Enable ocamlformat for parts of hphp/hack
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / ast / ast_utils.ml
1 (**
2 * Copyright (c) 2015, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
8 *)
10 open Core_kernel
11 open Ast
13 (* Given a Ast.program, give me the list of entities it defines *)
14 let get_defs ast =
15 (* fold_right traverses the file from top to bottom, and as such gives nicer
16 * error messages than fold_left. E.g. in the case where a function is
17 * declared twice in the same file, the error will say that the declaration
18 * with the larger line number is a duplicate. *)
19 let rec get_defs ast acc =
20 List.fold_right ast ~init:acc
21 ~f:(fun def ((acc1, acc2, acc3, acc4) as acc) ->
22 match def with
23 | Ast.Fun f ->
24 (FileInfo.pos_full f.Ast.f_name :: acc1, acc2, acc3, acc4)
25 | Ast.Class c ->
26 (acc1, FileInfo.pos_full c.Ast.c_name :: acc2, acc3, acc4)
27 | Ast.Typedef t ->
28 (acc1, acc2, FileInfo.pos_full t.Ast.t_id :: acc3, acc4)
29 | Ast.Constant cst ->
30 (acc1, acc2, acc3, FileInfo.pos_full cst.Ast.cst_name :: acc4)
31 | Ast.Namespace (_, defs) -> get_defs defs acc
32 | Ast.NamespaceUse _ | Ast.SetNamespaceEnv _ -> acc
33 (* toplevel statements are ignored *)
34 | Ast.FileAttributes _ | Ast.Stmt _ -> acc)
36 get_defs ast ([], [], [], [])
38 (* Utility functions for getting all nodes of a particular type *)
39 class ast_get_defs_visitor =
40 object
41 inherit [Ast.def list] Ast_visitor.ast_visitor
43 method! on_def acc def = def :: acc
44 end
46 let ast_no_pos_or_docblock_mapper =
47 object (self)
48 inherit [_] Ast.endo as super
50 method! private on_pos () _pos = Pos.none
52 method! on_fun_ env f = super#on_fun_ env { f with f_doc_comment = None }
54 method! on_class_ env c =
55 super#on_class_ env { c with c_doc_comment = None }
57 method! on_class_vars_ env cv =
58 super#on_class_vars_ env { cv with cv_doc_comment = None }
60 method! on_method_ env m =
61 super#on_method_ env { m with m_doc_comment = None }
63 (* Skip all blocks because we don't care about method bodies *)
64 method! on_block env _ =
65 self#on_list self#on_stmt env [(Pos.none, Ast.Noop)]
66 end
68 (* Given an AST, return an AST with no position or docblock info *)
69 let remove_pos_and_docblock ast =
70 ast_no_pos_or_docblock_mapper#on_program () ast
72 type ignore_attribute_env = { ignored_attributes: string list }
74 let ast_deregister_attributes_mapper =
75 object (self)
76 inherit [_] Ast.endo as super
78 method ignored_attr env l =
79 List.exists l (fun attr ->
80 List.mem env.ignored_attributes (snd attr.ua_name) ~equal:( = ))
82 (* Filter all functions and classes with the user attributes banned *)
83 method! on_program env toplevels =
84 let toplevels =
85 List.filter toplevels (fun toplevel ->
86 match toplevel with
87 | Fun f when self#ignored_attr env f.f_user_attributes -> false
88 | Class c when self#ignored_attr env c.c_user_attributes -> false
89 | _ -> true)
91 super#on_program env toplevels
93 method! on_class_ env this =
94 (* Filter out class elements which are methods with wrong attributes *)
95 let body = this.c_body in
96 let body =
97 List.filter body (fun elt ->
98 match elt with
99 | Method m when self#ignored_attr env m.m_user_attributes -> false
100 | ClassVars cv when self#ignored_attr env cv.cv_user_attributes ->
101 false
102 | _ -> true)
104 let this = { this with c_body = body } in
105 super#on_class_ env this
108 let deregister_ignored_attributes ast =
109 let env =
111 (* For now, only ignore the __PHPStdLib *)
112 ignored_attributes = [Naming_special_names.UserAttributes.uaPHPStdLib];
115 ast_deregister_attributes_mapper#on_program env ast
117 (* Given an AST, generate a unique hash for its decl tree. *)
118 let generate_ast_decl_hash ast =
119 (* Why we marshal it into a string first: regular Hashtbl.hash will
120 collide improperly because it doesn't compare ADTs with strings correctly.
121 Using Marshal, we guarantee that the two ASTs are represented by a single
122 primitive type, which we hash.
124 let str = Marshal.to_string (remove_pos_and_docblock ast) [] in
125 OpaqueDigest.string str
127 let get_def_nodes ast = List.rev ((new ast_get_defs_visitor)#on_program [] ast)
129 class ast_get_class_elts_visitor =
130 object
131 inherit [Ast.class_elt list] Ast_visitor.ast_visitor
133 method! on_class_elt acc elt = elt :: acc
136 let get_class_elts ast =
137 List.rev ((new ast_get_class_elts_visitor)#on_program [] ast)
139 (* Helpers for XHP attributes *)
140 let map_xhp_attr (f : id -> id) (g : expr -> expr) = function
141 | Xhp_simple (id, e) -> Xhp_simple (f id, g e)
142 | Xhp_spread e -> Xhp_spread (g e)