Add declarations for internal keyword in direct decl and legacy parsers
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / test / typecheck / modules / module_static_method.php.exp
1 File "module_static_method.php--B.php", line 7, characters 6-6:
2 You cannot access internal members from module `A` in module `B` (Typing[4112])
3 File "module_static_method.php--A.php", line 8, characters 26-26:
4 This member is internal
5 File "module_static_method.php--none.php", line 5, characters 6-6:
6 You cannot access internal members outside of a module (Typing[4112])
7 File "module_static_method.php--A.php", line 8, characters 26-26:
8 This member is internal