Improvements to hh_show and hh_show_env
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / typing /
1 (**
2 * Copyright (c) 2016, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree. An additional grant
7 * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
9 *)
11 module Env = Typing_env
13 open Tty
15 (*****************************************************************************)
16 (* Logging type inference environment *)
17 (*****************************************************************************)
19 (* Eventual input to Tty.cprint *)
20 let logBuffer = ref []
21 let indentLevel = ref 0
22 let accumulatedLength = ref 0
23 let lnewline () =
24 match !logBuffer with
25 | [] -> ()
26 | _ ->
27 begin
28 cprint ~color_mode:Color_Auto
29 ((Normal White, String.make (2 * !indentLevel) ' ') ::
30 List.rev ((Normal White, "\n") :: !logBuffer));
31 accumulatedLength := 0;
32 logBuffer := []
33 end
35 let lprintf c =
36 Printf.ksprintf (fun s ->
37 let len = String.length s in
38 logBuffer := (c,s) :: !logBuffer;
39 if !accumulatedLength + len > 80
40 then lnewline ()
41 else accumulatedLength := !accumulatedLength + len)
43 let indentEnv message f =
44 lnewline ();
45 lprintf (Normal Yellow) "%s" message;
46 lnewline ();
47 indentLevel := !indentLevel + 1;
48 f ();
49 lnewline ();
50 indentLevel := !indentLevel - 1
52 (* Most recent environment. We only display diffs *)
53 let lastenv =ref (Env.empty TypecheckerOptions.default
54 Relative_path.default None)
55 let iterations: int Pos.Map.t ref = ref Pos.Map.empty
57 (* Log all changes to subst *)
58 let log_subst_diff oldSubst newSubst =
59 indentEnv "subst(changes)" (fun () ->
60 begin
61 IMap.iter (fun n n' ->
62 match IMap.get n oldSubst with
63 | None ->
64 begin
65 lprintf (Bold Green) "#%d: " n;
66 lprintf (Normal Green) "#%d; " n'
67 end
68 | Some n'' ->
69 if n'=n''
70 then ()
71 else
72 begin
73 lprintf (Bold Green) "#%d: " n';
74 lprintf (Normal Green) "#%d; " n'
75 end
76 ) newSubst;
77 IMap.iter (fun n _n' ->
78 if IMap.mem n newSubst then ()
79 else lprintf (Normal Red) "#%d deleted; " n) oldSubst
80 end)
82 (* Log all changes to tenv *)
83 let log_tenv_diff oldEnv newEnv =
84 indentEnv "tenv(changes)" (fun () ->
85 begin
86 IMap.iter (fun n t ->
87 match IMap.get n oldEnv.Env.tenv with
88 | None ->
89 begin
90 lprintf (Bold Green) "#%d: " n;
91 lprintf (Normal Green) "%s; " (Typing_print.full newEnv t)
92 end
93 | Some t' ->
94 if t=t'
95 then ()
96 else
97 begin
98 lprintf (Bold Green) "#%d: " n;
99 lprintf (Normal Green) "%s; " (Typing_print.full newEnv t')
101 ) newEnv.Env.tenv;
102 IMap.iter (fun n _ ->
103 if IMap.mem n newEnv.Env.tenv then ()
104 else lprintf (Normal Red) "#%d deleted; " n) oldEnv.Env.tenv
105 end)
107 (* Dump the diff between oldEnv and newEnv. TODO: lenv component *)
108 let log_env_diff oldEnv newEnv =
109 begin
110 log_subst_diff oldEnv.Env.subst newEnv.Env.subst;
111 log_tenv_diff oldEnv newEnv;
112 lnewline ()
115 let rec log_type_list env tyl =
116 match tyl with
117 | [] -> ()
118 | [ty] ->
119 lprintf (Normal Green) "%s" (Typing_print.debug_with_tvars env ty)
120 | ty::tyl ->
121 lprintf (Normal Green) "%s, " (Typing_print.debug_with_tvars env ty);
122 log_type_list env tyl
124 let log_local_types env =
125 let lenv = env.Env.lenv in
126 let local_types = lenv.Env.local_types in
127 indentEnv "local_types" (fun () ->
128 Local_id.Map.iter begin fun id (all_types, new_type, expr_id) ->
129 lnewline();
130 lprintf (Bold Green) "%s: " (Local_id.get_name id);
131 lprintf (Normal Green) "%s" (Typing_print.debug_with_tvars env new_type);
132 lprintf (Normal Green) " [history: ";
133 log_type_list env all_types;
134 lprintf (Normal Green) "] [eid: %s]" (Ident.debug expr_id) end
135 local_types)
137 let log_tpenv env =
138 let tparams = Env.get_generic_parameters env in
139 if tparams != [] then
140 indentEnv "tpenv" (fun () ->
141 List.iter begin fun tparam ->
142 let lower = Env.get_lower_bounds env tparam in
143 let upper = Env.get_upper_bounds env tparam in
144 lnewline ();
145 (if lower != []
146 then (log_type_list env lower; lprintf (Normal Green) " <: "));
147 lprintf (Bold Green) "%s" tparam;
148 (if upper != []
149 then (lprintf (Normal Green) " <: "; log_type_list env upper))
150 end tparams)
152 let log_fake_members env =
153 let lenv = env.Env.lenv in
154 let fakes = lenv.Env.fake_members in
155 indentEnv "fake_members" (fun () ->
156 (match fakes.Env.last_call with
157 | None -> ()
158 | Some p ->
159 begin
160 lprintf (Normal Green) "last_call: %s" (Pos.string (Pos.to_absolute p));
161 lnewline ()
162 end);
163 lprintf (Normal Green) "invalid:";
164 SSet.iter (lprintf (Normal Green) " %s") fakes.Env.invalid ;
165 lnewline ();
166 lprintf (Normal Green) "valid:";
167 SSet.iter (lprintf (Normal Green) " %s") fakes.Env.valid;
168 lnewline ())
170 let log_position p =
171 let n =
172 match Pos.Map.get p !iterations with
173 | None -> iterations := Pos.Map.add p 1 !iterations; 1
174 | Some n -> iterations := Pos.Map.add p (n+1) !iterations; n+1 in
175 indentEnv (Pos.string (Pos.to_absolute p)
176 ^ (if n = 1 then "" else "[" ^ string_of_int n ^ "]"))
178 (* Log the environment: local_types, subst, tenv and tpenv *)
179 let hh_show_env p env =
180 log_position p
181 (fun () ->
182 log_local_types env;
183 log_fake_members env;
184 log_env_diff (!lastenv) env;
185 log_tpenv env);
186 lastenv := env
188 (* Log the type of an expression *)
189 let hh_show p env ty =
190 let s = Typing_print.debug env ty in
191 log_position p
192 (fun () ->
193 lprintf (Normal Green) "%s" s; lnewline ())