CallHierarchy: Track Hashtble Keys explicitly
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / server /
1 (*
2 * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
4 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
7 *)
9 let group_refs_by_file (ref_result : ServerCommandTypes.Find_refs.result) :
10 (string * ServerCommandTypes.Find_refs.result) list =
11 let table = ref (3 * List.length ref_result / 4 |> Hashtbl.create) in
12 let key_list : string list ref = ref [] in
13 let add_ref_to_tbl ((name, pos) : string * Pos.absolute) : unit =
14 let file_ = Pos.filename pos in
15 if not (Hashtbl.mem !table file_) then key_list := file_ :: !key_list;
16 Hashtbl.add !table file_ (name, pos)
18 List.iter add_ref_to_tbl ref_result;
19 (fun key -> (key, Hashtbl.find_all !table key)) !key_list
21 let occ_defs_of_file (ctx : Provider_context.t) (file : string) :
22 (Relative_path.t SymbolOccurrence.t
23 * Relative_path.t SymbolDefinition.t option)
24 list =
25 let path = Relative_path.create_detect_prefix file in
26 let (ctx_out, entry) = Provider_context.add_entry_if_missing ~ctx ~path in
27 let all_symbols = IdentifySymbolService.all_symbols_ctx ~ctx:ctx_out ~entry in
28 let all_defs =
29 List.filter (fun s -> s.SymbolOccurrence.is_declaration) all_symbols
31 let (_, get_def) = ServerDepsUtil.get_ast_getdef ctx_out entry in
32 (fun s -> (s, get_def s)) all_defs
34 let call_sites
35 (refs : ServerCommandTypes.Find_refs.result)
36 ((_, d) :
37 Relative_path.t SymbolOccurrence.t
38 * Relative_path.t SymbolDefinition.t option) :
39 ServerCommandTypes.Find_refs.result =
40 match d with
41 | None -> []
42 | Some ds ->
43 List.filter
44 (fun (_, p) -> Pos.contains ds.SymbolDefinition.span (Pos.to_relative p))
45 refs
47 let def_call_sites_to_incoming_call
48 ((o, d) :
49 Relative_path.t SymbolOccurrence.t
50 * Relative_path.t SymbolDefinition.t option)
51 (refs : ServerCommandTypes.Find_refs.result) :
52 Lsp.CallHierarchyIncomingCalls.callHierarchyIncomingCall =
53 let open Lsp.CallHierarchyIncomingCalls in
54 let from_ = Lsp_helpers.symbol_to_lsp_call_item o d in
55 let fromRanges_ =
56 (fun (_, p) -> Lsp_helpers.pos_to_lsp_range p) refs
58 { from = from_; fromRanges = fromRanges_ }
60 let file_refs_to_incoming_calls
61 (ctx : Provider_context.t)
62 ((file, refs) : string * ServerCommandTypes.Find_refs.result) :
63 Lsp.CallHierarchyIncomingCalls.callHierarchyIncomingCall list =
64 let occ_defs = occ_defs_of_file ctx file in
65 let present_occ_defs =
66 List.filter (fun (_, d) -> Option.is_some d) occ_defs
68 let def_call_sites = (call_sites refs) present_occ_defs in
69 let def_call_sites_zipped = List.combine present_occ_defs def_call_sites in
70 let def_call_sites_zipped_filtered =
71 List.filter (fun (_, r) -> List.length r != 0) def_call_sites_zipped
73 let (present_occ_defs_filtered, def_call_sites_filtered) =
74 List.split def_call_sites_zipped_filtered
76 List.map2
77 def_call_sites_to_incoming_call
78 present_occ_defs_filtered
79 def_call_sites_filtered
81 let string_pos_to_enclosing_rel_occs
82 ~(ctx : Provider_context.t) (pos : string Pos.pos) :
83 Relative_path.t SymbolOccurrence.t list =
84 let file = Pos.filename pos in
85 let path = Relative_path.create_detect_prefix file in
86 let (ctx_out, entry) = Provider_context.add_entry_if_missing ~ctx ~path in
87 let all_symbols = IdentifySymbolService.all_symbols_ctx ~ctx:ctx_out ~entry in
88 let all_defs =
89 List.filter (fun s -> s.SymbolOccurrence.is_declaration) all_symbols
91 let pos_rel = Pos.to_relative pos in
92 List.filter (fun s -> Pos.contains s.SymbolOccurrence.pos pos_rel) all_defs
94 let ref_result_to_incoming_call_result
95 (ctx : Provider_context.t)
96 (ref_result : ServerCommandTypes.Find_refs.result) :
97 Lsp.CallHierarchyIncomingCalls.callHierarchyIncomingCall list =
98 let grouped_by_file = group_refs_by_file ref_result in
99 let incoming_calls =
100 List.concat_map (file_refs_to_incoming_calls ctx) grouped_by_file
102 incoming_calls
104 let go
105 (item : Lsp.CallHierarchyItem.t)
106 ~(ctx : Provider_context.t)
107 ~(genv : ServerEnv.genv)
108 ~(env : ServerEnv.env) :
109 Lsp.CallHierarchyIncomingCalls.callHierarchyIncomingCall list
110 ServerCommandTypes.Done_or_retry.t
111 list =
112 let file = Lsp_helpers.lsp_uri_to_path item.Lsp.CallHierarchyItem.uri in
113 let (ctx, entry, _, get_def) = ServerDepsUtil.get_def_setup ctx file in
114 let declarations =
115 IdentifySymbolService.all_symbols_ctx ~ctx ~entry
116 |> List.filter (fun s -> s.SymbolOccurrence.is_declaration)
118 let target_symbols =
119 ServerCallHierarchyUtils.call_item_to_symbol_occ_list ~ctx ~entry ~item
121 let get_body_references =
122 ServerDepsInBatch.body_references
123 ~ctx
124 ~entry
125 ~genv
126 ~env
127 ~get_def
128 ~declarations
130 let ref_result_or_retries =
131 List.concat_map get_body_references target_symbols
134 (fun s ->
135 ServerCommandTypes.Done_or_retry.map_env
136 ~f:(ref_result_to_incoming_call_result ctx)
137 (env, s)
138 |> snd)
139 ref_result_or_retries