First stage of constraints refactoring: bounds environment
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / typing /
1 (**
2 * Copyright (c) 2015, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree. An additional grant
7 * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
9 *)
11 (*****************************************************************************)
12 (* Module used to enforce that Enum subclasses are used reasonably.
13 * Exports the Enum type as the type of all constants, checks that constants
14 * have the proper type, and restricts what types can be used for enums.
16 (*****************************************************************************)
17 open Core
18 open Nast
19 open Typing_defs
20 open Utils
22 module SN = Naming_special_names
23 module Phase = Typing_phase
25 let member_type env member_ce =
26 let default_result = member_ce.ce_type in
27 if not member_ce.ce_is_xhp_attr then default_result
28 else match default_result with
29 | _, Tapply (enum_id, _)->
30 (* XHP attribute type transform is necessary to account for
31 * non-first class Enums:
33 * attribute MyEnum x; // declaration: MyEnum
34 * $this->:x; // usage: MyEnumType
36 let maybe_enum = Typing_env.get_class env (snd enum_id) in
37 (match maybe_enum with
38 | None -> default_result
39 | Some tc ->
40 (match Decl_enum.is_enum (tc.tc_pos, tc.tc_name)
41 tc.tc_enum_type tc.tc_ancestors with
42 | None -> default_result
43 | Some (_base, (_, enum_ty), _constraint) ->
44 let ty = (fst default_result), enum_ty in
47 | _ -> default_result
49 (* Check that a type is something that can be used as an array index
50 * (int or string), blowing through typedefs to do it. Takes a function
51 * to call to report the error if it isn't. *)
52 let check_valid_array_key_type f_fail ~allow_any:allow_any env p t =
53 let ety_env = Phase.env_with_self env in
54 let env, (r, t'), trail =
55 Typing_tdef.force_expand_typedef ~ety_env env t in
56 (match t' with
57 | Tprim (Tint | Tstring) -> ()
58 (* Enums have to be valid array keys *)
59 | Tabstract (AKenum _, _) -> ()
60 | Tany when allow_any -> ()
61 | Tany | Tmixed | Tarraykind _ | Tprim _ | Toption _
62 | Tvar _ | Tabstract (_, _) | Tclass (_, _) | Ttuple _ | Tanon (_, _)
63 | Tfun _ | Tunresolved _ | Tobject | Tshape _ ->
64 f_fail p (Reason.to_pos r) (Typing_print.error t') trail);
65 env
67 let enum_check_const ty_exp env (_, (p, _), _) t =
68 (* Constants need to be subtypes of the enum type *)
69 let env = Typing_ops.sub_type p Reason.URenum env ty_exp t in
70 (* Make sure the underlying type of the constant is an int
71 * or a string. This matters because we need to only allow
72 * int and string constants (since only they can be array
73 * indexes). *)
74 (* Need to allow Tany, since we might not have the types *)
75 check_valid_array_key_type
76 Errors.enum_constant_type_bad
77 ~allow_any:true env p t
79 (* If a class is a subclass of Enum<T>, check that the types of all of
80 * the constants are compatible with T.
81 * Also make sure that T is either int, string, or mixed (or an
82 * abstract type that is one of those under the hood), that all
83 * constants are ints or strings when T is mixed, and that any type
84 * hints are compatible with the type. *)
85 let enum_class_check env tc consts const_types =
86 let enum_info_opt =
87 Decl_enum.is_enum (tc.tc_pos, tc.tc_name) tc.tc_enum_type
88 tc.tc_ancestors in
89 match enum_info_opt with
90 | Some (ty_exp, _, ty_constraint) ->
91 let ety_env = Phase.env_with_self env in
92 let env, ty_exp = Phase.localize ~ety_env env ty_exp in
93 let env, (r, ty_exp'), trail =
94 Typing_tdef.force_expand_typedef ~ety_env env ty_exp in
95 (match ty_exp' with
96 (* We disallow first-class enums from being non-exact types, because
97 * a switch on such an enum can lead to very unexpected results,
98 * since switch uses == equality. *)
99 | Tmixed | Tprim Tarraykey when tc.tc_enum_type <> None ->
100 Errors.enum_type_bad (Reason.to_pos r)
101 (Typing_print.error ty_exp') trail
102 (* We disallow typedefs that point to mixed *)
103 | Tmixed when snd ty_exp <> Tmixed ->
104 Errors.enum_type_typedef_mixed (Reason.to_pos r)
105 | Tmixed -> ()
106 | Tprim Tint | Tprim Tstring | Tprim Tarraykey -> ()
107 (* Allow enums in terms of other enums *)
108 | Tabstract (AKenum _, _) -> ()
109 (* Don't tell anyone, but we allow type params too, since there are
110 * Enum subclasses that need to do that *)
111 | Tabstract (AKgeneric _, _) -> ()
112 | Tany | Tarraykind _ | Tprim _ | Toption _ | Tvar _
113 | Tabstract (_, _) | Tclass (_, _) | Ttuple _ | Tanon (_, _)
114 | Tunresolved _ | Tobject | Tfun _ | Tshape _ ->
115 Errors.enum_type_bad (Reason.to_pos r)
116 (Typing_print.error ty_exp') trail);
118 (* Make sure that if a constraint was given that the base type is
119 * actually a subtype of it. *)
120 let env = (match ty_constraint with
121 | Some ty ->
122 let env, ty = Phase.localize ~ety_env env ty in
123 Typing_ops.sub_type tc.tc_pos Reason.URenum_cstr env ty ty_exp
124 | None -> env) in
126 List.fold2_exn ~f:(enum_check_const ty_exp) ~init:env consts const_types
128 | None -> env
130 let get_constant tc (seen, has_default) = function
131 | Default _ -> (seen, true)
132 | Case ((pos, Class_const (CI (_, cls), (_, const))), _) ->
133 if cls <> tc.tc_name then
134 (Errors.enum_switch_wrong_class pos (strip_ns tc.tc_name) (strip_ns cls);
135 (seen, has_default))
136 else
137 (match SMap.get const seen with
138 | None -> (SMap.add const pos seen, has_default)
139 | Some old_pos ->
140 Errors.enum_switch_redundant const old_pos pos;
141 (seen, has_default))
142 | Case ((pos, _), _) ->
143 Errors.enum_switch_not_const pos;
144 (seen, has_default)
146 let check_enum_exhaustiveness pos tc caselist =
147 let (seen, has_default) =
148 List.fold_left ~f:(get_constant tc) ~init:(SMap.empty, false) caselist in
149 let consts = SMap.remove SN.Members.mClass tc.tc_consts in
150 let all_cases_handled = SMap.cardinal seen = SMap.cardinal consts in
151 match (all_cases_handled, has_default) with
152 | false, false ->
153 let const_list = SMap.keys consts in
154 let unhandled =
155 List.filter const_list (function k -> not (SMap.mem k seen)) in
156 Errors.enum_switch_nonexhaustive pos unhandled tc.tc_pos
157 | true, true -> Errors.enum_switch_redundant_default pos tc.tc_pos
158 | _ -> ()