Invalidate specific decls before IDE queries
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / client / ide_service /
1 (*
2 * Copyright (c) 2019, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
8 *)
10 open Core_kernel
12 type message =
13 | Message: 'a ClientIdeMessage.t -> message
14 type message_queue = message Lwt_message_queue.t
16 type state =
17 | Initializing
18 | Failed_to_initialize of string
19 | Initialized of {
20 saved_state_info: Saved_state_loader.Naming_table_saved_state_info.t;
21 hhi_root: Path.t;
22 server_env: ServerEnv.env;
23 changed_files_to_process: Path.Set.t;
25 type t = {
26 message_queue: message_queue;
27 state: state;
30 let log s =
31 Hh_logger.log ("[ide-daemon] " ^^ s)
33 let set_up_hh_logger_for_client_ide_service ~(root: Path.t): unit =
34 (* Log to a file on disk. Note that calls to `Hh_logger` will always write to
35 `stderr`; this is in addition to that. *)
36 let client_ide_log_fn = (ServerFiles.client_ide_log root) in
37 begin try
38 Sys.rename client_ide_log_fn (client_ide_log_fn ^ ".old")
39 with _e ->
41 end;
42 Hh_logger.set_log client_ide_log_fn (Out_channel.create
43 client_ide_log_fn
44 ~append:true
46 EventLogger.init EventLogger.Event_logger_fake 0.0;
47 log "Starting client IDE service at %s" client_ide_log_fn
49 let load_naming_table_from_saved_state_info
50 (server_env: ServerEnv.env)
51 (saved_state_info: Saved_state_loader.Naming_table_saved_state_info.t)
52 : ServerEnv.env Lwt.t =
53 let path =
54 Saved_state_loader.Naming_table_saved_state_info.(Path.to_string
55 saved_state_info.naming_table_path) in
56 let naming_table = Naming_table.load_from_sqlite
57 ~update_reverse_entries:false
58 path
60 log "Loaded naming table from SQLite database at %s" path;
61 let server_env = { server_env with ServerEnv.naming_table } in
62 Lwt.return server_env
64 let load_saved_state
65 (env: ServerEnv.env)
66 ~(root: Path.t)
67 ~(hhi_root: Path.t)
68 ~(naming_table_saved_state_path: Path.t option)
69 : state Lwt.t =
70 log "[saved-state] Starting load in root %s" (Path.to_string root);
71 let%lwt result =
72 try%lwt
73 let%lwt result = match naming_table_saved_state_path with
74 | Some naming_table_saved_state_path ->
75 (* Assume that there are no changed files on disk if we're getting
76 passed the path to the saved-state directly, and that the saved-state
77 corresponds to the current state of the world. *)
78 let changed_files = [] in
79 Lwt.return_ok ({ Saved_state_loader.Naming_table_saved_state_info.
80 naming_table_path = naming_table_saved_state_path;
81 }, changed_files)
82 | None ->
83 let%lwt result = State_loader_lwt.load
84 ~repo:root
85 ~saved_state_type:Saved_state_loader.Naming_table in
86 Lwt.return result
88 let%lwt new_state = match result with
89 | Ok (saved_state_info, changed_files) ->
90 log "[saved-state] Naming table path: %s"
91 Saved_state_loader.Naming_table_saved_state_info.(Path.to_string
92 saved_state_info.naming_table_path);
94 let%lwt server_env = load_naming_table_from_saved_state_info
95 env saved_state_info in
96 log "[saved-state] Load succeeded";
98 Lwt.return (Initialized {
99 saved_state_info;
100 hhi_root;
101 server_env;
102 changed_files_to_process = Path.Set.of_list changed_files;
104 | Error load_error ->
105 let message = Saved_state_loader.load_error_to_string load_error in
106 log "[saved-state] %s" message;
107 Lwt.return (Failed_to_initialize message)
109 Lwt.return new_state
110 with e ->
111 let stack = Printexc.get_backtrace () in
112 Hh_logger.exc e
113 ~prefix:"Uncaught exception in client IDE services"
114 ~stack;
115 Lwt.return (Failed_to_initialize (Printf.sprintf
116 "Uncaught exception in client IDE services: %s" stack))
118 Lwt.return result
120 let initialize
121 ({ ClientIdeMessage.Initialize_from_saved_state.
122 root;
123 naming_table_saved_state_path;
124 }: ClientIdeMessage.Initialize_from_saved_state.t) =
125 set_up_hh_logger_for_client_ide_service ~root;
127 Relative_path.set_path_prefix Relative_path.Root root;
128 let hhi_root = Hhi.get_hhi_root () in
129 log "Extracted hhi files to directory %s" (Path.to_string hhi_root);
130 Relative_path.set_path_prefix Relative_path.Hhi hhi_root;
131 Relative_path.set_path_prefix Relative_path.Tmp (Path.make "/tmp");
133 let server_args = ServerArgs.default_options ~root:(Path.to_string root) in
134 let (server_config, server_local_config) = ServerConfig.load
135 ServerConfig.filename server_args in
137 (* NOTE: We don't want to depend on shared memory in the long-term, since
138 we're only running one process and don't need to share memory with anyone. To
139 remove the shared memory usage here requires refactoring our heaps to never
140 write to shared memory. *)
141 let _: SharedMem.handle = SharedMem.init
142 ~num_workers:0
143 (ServerConfig.sharedmem_config server_config)
145 let bytes_per_word = Sys.word_size / 8 in
146 let words_per_mb = 1_000_000 / bytes_per_word in
147 let max_size_in_words = 250 * words_per_mb in
148 Provider_config.set_local_memory_backend ~max_size_in_words;
150 let genv = ServerEnvBuild.make_genv
151 server_args
152 server_config
153 server_local_config
154 [] (* no workers *)
155 None (* no lru_workers *)
157 let server_env = ServerEnvBuild.make_env genv.ServerEnv.config in
158 (* We need shallow class declarations so that we can invalidate individual
159 members in a class hierarchy. *)
160 let server_env = {
161 server_env with
162 ServerEnv.tcopt = {
163 server_env.ServerEnv.tcopt with
164 GlobalOptions.tco_shallow_class_decl = true
166 } in
168 GlobalParserOptions.set server_env.ServerEnv.popt;
169 GlobalNamingOptions.set server_env.ServerEnv.tcopt;
171 (* Use server_config to modify server_env with the correct symbol index *)
172 let namespace_map = GlobalOptions.po_auto_namespace_map server_env.ServerEnv.tcopt in
173 let sienv = SymbolIndex.initialize
174 ~globalrev_opt:None
175 ~namespace_map
176 ~provider_name:server_local_config.ServerLocalConfig.symbolindex_search_provider
177 ~quiet:server_local_config.ServerLocalConfig.symbolindex_quiet
178 ~savedstate_file_opt:server_local_config.ServerLocalConfig.symbolindex_file
179 ~workers:None in
180 let sienv = {
181 sienv with
182 SearchUtils.sie_log_timings = true;
183 } in
184 let server_env = {
185 server_env with
186 ServerEnv.local_symbol_table = ref sienv;
187 } in
189 let%lwt new_state = load_saved_state server_env
190 ~root ~hhi_root ~naming_table_saved_state_path in
191 log "Serverless IDE has completed initialization";
192 Lwt.return new_state
194 let shutdown (state: state): unit Lwt.t =
195 match state with
196 | Initializing
197 | Failed_to_initialize _ ->
198 log "No cleanup to be done";
199 Lwt.return_unit
200 | Initialized { hhi_root; _ } ->
201 let hhi_root = Path.to_string hhi_root in
202 log "Removing hhi directory %s..." hhi_root;
203 Sys_utils.rm_dir_tree hhi_root;
204 Lwt.return_unit
206 let make_context_from_document_location
207 (server_env: ServerEnv.env)
208 (document_location: ClientIdeMessage.document_location)
209 : (Provider_context.t * Provider_context.entry) =
210 let (file_path, file_input) = match document_location with
211 | { ClientIdeMessage.file_contents = None; file_path; _ } ->
212 let file_input =
213 ServerCommandTypes.FileName (Path.to_string file_path) in
214 (file_path, file_input)
215 | { ClientIdeMessage.file_contents = Some file_contents; file_path; _ } ->
216 let file_input = ServerCommandTypes.FileContent file_contents in
217 (file_path, file_input)
219 let file_path = file_path
220 |> Path.to_string
221 |> Relative_path.create_detect_prefix in
222 Provider_utils.update_context
223 ~ctx:(Provider_context.empty ~tcopt:server_env.ServerEnv.tcopt)
224 ~path:file_path
225 ~file_input
227 module Handle_message_result = struct
228 type 'a t =
229 | Notification
230 | Response of 'a
231 | Error of string
234 let handle_message: type a.
235 state ->
236 a ClientIdeMessage.t ->
237 (state * a Handle_message_result.t) Lwt.t =
238 fun state message ->
239 let open ClientIdeMessage in
240 match (state, message) with
241 | (state, Shutdown ()) ->
242 let%lwt () = shutdown state in
243 Lwt.return (state, Handle_message_result.Response ())
245 | ((Failed_to_initialize _ | Initializing), File_changed _) ->
246 (* Should not happen. *)
247 Lwt.return (state, Handle_message_result.Error (
248 "IDE services could not process file change because " ^
249 "it failed to initialize or was still initializing. The caller " ^
250 "should have waited for the IDE services to become ready before " ^
251 "sending file-change notifications."
253 | (Initialized ({
254 changed_files_to_process;
256 } as state), File_changed path) ->
257 let changed_files_to_process = Path.Set.add changed_files_to_process path in
258 let state = Initialized { state with changed_files_to_process } in
259 Lwt.return (state, Handle_message_result.Notification)
261 | (Initializing, Initialize_from_saved_state param) ->
262 let%lwt new_state = initialize param in
263 Lwt.return (new_state, Handle_message_result.Response ())
264 | (Initialized _, Initialize_from_saved_state _) ->
265 Lwt.return (state, Handle_message_result.Error
266 "Tried to initialize when already initialized")
268 | (Initializing, _) ->
269 Lwt.return (state, Handle_message_result.Error
270 "IDE services have not yet been initialized")
271 | (Failed_to_initialize error_message, _) ->
272 Lwt.return (state, Handle_message_result.Error (Printf.sprintf
273 "IDE services failed to initialize: %s" error_message))
275 | (Initialized { server_env; _ }, Hover document_location) ->
276 let (ctx, entry) =
277 make_context_from_document_location server_env document_location in
278 let result = Provider_utils.with_context ~ctx ~f:(fun () ->
279 ServerHover.go_ctx
280 ~ctx
281 ~entry
282 ~line:document_location.ClientIdeMessage.line
283 ~column:document_location.ClientIdeMessage.column
284 ) in
285 Lwt.return (state, Handle_message_result.Response result)
287 (* Autocomplete *)
288 | (Initialized { server_env; _ },
289 Completion { ClientIdeMessage.Completion.
290 document_location = { ClientIdeMessage.
291 file_path;
292 file_contents;
293 line;
294 column;
296 is_manually_invoked;
297 }) ->
298 let path = file_path
299 |> Path.to_string
300 |> Relative_path.create_detect_prefix in
301 let file_content = match file_contents with
302 | Some file_contents ->
303 file_contents
304 | None ->
305 file_path
306 |> Path.to_string
307 |> Sys_utils.cat_no_fail
309 let sienv = !(server_env.ServerEnv.local_symbol_table) in
310 let matches = ServerAutoComplete.auto_complete_at_position_ctx
311 ~line
312 ~column
313 ~file_content
314 ~path
315 ~tcopt:server_env.ServerEnv.tcopt
316 ~sienv
317 ~is_manually_invoked
319 let result = { AutocompleteTypes.
320 completions = matches.Utils.With_complete_flag.value;
321 char_at_pos = ' ';
322 is_complete = matches.Utils.With_complete_flag.is_complete;
323 } in
324 Lwt.return (state, Handle_message_result.Response result)
326 (* Autocomplete docblock resolve *)
327 | (Initialized { server_env; _ }, Completion_resolve param) ->
328 let open ClientIdeMessage.Completion_resolve in
329 let start_time = Unix.gettimeofday () in
330 let result = ServerDocblockAt.go_docblock_for_symbol
331 ~env:server_env
332 ~symbol:param.symbol
333 ~kind:param.kind
335 let sienv = !(server_env.ServerEnv.local_symbol_table) in
336 if sienv.SearchUtils.sie_log_timings then begin
337 let _t: float =
338 Hh_logger.log_duration (Printf.sprintf "[docblock] Search for [%s] [%s]"
339 param.symbol (SearchUtils.show_si_kind param.kind)) start_time in
341 end;
342 Lwt.return (state, Handle_message_result.Response result)
344 (* Document highlighting *)
345 | (Initialized { server_env; _ }, Document_highlight document_location) ->
346 let (ctx, entry) =
347 make_context_from_document_location server_env document_location in
348 let results = Provider_utils.with_context ~ctx ~f:(fun () ->
349 ServerHighlightRefs.go_ctx
350 ~ctx
351 ~entry
352 ~line:document_location.line
353 ~column:document_location.column
354 ~tcopt:server_env.ServerEnv.tcopt
355 ) in
356 Lwt.return (state, Handle_message_result.Response results)
358 | (Initialized { server_env; _ }, Definition document_location) ->
359 let (ctx, entry) =
360 make_context_from_document_location server_env document_location in
361 let result = Provider_utils.with_context ~ctx ~f:(fun () ->
362 ServerGoToDefinition.go_ctx
363 ~ctx
364 ~entry
365 ~line:document_location.ClientIdeMessage.line
366 ~column:document_location.ClientIdeMessage.column
367 ) in
368 Lwt.return (state, Handle_message_result.Response result)
370 (* Type Definition *)
371 | (Initialized { server_env; _ }, Type_definition document_location) ->
372 let (ctx, entry) =
373 make_context_from_document_location server_env document_location in
374 let result = Provider_utils.with_context ~ctx ~f:(fun () ->
375 ServerTypeDefinition.go_ctx
376 ~ctx
377 ~entry
378 ~line:document_location.ClientIdeMessage.line
379 ~column:document_location.ClientIdeMessage.column
380 ) in
381 Lwt.return (state, Handle_message_result.Response result)
383 let write_message
384 ~(out_fd: Lwt_unix.file_descr)
385 ~(message: ClientIdeMessage.message_from_daemon)
386 : unit Lwt.t =
387 let%lwt _: int =
388 Marshal_tools_lwt.to_fd_with_preamble out_fd message in
389 Lwt.return_unit
391 let serve
392 (type a)
393 ~(in_fd: Lwt_unix.file_descr)
394 ~(out_fd: Lwt_unix.file_descr)
395 : unit Lwt.t =
396 let rec pump_message_queue (message_queue: message_queue): unit Lwt.t =
397 try%lwt
398 let%lwt (message: a ClientIdeMessage.t) =
399 Marshal_tools_lwt.from_fd_with_preamble in_fd in
400 let is_queue_open =
401 Lwt_message_queue.push message_queue (Message message) in
402 match message with
403 | ClientIdeMessage.Shutdown () ->
404 Lwt.return_unit
405 | _ when not is_queue_open ->
406 Lwt.return_unit
407 | _ ->
408 pump_message_queue message_queue
409 with e ->
410 let e = Exception.wrap e in
411 Lwt_message_queue.close message_queue;
412 Exception.reraise e
415 let rec handle_messages (t: t): unit Lwt.t =
416 match t with
417 | { message_queue;
418 state = Initialized ({ server_env; changed_files_to_process; _ }
419 as state); }
420 when (Lwt_message_queue.is_empty message_queue)
421 && not (Lwt_unix.readable in_fd)
422 && not (Path.Set.is_empty changed_files_to_process) ->
423 (* Process the next file change, but only if we have no new events to
424 handle. To ensure correctness, we would have to actually process all file
425 change events *before* we processed any other IDE queries. However, we're
426 trying to maximize availability, even if occasionally we give stale
427 results. We can revisit this trade-off later if we decide that the stale
428 results are baffling users. *)
429 let next_file = Path.Set.choose changed_files_to_process in
430 let changed_files_to_process =
431 Path.Set.remove changed_files_to_process next_file in
432 let%lwt server_env =
433 ClientIdeIncremental.process_changed_file server_env next_file in
434 let%lwt () =
435 if Path.Set.is_empty changed_files_to_process
436 then
437 let message = ClientIdeMessage.(Notification Done_processing) in
438 let%lwt () = write_message ~out_fd ~message in
439 Lwt.return_unit
440 else
441 Lwt.return_unit
443 let state = Initialized {
444 state with
445 server_env;
446 changed_files_to_process;
447 } in
448 handle_messages { t with state }
450 | t ->
451 let%lwt message = Lwt_message_queue.pop t.message_queue in
452 match message with
453 | None ->
454 Lwt.return_unit
455 | Some (Message message) ->
456 let%lwt state =
457 try%lwt
458 let%lwt (state, response) = handle_message t.state message in
459 match response with
460 | Handle_message_result.Notification ->
461 (* No response needed for notifications. *)
462 Lwt.return state
463 | Handle_message_result.Response response ->
464 let response = ClientIdeMessage.Response (Ok response) in
465 let%lwt () = write_message ~out_fd ~message:response in
466 Lwt.return state
467 | Handle_message_result.Error message ->
468 let response = ClientIdeMessage.Response (Error message) in
469 let%lwt () = write_message ~out_fd ~message:response in
470 Lwt.return state
471 with e ->
472 let stack = Printexc.get_backtrace () in
473 Hh_logger.exc ~prefix:"[ide-daemon] exception: " ~stack e;
474 Lwt.return t.state
476 handle_messages { t with state }
479 try%lwt
480 let message_queue = Lwt_message_queue.create () in
481 let%lwt () = handle_messages {
482 message_queue;
483 state = Initializing;
485 and () = pump_message_queue message_queue in
486 Lwt.return_unit
487 with e ->
488 let e = Exception.wrap e in
490 "Exception occurred while handling RPC call: %s"
491 (Exception.to_string e);
492 Lwt.return_unit
494 let daemon_main () (channels: ('a, 'b) Daemon.channel_pair) : unit =
495 Printexc.record_backtrace true;
496 let (ic, oc) = channels in
497 let in_fd = Lwt_unix.of_unix_file_descr (Daemon.descr_of_in_channel ic) in
498 let out_fd = Lwt_unix.of_unix_file_descr (Daemon.descr_of_out_channel oc) in
499 (serve ~in_fd ~out_fd)
501 let daemon_entry_point : (unit, unit, unit) Daemon.entry =
502 Daemon.register_entry_point "ClientIdeService" daemon_main