kill unsafe
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / options /
1 (**
2 * Copyright (c) 2015, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
8 *)
10 type t = {
11 tco_safe_array : bool;
12 tco_safe_vector_array : bool;
13 tco_experimental_features : SSet.t;
14 tco_migration_flags : SSet.t;
15 tco_dynamic_view : bool;
16 tco_disallow_array_as_tuple : bool;
17 po_auto_namespace_map : (string * string) list;
18 po_codegen : bool;
19 po_deregister_php_stdlib : bool;
20 po_disallow_execution_operator : bool;
21 po_disable_nontoplevel_declarations : bool;
22 po_disable_static_closures : bool;
23 po_allow_goto: bool;
24 tco_log_inference_constraints : bool;
25 tco_disallow_ambiguous_lambda : bool;
26 tco_disallow_array_typehint: bool;
27 tco_disallow_array_literal: bool;
28 tco_language_feature_logging : bool;
29 tco_unsafe_rx : bool;
30 tco_disallow_implicit_returns_in_non_void_functions : bool;
31 tco_disallow_unset_on_varray: bool;
32 tco_disallow_scrutinee_case_value_type_mismatch : bool;
33 tco_disallow_stringish_magic : bool;
34 tco_new_inference_lambda : bool;
35 tco_timeout : int;
36 tco_disallow_invalid_arraykey : bool;
37 tco_disable_instanceof_refinement : bool;
38 tco_disallow_byref_dynamic_calls : bool;
39 po_disable_instanceof : bool;
40 ignored_fixme_codes : ISet.t;
41 ignored_fixme_regex : string option;
42 log_levels : int SMap.t;
43 po_disable_lval_as_an_expression : bool;
44 tco_typecheck_xhp_cvars : bool;
45 tco_ignore_collection_expr_type_arguments : bool;
46 tco_shallow_class_decl : bool;
47 po_rust : bool;
48 tco_like_types : bool;
49 tco_pessimize_types : bool;
50 tco_coercion_from_dynamic : bool;
51 tco_disable_partially_abstract_typeconsts: bool;
52 error_codes_treated_strictly : ISet.t;
53 tco_check_xhp_attribute : bool;
54 tco_disallow_unresolved_type_variables : bool;
55 tco_disallow_invalid_arraykey_constraint : bool;
56 } [@@deriving show]
58 let tco_experimental_instanceof = "instanceof"
60 let tco_experimental_isarray = "is_array"
62 let tco_experimental_goto = "goto"
64 (**
65 * Prevents arraus from being promoted to shape-like or tuple-like arrays.
67 let tco_experimental_disable_shape_and_tuple_arrays =
68 "disable_shape_and_tuple_arrays"
70 (* Whether Shapes::idx should return a non-nullable type when the input shape
71 is known to contain the field. *)
72 let tco_experimental_stronger_shape_idx_ret =
73 "stronger_shape_idx_return"
75 (* Whether subtype assertions of form Tunion[] <: t should be added to
76 * todo list and checked later (usually generated from contravariant types) *)
77 let tco_experimental_unresolved_fix =
78 "unresolved_fix"
80 (**
81 * Allows parsing type hints for function calls, such as foo<int>(args);.
83 let tco_experimental_annotate_function_calls =
84 "annotate_function_calls"
86 (**
87 * Insist on instantiations for all generic types, even in non-strict files
89 let tco_experimental_generics_arity =
90 "generics_arity"
92 (**
93 * Forbid casting nullable values, since they have unexpected semantics. For
94 * example, casting `null` to an int results in `0`, which may or may not be
95 * what you were expecting.
97 let tco_experimental_forbid_nullable_cast = "forbid_nullable_cast"
100 * Disallow static memoized functions in non-final classes
103 let tco_experimental_disallow_static_memoized = "disallow_static_memoized"
105 * Allows parsing of coroutine functions/suspend operator
107 let tco_experimental_coroutines =
108 "coroutines"
111 * Enforce no duplication of traits in a class hierarchy. There is some clean-up
112 * involved, so it's behind a flag.
114 let tco_experimental_no_trait_reuse = "no_trait_reuse"
117 * Enable reified generics
119 let tco_experimental_reified_generics = "reified_generics"
122 * Prevent type param names from shadowing class names
124 let tco_experimental_type_param_shadowing = "type_param_shadowing"
127 * Enable trait method redeclarations, i.e. public function f(): void = T1::f;
129 let tco_experimental_trait_method_redeclarations = "trait_method_redeclarations"
132 * Enable attributes on type constants
134 let tco_experimental_type_const_attributes = "type_const_attributes"
137 * Enable declaration linearization
139 let tco_experimental_decl_linearization = "decl_linearization"
142 * Enable keeping track of the current subtype proposition in the environment.
144 let tco_experimental_track_subtype_prop = "track_subtype_prop"
147 * Enable support for the Pocket Universes
149 let tco_experimental_pocket_universes = "pocket_universes"
152 * Enable abstract const type with default syntax, i.e.
153 * abstract const type T as num = int;
155 let tco_experimental_abstract_type_const_with_default = "abstract_type_const_with_default"
157 let tco_experimental_all =
158 SSet.empty |> List.fold_right SSet.add
160 tco_experimental_instanceof;
161 tco_experimental_isarray;
162 tco_experimental_goto;
163 tco_experimental_disable_shape_and_tuple_arrays;
164 tco_experimental_stronger_shape_idx_ret;
165 tco_experimental_annotate_function_calls;
166 tco_experimental_unresolved_fix;
167 tco_experimental_generics_arity;
168 tco_experimental_forbid_nullable_cast;
169 tco_experimental_coroutines;
170 tco_experimental_disallow_static_memoized;
171 tco_experimental_no_trait_reuse;
172 tco_experimental_reified_generics;
173 tco_experimental_trait_method_redeclarations;
174 tco_experimental_type_const_attributes;
175 tco_experimental_decl_linearization;
176 tco_experimental_track_subtype_prop;
177 tco_experimental_abstract_type_const_with_default;
180 let tco_migration_flags_all =
181 SSet.empty |> List.fold_right SSet.add
183 "array_cast"
186 let default = {
187 tco_safe_array = true;
188 tco_safe_vector_array = true;
189 (** Default all features for testing. Actual options are set by reading
190 * from hhconfig, which defaults to empty. *)
191 tco_experimental_features = tco_experimental_all;
192 tco_migration_flags = SSet.empty;
193 tco_dynamic_view = false;
194 tco_disallow_array_as_tuple = false;
195 po_auto_namespace_map = [];
196 po_codegen = false;
197 po_disallow_execution_operator = false;
198 po_deregister_php_stdlib = false;
199 po_disable_nontoplevel_declarations = false;
200 po_disable_static_closures = false;
201 po_allow_goto = true;
202 tco_log_inference_constraints = false;
203 tco_disallow_ambiguous_lambda = false;
204 tco_disallow_array_typehint = false;
205 tco_disallow_array_literal = false;
206 tco_language_feature_logging = false;
207 tco_unsafe_rx = true;
208 tco_disallow_implicit_returns_in_non_void_functions = true;
209 tco_disallow_unset_on_varray = false;
210 tco_disallow_scrutinee_case_value_type_mismatch = false;
211 tco_disallow_stringish_magic = false;
212 tco_new_inference_lambda = false;
213 tco_timeout = 0;
214 tco_disallow_invalid_arraykey = false;
215 tco_disable_instanceof_refinement = false;
216 tco_disallow_byref_dynamic_calls = false;
217 po_disable_instanceof = false;
218 ignored_fixme_codes = Errors.default_ignored_fixme_codes;
219 ignored_fixme_regex = None;
220 log_levels = SMap.empty;
221 po_disable_lval_as_an_expression = false;
222 tco_typecheck_xhp_cvars = false;
223 tco_ignore_collection_expr_type_arguments = false;
224 tco_shallow_class_decl = false;
225 po_rust = false;
226 tco_like_types = false;
227 tco_pessimize_types = false;
228 tco_coercion_from_dynamic = false;
229 tco_disable_partially_abstract_typeconsts = false;
230 error_codes_treated_strictly = ISet.of_list [];
231 tco_check_xhp_attribute = false;
232 tco_disallow_unresolved_type_variables = false;
233 tco_disallow_invalid_arraykey_constraint = false;
236 let make
237 ?(tco_safe_array = default.tco_safe_array)
238 ?(tco_safe_vector_array = default.tco_safe_vector_array)
239 ?(po_deregister_php_stdlib = default.po_deregister_php_stdlib)
240 ?(po_disallow_execution_operator = default.po_disallow_execution_operator)
241 ?(po_disable_nontoplevel_declarations = default.po_disable_nontoplevel_declarations)
242 ?(po_disable_static_closures = default.po_disable_static_closures)
243 ?(po_allow_goto = default.po_allow_goto)
244 ?(tco_log_inference_constraints = default.tco_log_inference_constraints)
245 ?(tco_experimental_features = default.tco_experimental_features)
246 ?(tco_migration_flags = default.tco_migration_flags)
247 ?(tco_dynamic_view = default.tco_dynamic_view)
248 ?(tco_disallow_array_as_tuple = default.tco_disallow_array_as_tuple)
249 ?(po_auto_namespace_map = default.po_auto_namespace_map)
250 ?(tco_disallow_ambiguous_lambda = default.tco_disallow_ambiguous_lambda)
251 ?(tco_disallow_array_typehint = default.tco_disallow_array_typehint)
252 ?(tco_disallow_array_literal = default.tco_disallow_array_literal)
253 ?(tco_language_feature_logging = default.tco_language_feature_logging)
254 ?(tco_unsafe_rx = default.tco_unsafe_rx)
255 ?(tco_disallow_implicit_returns_in_non_void_functions = default.tco_disallow_implicit_returns_in_non_void_functions)
256 ?(tco_disallow_unset_on_varray = default.tco_disallow_unset_on_varray)
257 ?(tco_disallow_scrutinee_case_value_type_mismatch = default.tco_disallow_scrutinee_case_value_type_mismatch)
258 ?(tco_disallow_stringish_magic = default.tco_disallow_stringish_magic)
259 ?(tco_new_inference_lambda = default.tco_new_inference_lambda)
260 ?(tco_timeout = default.tco_timeout)
261 ?(tco_disallow_invalid_arraykey = default.tco_disallow_invalid_arraykey)
262 ?(tco_disable_instanceof_refinement = default.tco_disable_instanceof_refinement)
263 ?(tco_disallow_byref_dynamic_calls = default.tco_disallow_byref_dynamic_calls)
264 ?(po_disable_instanceof = default.po_disable_instanceof)
265 ?(ignored_fixme_codes = default.ignored_fixme_codes)
266 ?ignored_fixme_regex
267 ?(log_levels = default.log_levels)
268 ?(po_disable_lval_as_an_expression = default.po_disable_lval_as_an_expression)
269 ?(tco_typecheck_xhp_cvars = default.tco_typecheck_xhp_cvars)
270 ?(tco_ignore_collection_expr_type_arguments = default.tco_ignore_collection_expr_type_arguments)
271 ?(tco_shallow_class_decl = default.tco_shallow_class_decl)
272 ?(po_rust = default.po_rust)
273 ?(tco_like_types = default.tco_like_types)
274 ?(tco_pessimize_types = default.tco_pessimize_types)
275 ?(tco_coercion_from_dynamic = default.tco_coercion_from_dynamic)
276 ?(tco_disable_partially_abstract_typeconsts = default.tco_disable_partially_abstract_typeconsts)
277 ?(error_codes_treated_strictly = default.error_codes_treated_strictly)
278 ?(tco_check_xhp_attribute = default.tco_check_xhp_attribute)
279 ?(tco_disallow_unresolved_type_variables = default.tco_disallow_unresolved_type_variables)
280 ?(tco_disallow_invalid_arraykey_constraint = default.tco_disallow_invalid_arraykey_constraint)
283 tco_safe_array;
284 tco_safe_vector_array;
285 tco_experimental_features;
286 tco_migration_flags;
287 tco_dynamic_view;
288 tco_disallow_array_as_tuple;
289 po_auto_namespace_map;
290 po_codegen = false;
291 ignored_fixme_codes;
292 ignored_fixme_regex;
293 po_deregister_php_stdlib;
294 po_disallow_execution_operator;
295 po_disable_nontoplevel_declarations;
296 po_disable_static_closures;
297 po_allow_goto;
298 tco_log_inference_constraints;
299 tco_disallow_ambiguous_lambda;
300 tco_disallow_array_typehint;
301 tco_disallow_array_literal;
302 tco_language_feature_logging;
303 tco_unsafe_rx;
304 tco_disallow_implicit_returns_in_non_void_functions;
305 tco_disallow_unset_on_varray;
306 tco_disallow_scrutinee_case_value_type_mismatch;
307 tco_disallow_stringish_magic;
308 tco_new_inference_lambda;
309 tco_timeout;
310 tco_disallow_invalid_arraykey;
311 tco_disable_instanceof_refinement;
312 tco_disallow_byref_dynamic_calls;
313 po_disable_instanceof;
314 log_levels;
315 po_disable_lval_as_an_expression;
316 tco_typecheck_xhp_cvars;
317 tco_ignore_collection_expr_type_arguments;
318 tco_shallow_class_decl;
319 po_rust;
320 tco_like_types;
321 tco_pessimize_types;
322 tco_coercion_from_dynamic;
323 tco_disable_partially_abstract_typeconsts;
324 error_codes_treated_strictly;
325 tco_check_xhp_attribute;
326 tco_disallow_unresolved_type_variables;
327 tco_disallow_invalid_arraykey_constraint;
329 let tco_safe_array t = t.tco_safe_array
330 let tco_safe_vector_array t = t.tco_safe_vector_array
331 let tco_experimental_feature_enabled t s =
332 SSet.mem s t.tco_experimental_features
333 let tco_migration_flag_enabled t s =
334 SSet.mem s t.tco_migration_flags
335 let tco_dynamic_view t =
336 t.tco_dynamic_view
337 let tco_disallow_array_as_tuple t =
338 t.tco_disallow_array_as_tuple
339 let po_auto_namespace_map t = t.po_auto_namespace_map
340 let po_deregister_php_stdlib t = t.po_deregister_php_stdlib
341 let po_disable_nontoplevel_declarations t = t.po_disable_nontoplevel_declarations
342 let po_disable_static_closures t = t.po_disable_static_closures
343 let po_allow_goto t = t.po_allow_goto
344 let tco_log_inference_constraints t = t.tco_log_inference_constraints
345 let po_codegen t = t.po_codegen
346 let po_disallow_execution_operator t = t.po_disallow_execution_operator
347 let tco_disallow_ambiguous_lambda t = t.tco_disallow_ambiguous_lambda
348 let tco_disallow_array_typehint t = t.tco_disallow_array_typehint
349 let tco_disallow_array_literal t = t.tco_disallow_array_literal
350 let tco_language_feature_logging t = t.tco_language_feature_logging
351 let tco_unsafe_rx t = t.tco_unsafe_rx
352 let tco_disallow_implicit_returns_in_non_void_functions t =
353 t.tco_disallow_implicit_returns_in_non_void_functions
354 let tco_disallow_unset_on_varray t = t.tco_disallow_unset_on_varray
355 let tco_disallow_scrutinee_case_value_type_mismatch t =
356 t.tco_disallow_scrutinee_case_value_type_mismatch
357 let tco_disallow_stringish_magic t = t.tco_disallow_stringish_magic
358 let tco_new_inference_lambda t = t.tco_new_inference_lambda
359 let tco_timeout t = t.tco_timeout
360 let tco_disallow_invalid_arraykey t = t.tco_disallow_invalid_arraykey
361 let tco_disallow_invalid_arraykey_constraint t = t.tco_disallow_invalid_arraykey_constraint
362 let tco_disable_instanceof_refinement t = t.tco_disable_instanceof_refinement
363 let tco_disallow_byref_dynamic_calls t = t.tco_disallow_byref_dynamic_calls
364 let po_disable_instanceof t = t.po_disable_instanceof
365 let ignored_fixme_codes t = t.ignored_fixme_codes
366 let ignored_fixme_regex t = t.ignored_fixme_regex
367 let log_levels t = t.log_levels
368 let po_disable_lval_as_an_expression t = t.po_disable_lval_as_an_expression
369 let tco_typecheck_xhp_cvars t = t.tco_typecheck_xhp_cvars
370 let tco_shallow_class_decl t = t.tco_shallow_class_decl
371 let po_rust t = t.po_rust
372 let tco_like_types t = t.tco_like_types
373 let tco_pessimize_types t = t.tco_pessimize_types
374 let tco_coercion_from_dynamic t = t.tco_coercion_from_dynamic
375 let tco_disable_partially_abstract_typeconsts t = t.tco_disable_partially_abstract_typeconsts
376 let error_codes_treated_strictly t = t.error_codes_treated_strictly
378 let tco_ignore_collection_expr_type_arguments t = t.tco_ignore_collection_expr_type_arguments
380 let tco_check_xhp_attribute t = t.tco_check_xhp_attribute
382 let tco_disallow_unresolved_type_variables t = t.tco_disallow_unresolved_type_variables
384 let setup_pocket_universes env enabled =
385 let exp_features = env.tco_experimental_features in
386 let exp_features = if enabled then
387 SSet.add tco_experimental_pocket_universes exp_features
388 else
389 SSet.remove tco_experimental_pocket_universes exp_features
390 in { env with tco_experimental_features = exp_features }