstract type constants will be expanded as type variables. This
41 is a hack which should naturally go away when the semantics of abstract
42 type constants is cleaned up. *)
43 abstract_as_tyvar: bool;
44 (* The origin of the extension. For example if TC is a generic parameter
45 subject to the constraint TC as C and we would like to expand TC::T we
46 will expand C::T with base set to `Some (Tgeneric "TC")` (and root set
47 to C). If it is None the base is exactly the current root. *)
48 base: locl_ty option;
49 (* A callback for errors *)
50 on_error: Errors.typing_error_callback;
53 (* The result of an expansion
54 - Exact ty means that the expansion results precisely in 'ty'
55 - Abstract (n0, [n1, n2, n3], bound) means that the result is a
56 generic with name n0::T such that:
57 n0::T as n1::T as n2::T as n3::T as bound *)
58 type result =
59 | Exact of locl_ty
60 | Abstract of string * string list * locl_ty option
62 exception NoTypeConst of (unit -> unit)
64 let raise_error error = raise_notrace @@ NoTypeConst error
66 let make_reason env r id root =
67 Reason.Rtypeconst (r, id, Typing_print.error env root, get_reason root)
69 (* FIXME: It is bogus to use strings here and put them in Tgeneric; one
70 possible problem is when a type parameter has a name which conflicts
71 with a class name *)
72 let tp_name class_name id = class_name ^ "::" ^ snd id
74 (* A smart constructor for Abstract that also checks if the type we are
75 creating is known to be equal to some other type *)
76 let make_abstract env id name namel bnd =
77 let tp_name = tp_name name id in
78 if not (Typing_set.is_empty (Env.get_equal_bounds env tp_name)) then
79 (* If the resulting abstract type is exactly equal to something,
80 mark the result as exact.
81 For example, if we have the following
82 abstract class Box {
83 abstract const type T;
85 function addFiveToValue<T1 as Box>(T1 $x) : int where T1::T = int {
86 return $x->get() + 5;
88 Here, $x->get() has type expr#1::T as T1::T (as Box::T).
89 But T1::T is exactly equal to int, so $x->get() no longer needs
90 to be expression dependent. Thus, $x->get() typechecks. *)
91 Exact (MakeType.generic Reason.Rnone tp_name)
92 else
93 Abstract (name, namel, bnd)
95 (* Lookup a type constant in a class and return a result. A type constant has
96 both a constraint type and assigned type. Which one we choose depends if
97 the current root is the base (origin) of the expansion, or if it is an
98 upper bound of the base. *)
99 let create_root_from_type_constant
100 ctx env root (class_pos, class_name) opt_class_def =
101 let { id = (id_pos, id_name) as id; _ } = ctx in
102 let class_ =
103 match opt_class_def with
104 | None ->
105 raise_error (fun () -> Errors.unbound_name_typing class_pos class_name)
106 | Some c -> c
108 let typeconst =
109 match Env.get_typeconst env class_ id_name with
110 | Some tc -> tc
111 | None ->
112 raise_error (fun () ->
113 Errors.smember_not_found
114 `class_typeconst
115 (get_pos root)
116 (Cls.pos class_, class_name)
117 id_name
118 `no_hint
119 ctx.on_error)
121 let name = tp_name class_name id in
122 let type_expansions = (id_pos, name) :: ctx.ety_env.type_expansions in
123 (match ctx.ety_env.report_cycle with
124 (* This is a cycle through a type constant that we are defining *)
125 | Some (_, name') when String.equal name name' ->
126 let seen = name :: List.rev_map type_expansions snd in
127 Errors.cyclic_typeconst (fst typeconst.ttc_name) seen
128 | _ ->
129 (* This is a cycle through a type constant that we are using *)
131 List.mem
132 ~equal:String.equal
133 (List.map ctx.ety_env.type_expansions snd)
134 name
135 then
136 raise_error (fun () -> ())
137 else
138 ());
139 let drop_exact ty =
140 (* Legacy behavior is to preserve exactness only on `this` and not
141 through `this::T` *)
142 match deref ty with
143 | (r, Tclass (cid, _, tyl)) -> mk (r, Tclass (cid, Nonexact, tyl))
144 | _ -> ty
146 let ety_env =
147 let from_class = None in
148 let this_ty = drop_exact (Option.value ctx.base ~default:root) in
149 { ctx.ety_env with from_class; type_expansions; this_ty }
151 let make_abstract env bnd =
152 ( if (not ctx.allow_abstract) && not ety_env.quiet then
153 let tc_pos = fst typeconst.ttc_name in
154 Errors.abstract_tconst_not_allowed id_pos (tc_pos, id_name) );
155 (* TODO(T59448452): this treatment of abstract type constants is unsound *)
156 make_abstract env id class_name [] bnd
158 match typeconst with
159 (* Concrete type constants *)
160 | { ttc_type = Some ty; ttc_constraint = None; _ } ->
161 let (env, ty) = Phase.localize ~ety_env env ty in
162 let (r, ty) = deref ty in
163 (env, Exact (mk (make_reason env r id root, ty)))
164 (* A type constant with default can be seen as abstract or exact, depending
165 on the root and base of the access. *)
166 | { ttc_type = Some ty; ttc_constraint = Some _; _ } ->
167 let (env, ty) = Phase.localize ~ety_env env ty in
168 let (r, ty) = deref ty in
169 let ty = mk (make_reason env r id root, ty) in
170 if Cls.final class_ || Option.is_none ctx.base then
171 (env, Exact ty)
172 else
173 (env, make_abstract env (Some ty))
174 (* Abstract type constants with constraint *)
175 | { ttc_constraint = Some cstr; _ } ->
176 let (env, cstr) = Phase.localize ~ety_env env cstr in
177 (env, make_abstract env (Some cstr))
178 (* Abstract type constant without constraint. *)
179 | _ -> (env, make_abstract env None)
181 let rec type_of_result ctx env root res =
182 let { id = (id_pos, id_name) as id; _ } = ctx in
183 let type_with_bound env as_tyvar name bnd =
184 if as_tyvar then (
185 let (env, tvar) = Env.fresh_invariant_type_var env id_pos in
186 Log.log_new_tvar_for_tconst_access env id_pos tvar name id_name;
187 (env, tvar)
188 ) else
189 let generic_name = tp_name name id in
190 let reason = make_reason env Reason.Rnone id root in
191 let ty = MakeType.generic reason generic_name in
192 let env =
193 Option.fold bnd ~init:env ~f:(fun env bnd ->
194 (* TODO(T59317869): play well with flow sensitivity *)
195 Env.add_upper_bound_global env generic_name bnd)
197 (env, ty)
199 match res with
200 | Exact ty -> (env, ty)
201 | Abstract (name, name' :: namel, bnd) ->
202 let res' = Abstract (name', namel, bnd) in
203 let (env, ty) = type_of_result ctx env root res' in
204 type_with_bound env false name (Some ty)
205 | Abstract (name, [], bnd) ->
206 type_with_bound env ctx.abstract_as_tyvar name bnd
208 let update_class_name env id new_name = function
209 | Exact _ as res -> res
210 | Abstract (name, namel, bnd) ->
211 make_abstract env id new_name (name :: namel) bnd
213 let rec expand ctx env root =
214 let (env, root) = Env.expand_type env root in
215 let make_reason env = make_reason env Reason.Rnone ctx.id root in
216 match get_node root with
217 | Tany _
218 | Terr ->
219 (env, Exact root)
220 | Tdependent (DTcls name, ty)
221 | Tnewtype (name, _, ty) ->
222 let ctx =
223 let base = Some (Option.value ctx.base ~default:root) in
224 let allow_abstract = true in
225 { ctx with base; allow_abstract }
227 let (env, res) = expand ctx env ty in
228 let name = Printf.sprintf "<cls#%s>" name in
229 (env, update_class_name env ctx.id name res)
230 | Tclass (cls, _, _) ->
231 let opt_class_def = Env.get_class env (snd cls) in
232 let allow_abstract =
233 match opt_class_def with
234 | Some ci
235 when Ast_defs.(equal_class_kind (Decl_provider.Class.kind ci) Ctrait) ->
236 (* Hack: `self` in a trait is mistakenly replaced by the trait instead
237 of the class using the trait, so if a trait is the root, it is
238 likely because originally there was `self::T` written.
239 TODO(T54081153): fix `self` in traits and clean this up *)
240 true
241 | _ -> ctx.allow_abstract
243 let ctx = { ctx with allow_abstract } in
244 create_root_from_type_constant ctx env root cls opt_class_def
245 | Tgeneric s ->
246 let ctx =
247 let generics_seen = TySet.add root ctx.generics_seen in
248 let base = Some (Option.value ctx.base ~default:root) in
249 let allow_abstract = true in
250 let abstract_as_tyvar = false in
251 { ctx with generics_seen; base; allow_abstract; abstract_as_tyvar }
253 let rec last_res res err = function
254 | [] -> (res, err)
255 | ty :: tys ->
256 let (res', err) =
257 try (Some (expand ctx env ty), err)
258 with NoTypeConst err -> (res, err)
260 (* The strategy here is to take the last result. It is necessary for
261 poor reasons, unfortunately. Because `type_of_result` bogusly uses
262 `Env.add_upper_bound_global`, local type refinement information can
263 leak outside its scope. To remain consistent with the previous
264 version of the type access algorithm wrt this bug, we pick the last
265 result. See T59317869.
266 The test test/typecheck/tconst/type_refinement_stress.php monitors
267 the situation here. *)
268 last_res (Option.first_some res' res) err tys
270 let err () =
271 let (pos, tconst) = ctx.id in
272 let ty = Typing_print.error env root in
273 Errors.non_object_member_read
274 ~is_method:false
275 tconst
276 (get_pos root)
279 ctx.on_error
281 (* Ignore seen bounds to avoid infinite loops *)
282 let upper_bounds =
283 TySet.diff (Env.get_upper_bounds env s) ctx.generics_seen
285 (match last_res None err (TySet.elements upper_bounds) with
286 | (Some (env, res), _) -> (env, update_class_name env ctx.id s res)
287 | (None, err) -> raise_error err)
288 | Tdependent (dep_ty, ty) ->
289 let ctx =
290 let base = Some (Option.value ctx.base ~default:root) in
291 let allow_abstract = true in
292 let abstract_as_tyvar = false in
293 { ctx with base; allow_abstract; abstract_as_tyvar }
295 let (env, res) = expand ctx env ty in
296 (env, update_class_name env ctx.id (DependentKind.to_string dep_ty) res)
297 | Tunion tyl ->
298 (* TODO(T58839232): accesses on unions are unsound *)
299 let (env, tyl) =
300 List.map_env env tyl ~f:(fun env ty ->
301 let (env, res) = expand ctx env ty in
302 type_of_result ctx env root res)
304 let ty = MakeType.union (make_reason env) tyl in
305 (env, Exact ty)
306 | Tintersection tyl ->
307 let (env, tyl) =
308 Typing_utils.run_on_intersection env tyl ~f:(fun env ty ->
309 let (env, res) = expand ctx env ty in
310 type_of_result ctx env root res)
312 let (env, ty) = Inter.intersect_list env (make_reason env) tyl in
313 (env, Exact ty)
314 | Tvar n ->
315 let (env, ty) = Typing_subtype_tconst.get_tyvar_type_const env n ctx.id in
316 (env, Exact ty)
317 | Tpu _
318 | Tpu_type_access _
319 | Tobject
320 | Tnonnull
321 | Tprim _
322 | Tshape _
323 | Ttuple _
324 | Tvarray _
325 | Tdarray _
326 | Tvarray_or_darray _
327 | Tfun _
328 | Tdynamic
329 | Toption _ ->
330 let (pos, tconst) = ctx.id in
331 let ty = Typing_print.error env root in
332 raise_error (fun () ->
333 Errors.non_object_member_read
334 ~is_method:false
335 tconst
338 (get_pos root)
339 ctx.on_error)
341 let expand_with_env
342 ety_env
344 ?(ignore_errors = false)
345 ?(as_tyvar_with_cnstr = false)
346 root
348 ~on_error
349 ~allow_abstract_tconst =
350 let (env, ty) =
352 let ctx =
355 ety_env;
356 base = None;
357 generics_seen = TySet.empty;
358 allow_abstract = allow_abstract_tconst;
359 abstract_as_tyvar = as_tyvar_with_cnstr;
360 on_error;
363 let (env, res) = expand ctx env root in
364 type_of_result ctx env root res
365 with NoTypeConst error ->
366 if not ignore_errors then error ();
367 let reason = make_reason env Reason.Rnone id root in
368 (env, Typing_utils.terr env reason)
370 (* If type constant has type this::ID and method has associated condition
371 type ROOTCOND_TY for the receiver - check if condition type has type
372 constant at the same path. If yes - attach a condition type
373 ROOTCOND_TY::ID to a result type *)
374 match
375 ( deref root,
377 TR.condition_type_from_reactivity (Typing_env_types.env_reactivity env) )
378 with
379 | ((_, Tdependent (DTthis, _)), (_, tconst), Some cond_ty) ->
380 begin
381 match CT.try_get_class_for_condition_type env cond_ty with
382 | Some (_, cls) when Cls.has_typeconst cls tconst ->
383 let cond_ty = mk (Reason.Rwitness (fst id), Taccess (cond_ty, [id])) in
384 Option.value
385 (TR.try_substitute_type_with_condition env cond_ty ty)
386 ~default:(env, ty)
387 | _ -> (env, ty)
389 | _ -> (env, ty)
391 let referenced_typeconsts env ety_env (root, ids) ~on_error =
392 let (env, root) = Phase.localize ~ety_env env root in
393 List.fold
395 ~init:((env, root), [])
397 begin
398 fun ((env, root), acc) (pos, tconst) ->
399 let (env, tyl) = Typing_utils.get_concrete_supertypes env root in
400 let acc =
401 List.fold tyl ~init:acc ~f:(fun acc ty ->
402 let (env, ty) = Env.expand_type env ty in
403 match get_node ty with
404 | Tclass ((_, class_name), _, _) ->
405 let ( >>= ) = Option.( >>= ) in
406 Option.value
407 ~default:acc
408 ( Typing_env.get_class env class_name >>= fun class_ ->
409 Typing_env.get_typeconst env class_ tconst
410 >>= fun typeconst ->
411 Some ((typeconst.Typing_defs.ttc_origin, tconst, pos) :: acc)
413 | _ -> acc)
415 ( expand_with_env
416 ety_env
418 ~as_tyvar_with_cnstr:false
419 root
420 (pos, tconst)
421 ~on_error
422 ~allow_abstract_tconst:true,
423 acc )
425 |> snd
427 (*****************************************************************************)
428 (* Exporting *)
429 (*****************************************************************************)
431 let () = Typing_utils.expand_typeconst_ref := expand_with_env