Emit an implicit break at the end of last case block in switch statements
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / hhbc / emit_statement.ml
1 (*
2 * Copyright (c) 2017, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
8 *)
10 open Core_kernel
11 open Hhbc_ast
12 open Instruction_sequence
13 open Emit_expression
14 open Emit_pos
15 module A = Aast
16 module TC = Hhas_type_constraint
17 module SN = Naming_special_names
18 module TFR = Try_finally_rewriter
19 module JT = Jump_targets
20 module Opts = Hhbc_options
22 (* Context for code generation. It would be more elegant to pass this
23 * around in an environment parameter. *)
24 let verify_return : Aast.hint option ref = ref None
26 let default_return_value = ref instr_null
28 let default_dropthrough = ref None
30 let verify_out = ref empty
32 let num_out = ref 0
34 let function_pos = ref Pos.none
36 let set_num_out c = num_out := c
38 let set_verify_return b = verify_return := b
40 let set_default_return_value i = default_return_value := i
42 let set_default_dropthrough i = default_dropthrough := i
44 let set_verify_out i = verify_out := i
46 let set_function_pos p = function_pos := p
48 let emit_return (env : Emit_env.t) =
49 TFR.emit_return
50 ~verify_return:!verify_return
51 ~verify_out:!verify_out
52 ~num_out:!num_out
53 ~in_finally_epilogue:false
54 env
56 let emit_def_inline def =
57 match def with
58 | A.Class cd ->
59 let defcls_fn =
60 if Emit_env.is_systemlib () then
61 instr_defclsnop
62 else
63 instr_defcls
65 Emit_pos.emit_pos_then (fst cd.A.c_name)
66 @@ defcls_fn (int_of_string (snd cd.A.c_name))
67 | A.Typedef td ->
68 Emit_pos.emit_pos_then (fst td.A.t_name)
69 @@ instr_deftypealias (int_of_string (snd td.A.t_name))
70 | A.RecordDef rd ->
71 Emit_pos.emit_pos_then (fst rd.A.rd_name)
72 @@ instr_defrecord (int_of_string (snd rd.A.rd_name))
73 | _ -> failwith "Define inline: Invalid inline definition"
75 let emit_markup env s echo_expr_opt ~check_for_hashbang =
76 let emit_ignored_call_expr f e =
77 let p = Pos.none in
78 let call_expr =
79 Tast_annotate.make
80 (A.Call (Aast.Cnormal, Tast_annotate.make (A.Id (p, f)), [], [e], None))
82 emit_ignored_expr env call_expr
84 let emit_ignored_call_for_non_empty_string f s =
85 if String.length s = 0 then
86 empty
87 else
88 emit_ignored_call_expr f (Tast_annotate.make (A.String s))
90 let markup =
91 if String.length s = 0 then
92 empty
93 else
94 let tail =
95 if check_for_hashbang then
96 (* if markup text starts with #!
97 - extract a line with hashbang - it will be emitted as a call
98 to print_hashbang function
99 - emit remaining part of text as regular markup *)
100 let r = Str.regexp "^#!.*\n" in
101 if Str.string_match r s 0 then
102 let cmd = Str.matched_string s in
103 String_utils.lstrip s cmd
104 else
106 else
109 emit_ignored_call_for_non_empty_string SN.SpecialFunctions.echo tail
111 let echo =
112 match echo_expr_opt with
113 | Some e -> emit_ignored_call_expr SN.SpecialFunctions.echo e
114 | None -> empty
116 gather [markup; echo]
118 let get_level p op e =
119 match A.get_break_continue_level e with
120 | A.Level_ok (Some i) -> i
121 | A.Level_ok None -> 1
122 | A.Level_non_positive ->
123 Emit_fatal.raise_fatal_parse
125 ("'" ^ op ^ "' operator accepts only positive numbers")
126 | A.Level_non_literal ->
127 Emit_fatal.raise_fatal_parse
129 ("'" ^ op ^ "' with non-constant operand is not supported")
131 let rec set_bytes_kind name =
132 let re =
133 Str.regexp_case_fold
134 "^hh\\\\set_bytes\\(_rev\\|\\)_\\([a-z0-9]+\\)\\(_vec\\|\\)$"
136 if Str.string_match re name 0 then
137 let op =
138 if Str.matched_group 1 name = "_rev" then
139 Reverse
140 else
141 Forward
143 let size = Str.matched_group 2 name in
144 let is_vec = Str.matched_group 3 name = "_vec" in
145 match (size, is_vec) with
146 | ("string", false) -> Some (op, 1, true)
147 | ("bool", _)
148 | ("int8", _) ->
149 Some (op, 1, is_vec)
150 | ("int16", _) -> Some (op, 2, is_vec)
151 | ("int32", _)
152 | ("float32", _) ->
153 Some (op, 4, is_vec)
154 | ("int64", _)
155 | ("float64", _) ->
156 Some (op, 8, is_vec)
157 | _ -> None
158 else
159 None
161 and emit_stmt env (pos, stmt) =
162 match stmt with
163 | A.Expr (_, A.Yield_break) -> gather [instr_null; emit_return env]
164 | A.Expr (((pos, _), A.Call (_, (_, A.Id (_, s)), _, exprl, None)) as expr) ->
165 let s = Hhbc_id.Function.(from_ast_name s |> to_raw_string) in
166 if String.lowercase s = "unset" then
167 gather (List.map exprl (emit_unset_expr env))
168 else (
169 match set_bytes_kind s with
170 | Some kind ->
171 let exprl =
172 match exprl with
173 | (_, A.Callconv (Ast_defs.Pinout, e)) :: t -> e :: t
174 | _ -> exprl
176 emit_set_range_expr env pos s kind exprl
177 | None -> emit_ignored_expr ~pop_pos:pos env expr
179 | A.Return (Some ((inner_pos, _), A.Await e)) ->
180 gather [emit_await env inner_pos e; Emit_pos.emit_pos pos; emit_return env]
181 | A.Return (Some (_, A.Yield_from e)) ->
182 gather
184 emit_yield_from_delegates env pos e;
185 Emit_pos.emit_pos pos;
186 emit_return env;
188 | A.Expr (ann, A.Await e) -> gather [emit_await env (fst ann) e; instr_popc]
189 | A.Expr
190 ( _,
191 A.Binop
192 ( Ast_defs.Eq None,
193 ((_, A.List l) as e1),
194 ((await_pos, _), A.Await e_await) ) ) ->
195 let awaited_instrs = emit_await env await_pos e_await in
196 let has_elements =
197 List.exists l ~f:(function
198 | (_, A.Omitted) -> false
199 | _ -> true)
201 if has_elements then
202 Scope.with_unnamed_local @@ fun temp ->
203 (* before *)
204 ( gather [awaited_instrs; instr_popl temp],
205 (* inner *)
206 of_pair @@ emit_lval_op_list env pos (Some temp) [] e1,
207 (* after *)
208 instr_unsetl temp )
209 else
210 gather [awaited_instrs; instr_popc]
211 | A.Expr
212 (_, A.Binop (Ast_defs.Eq None, e_lhs, ((await_pos, _), A.Await e_await)))
214 emit_await_assignment env await_pos e_lhs e_await
215 | A.Expr (_, A.Yield_from e) ->
216 gather [emit_yield_from_delegates env pos e; emit_pos pos; instr_popc]
217 | A.Expr ((pos, _), A.Binop (Ast_defs.Eq None, e_lhs, (_, A.Yield_from e))) ->
218 Local.scope @@ fun () ->
219 let temp = Local.get_unnamed_local () in
220 let rhs_instrs = instr_pushl temp in
221 gather
223 emit_yield_from_delegates env pos e;
224 instr_setl temp;
225 instr_popc;
226 emit_lval_op_nonlist env pos LValOp.Set e_lhs rhs_instrs 1;
227 instr_popc;
229 | A.Expr expr -> emit_ignored_expr ~pop_pos:pos env expr
230 | A.Return None -> gather [instr_null; Emit_pos.emit_pos pos; emit_return env]
231 | A.Return (Some expr) ->
232 gather [emit_expr env expr; Emit_pos.emit_pos pos; emit_return env]
233 | A.GotoLabel (_, label) -> instr_label (Label.named label)
234 | A.Goto (_, label) -> TFR.emit_goto ~in_finally_epilogue:false env label
235 | A.Block b -> emit_stmts env b
236 | A.If (condition, consequence, alternative) ->
237 emit_if env pos condition consequence alternative
238 | A.While (e, b) -> emit_while env e (pos, A.Block b)
239 | A.Using
242 us_has_await = has_await;
243 us_expr = e;
244 us_block = b;
245 us_is_block_scoped = is_block_scoped;
246 } ->
247 emit_using env pos is_block_scoped has_await e (block_pos b, A.Block b)
248 | A.Break -> emit_break env pos
249 | A.Continue -> emit_continue env pos
250 | A.Do (b, e) -> emit_do env (pos, A.Block b) e
251 | A.For (e1, e2, e3, b) -> emit_for env pos e1 e2 e3 (pos, A.Block b)
252 | A.Throw ((_, _) as expr) ->
253 gather [emit_expr env expr; Emit_pos.emit_pos pos; instr (IContFlow Throw)]
254 | A.Try (try_block, catch_list, finally_block) ->
255 if JT.get_function_has_goto () then
256 TFR.fail_if_goto_from_try_to_finally try_block finally_block;
258 (* TFR.fail_if_goto_from_try_to_finally try_block finally_block;*)
259 if catch_list <> [] && finally_block <> [] then
260 emit_stmt
262 ( pos,
263 A.Try ([(pos, A.Try (try_block, catch_list, []))], [], finally_block)
265 else if catch_list <> [] then
266 emit_try_catch env (pos, A.Block try_block) catch_list
267 else
268 emit_try_finally
271 (pos, A.Block try_block)
272 (pos, A.Block finally_block)
273 | A.Switch (e, cl) -> emit_switch env pos e cl
274 | A.Foreach (collection, iterator, block) ->
275 emit_foreach env pos collection iterator (pos, A.Block block)
276 | A.Def_inline def -> emit_def_inline def
277 | A.Awaitall (el, b) -> emit_awaitall env pos el b
278 | A.Markup ((_, s), echo_expr_opt) ->
279 emit_markup env s echo_expr_opt ~check_for_hashbang:false
280 | A.Fallthrough
281 | A.Noop ->
282 empty
284 and emit_break env pos =
285 TFR.emit_break_or_continue ~is_break:true ~in_finally_epilogue:false env pos 1
287 and emit_continue env pos =
288 TFR.emit_break_or_continue
289 ~is_break:false
290 ~in_finally_epilogue:false
295 and emit_temp_break env pos level =
296 TFR.emit_break_or_continue
297 ~is_break:true
298 ~in_finally_epilogue:false
301 level
303 and emit_temp_continue env pos level =
304 TFR.emit_break_or_continue
305 ~is_break:false
306 ~in_finally_epilogue:false
309 level
311 and get_instrs r = r.Emit_expression.instrs
313 and emit_if env pos condition consequence alternative =
314 match alternative with
315 | []
316 | [(_, A.Noop)] ->
317 let done_label = Label.next_regular () in
318 gather
320 get_instrs @@ emit_jmpz env condition done_label;
321 emit_stmts env consequence;
322 instr_label done_label;
324 | _ ->
325 let alternative_label = Label.next_regular () in
326 let done_label = Label.next_regular () in
327 let consequence_instr = emit_stmts env consequence in
328 let alternative_instr = emit_stmts env alternative in
329 gather
331 get_instrs @@ emit_jmpz env condition alternative_label;
332 consequence_instr;
333 emit_pos pos;
334 instr_jmp done_label;
335 instr_label alternative_label;
336 alternative_instr;
337 instr_label done_label;
340 and emit_await_assignment env pos lval e =
341 match snd lval with
342 | A.Lvar id when not (is_local_this env (snd id)) ->
343 gather
345 emit_await env pos e;
346 emit_pos pos;
347 instr_popl (get_local env (pos, Local_id.get_name (snd id)));
349 | _ ->
350 let awaited_instrs = emit_await env pos e in
351 Scope.with_unnamed_local @@ fun temp ->
352 let rhs_instrs = instr_pushl temp in
353 let (lhs, rhs, setop) =
354 emit_lval_op_nonlist_steps env pos LValOp.Set lval rhs_instrs 1
356 (* before *)
357 ( gather [awaited_instrs; instr_popl temp],
358 (* inner *)
359 lhs,
360 (* after *)
361 gather [rhs; setop; instr_popc] )
363 and emit_awaitall env pos el b =
364 match el with
365 | [] -> empty
366 | [(lvar, e)] -> emit_awaitall_single env pos lvar e b
367 | _ -> emit_awaitall_multi env el b
369 and emit_awaitall_single env pos lval e b =
370 Scope.with_unnamed_locals @@ fun () ->
371 let load_arg = emit_await env pos e in
372 let (load, unset) =
373 match lval with
374 | Some (_, str) ->
375 let l = Local.init_unnamed_local_for_tempname (Local_id.get_name str) in
376 (instr_popl l, instr_unsetl l)
377 | None -> (instr_popc, empty)
379 (* before *)
380 (gather [load_arg; load], (* inner *)
381 emit_stmts env b, (* after *)
382 unset)
384 and emit_awaitall_multi env el b =
385 Scope.with_unnamed_locals @@ fun () ->
386 let load_args =
387 gather @@ List.map el ~f:(fun (_, arg) -> emit_expr env arg)
389 let locals =
390 List.map el ~f:(fun (lvar, _) ->
391 match lvar with
392 | None -> Local.get_unnamed_local ()
393 | Some (_, str) ->
394 Local.init_unnamed_local_for_tempname (Local_id.get_name str))
396 let init_locals = gather @@ List.rev_map locals ~f:instr_popl in
397 let await_all = gather [instr_awaitall_list locals; instr_popc] in
398 let unpack =
399 gather
400 @@ List.map locals ~f:(fun l ->
401 let label_done = Label.next_regular () in
402 gather
404 instr_pushl l;
405 instr_dup;
406 instr_istypec OpNull;
407 instr_jmpnz label_done;
408 instr_whresult;
409 instr_label label_done;
410 instr_popl l;
413 let block = emit_stmts env b in
414 let unset_locals = gather @@ List.map locals ~f:instr_unsetl in
415 (* before *)
416 ( gather [load_args; init_locals],
417 (* inner *)
418 gather [await_all; unpack; block],
419 (* after *)
420 unset_locals )
422 and emit_while env e b =
423 let break_label = Label.next_regular () in
424 let cont_label = Label.next_regular () in
425 let start_label = Label.next_regular () in
426 (* TODO: This is *bizarre* codegen for a while loop.
427 It would be better to generate this as
428 instr_label continue_label;
429 emit_expr e;
430 instr_jmpz break_label;
431 body;
432 instr_jmp continue_label;
433 instr_label break_label;
435 gather
437 get_instrs @@ emit_jmpz env e break_label;
438 instr_label start_label;
439 Emit_env.do_in_loop_body break_label cont_label env b emit_stmt;
440 instr_label cont_label;
441 get_instrs @@ emit_jmpnz env (fst e) (snd e) start_label;
442 instr_label break_label;
445 and emit_using
446 (env : Emit_env.t) pos is_block_scoped has_await (e : Tast.expr) b =
447 match snd e with
448 | A.Expr_list es ->
449 emit_stmt env
450 @@ List.fold_right
452 ~f:(fun e acc ->
453 let ((p, _), _) = e in
454 ( p,
455 A.Using
457 A.us_has_await = has_await;
458 A.us_is_block_scoped = is_block_scoped;
459 A.us_expr = e;
460 A.us_block = [acc];
461 } ))
462 ~init:b
463 | _ ->
464 Local.scope @@ fun () ->
465 let (local, preamble) =
466 match snd e with
467 | A.Binop (Ast_defs.Eq None, (_, A.Lvar (_, id)), _)
468 | A.Lvar (_, id) ->
469 ( Local.Named (Local_id.get_name id),
470 gather [emit_expr env e; Emit_pos.emit_pos (fst b); instr_popc] )
471 | _ ->
472 let l = Local.get_unnamed_local () in
473 (l, gather [emit_expr env e; instr_setl l; instr_popc])
475 let finally_start = Label.next_regular () in
476 let finally_end = Label.next_regular () in
477 let body = Emit_env.do_in_using_body finally_start env b emit_stmt in
478 let jump_instructions = TFR.collect_jump_instructions body env in
479 let body =
480 if IMap.is_empty jump_instructions then
481 body
482 else
483 TFR.cleanup_try_body body
485 let fn_name =
486 Hhbc_id.Method.from_raw_string
488 if has_await then
489 "__disposeAsync"
490 else
491 "__dispose"
493 let emit_finally () =
494 let (epilogue, async_eager_label) =
495 if has_await then
496 let after_await = Label.next_regular () in
497 ( gather [instr_await; instr_label after_await; instr_popc],
498 Some after_await )
499 else
500 (instr_popc, None)
502 gather
504 instr_cgetl local;
505 instr_nulluninit;
506 instr_nulluninit;
507 instr_fcallobjmethodd
508 (make_fcall_args ?async_eager_label 0)
509 fn_name
510 Obj_null_throws;
511 epilogue;
512 ( if is_block_scoped then
513 instr_unsetl local
514 else
515 empty );
518 let finally_epilogue =
519 TFR.emit_finally_epilogue
522 ~verify_return:!verify_return
523 ~verify_out:!verify_out
524 ~num_out:!num_out
525 jump_instructions
526 finally_end
528 let exn_local = Local.get_unnamed_local () in
529 let middle =
530 if is_empty_block b then
531 empty
532 else
533 create_try_catch
534 ~skip_throw:true
535 body
536 (gather
538 emit_pos (fst b);
539 make_finally_catch exn_local (emit_finally ());
540 emit_pos pos;
543 gather
545 preamble;
546 middle;
547 instr_label finally_start;
548 emit_finally ();
549 finally_epilogue;
550 instr_label finally_end;
553 and emit_do env b e =
554 let cont_label = Label.next_regular () in
555 let break_label = Label.next_regular () in
556 let start_label = Label.next_regular () in
557 gather
559 instr_label start_label;
560 Emit_env.do_in_loop_body break_label cont_label env b emit_stmt;
561 instr_label cont_label;
562 get_instrs @@ emit_jmpnz env (fst e) (snd e) start_label;
563 instr_label break_label;
566 and emit_for (env : Emit_env.t) p (e1 : Tast.expr) e2 e3 b =
567 let break_label = Label.next_regular () in
568 let cont_label = Label.next_regular () in
569 let start_label = Label.next_regular () in
570 (* TODO: this is bizarre codegen for a "for" loop.
571 This should be codegen'd as
572 emit_ignored_expr initializer;
573 instr_label start_label;
574 from_expr condition;
575 instr_jmpz break_label;
576 body;
577 instr_label continue_label;
578 emit_ignored_expr increment;
579 instr_jmp start_label;
580 instr_label break_label;
582 let emit_cond ~jmpz label =
583 let final cond =
584 get_instrs
585 ( if jmpz then
586 emit_jmpz env cond label
587 else
588 emit_jmpnz env (fst cond) (snd cond) label )
590 let rec expr_list h tl =
591 match tl with
592 | [] ->
594 final
595 @@ ( ( Pos.none,
596 Typing_defs.mk (Typing_reason.none, Typing_defs.make_tany ())
598 A.Expr_list [h] );
600 | h1 :: t1 -> emit_ignored_expr env ~pop_pos:p h :: expr_list h1 t1
602 match e2 with
603 | (_, A.Expr_list []) ->
604 if jmpz then
605 empty
606 else
607 instr_jmp label
608 | (_, A.Expr_list (h :: t)) -> gather @@ expr_list h t
609 | cond -> final cond
611 gather
613 emit_ignored_expr env e1;
614 emit_cond ~jmpz:true break_label;
615 instr_label start_label;
616 Emit_env.do_in_loop_body break_label cont_label env b emit_stmt;
617 instr_label cont_label;
618 emit_ignored_expr env e3;
619 emit_cond ~jmpz:false start_label;
620 instr_label break_label;
623 and emit_switch (env : Emit_env.t) pos scrutinee_expr cl =
624 let (instr_init, instr_free, emit_check_case) =
625 match snd scrutinee_expr with
626 | A.Lvar _ ->
627 (* Special case for simple scrutinee *)
628 ( empty,
629 empty,
630 fun case_expr case_handler_label ->
631 let ((pos, _), _) = case_expr in
632 gather
634 emit_two_exprs env pos scrutinee_expr case_expr;
635 instr_eq;
636 instr_jmpnz case_handler_label;
638 | _ ->
639 ( emit_expr env scrutinee_expr,
640 instr_popc,
641 fun case_expr case_handler_label ->
642 let next_case_label = Label.next_regular () in
643 let ((pos, _), _) = case_expr in
644 gather
646 instr_dup;
647 emit_expr env case_expr;
648 emit_pos pos;
649 instr_eq;
650 instr_jmpz next_case_label;
651 instr_popc;
652 instr_jmp case_handler_label;
653 instr_label next_case_label;
656 (* "continue" in a switch in PHP has the same semantics as break! *)
657 let break_label = Label.next_regular () in
658 let has_default =
659 List.exists
660 ~f:(function
661 | A.Default _ -> true
662 | _ -> false)
665 let cl =
666 if has_default then
668 else
669 let rec aux cl =
670 match cl with
671 | [] ->
672 failwith "impossible - switch statements must have at least one case"
673 | [A.Default _] -> failwith "impossible - there shouldn't be a default"
674 | [A.Case (e, b)] -> [A.Case (e, b @ [(Pos.none, A.Break)])]
675 | c :: cl -> c :: aux cl
677 aux cl
679 let cl =
680 Emit_env.do_in_switch_body break_label env cl @@ fun env _ ->
681 List.map cl ~f:(emit_case env)
683 let instr_bodies = gather @@ List.map cl ~f:snd in
684 let default_label =
685 let default_labels =
686 List.filter_map cl ~f:(fun ((e, l), _) ->
687 if Option.is_none e then
688 Some l
689 else
690 None)
692 match default_labels with
693 | [] -> break_label
694 | [l] -> l
695 | _ ->
696 Emit_fatal.raise_fatal_runtime
698 "Switch statements may only contain one 'default' clause."
700 let instr_check_cases =
701 gather
702 @@ List.map cl ~f:(function
703 (* jmp to default case should be emitted as the very last 'else' case *)
704 | ((None, _), _) -> empty
705 | ((Some e, l), _) -> emit_check_case e l)
707 gather
709 instr_init;
710 instr_check_cases;
711 instr_free;
712 instr_jmp default_label;
713 instr_bodies;
714 instr_label break_label;
717 and block_pos b =
718 let bpos = List.map b fst in
719 let valid_pos = List.filter bpos (fun e -> e <> Pos.none) in
720 if valid_pos = [] then
721 Pos.none
722 else
723 Pos.btw (List.hd_exn valid_pos) (List.last_exn valid_pos)
725 and emit_catch
726 (env : Emit_env.t) pos end_label ((_, catch_type), (_, catch_local), b) =
727 (* Note that this is a "regular" label; we're not going to branch to
728 it directly in the event of an exception. *)
729 let next_catch = Label.next_regular () in
730 let id = Hhbc_id.Class.from_ast_name catch_type in
731 gather
733 instr_dup;
734 instr_instanceofd id;
735 instr_jmpz next_catch;
736 instr_setl (Local.Named (Local_id.get_name catch_local));
737 instr_popc;
738 emit_stmt env (Pos.none, A.Block b);
739 Emit_pos.emit_pos pos;
740 instr_jmp end_label;
741 instr_label next_catch;
744 and emit_catches (env : Emit_env.t) pos catch_list end_label =
745 gather (List.map catch_list ~f:(emit_catch env pos end_label))
747 and is_empty_block (_, b) =
748 match b with
749 | A.Block l -> List.for_all ~f:is_empty_block l
750 | A.Noop -> true
751 | _ -> false
753 and emit_try_catch (env : Emit_env.t) try_block catch_list =
754 Local.scope @@ fun () -> emit_try_catch_ env try_block catch_list
756 and emit_try_catch_ (env : Emit_env.t) try_block catch_list =
757 if is_empty_block try_block then
758 empty
759 else
760 let end_label = Label.next_regular () in
761 let (pos, _) = try_block in
762 let try_env = Emit_env.with_try env in
763 create_try_catch
764 ~opt_done_label:end_label
765 (gather [emit_stmt try_env try_block; Emit_pos.emit_pos pos])
766 (emit_catches env pos catch_list end_label)
768 and emit_try_finally env pos try_block finally_block =
769 Local.scope @@ fun () -> emit_try_finally_ env pos try_block finally_block
771 and emit_try_finally_ env pos try_block finally_block =
772 let make_finally_body () =
773 Emit_env.do_in_finally_body env finally_block emit_stmt
775 if is_empty_block try_block then
776 make_finally_body ()
777 else
779 We need to generate four things:
780 (1) the try-body, which will be followed by
781 (2) the normal-continuation finally body, and
782 (3) an epilogue to the finally body that deals with finally-blocked
783 break and continue
784 (4) the exceptional-continuation catch body.
787 (* (1) Try body
789 The try body might have un-rewritten continues and breaks which
790 branch to a label outside of the try. This means that we must
791 first run the normal-continuation finally, and then branch to the
792 appropriate label.
794 We do this by running a rewriter which turns continues and breaks
795 inside the try body into setting temp_local to an integer which indicates
796 what action the finally must perform when it is finished, followed by a
797 jump directly to the finally.
799 let finally_start = Label.next_regular () in
800 let finally_end = Label.next_regular () in
801 let enclosing_span = Ast_scope.Scope.get_span env.Emit_env.env_scope in
802 let try_env = Emit_env.with_try env in
803 let try_body =
804 Emit_env.do_in_try_body finally_start try_env try_block emit_stmt
806 let jump_instructions = TFR.collect_jump_instructions try_body env in
807 let try_body =
808 if IMap.is_empty jump_instructions then
809 try_body
810 else
811 TFR.cleanup_try_body try_body
814 (* (2) Finally body
816 Note that this is used both in the normal-continuation and
817 exceptional-continuation cases; we generate the same code twice.
819 TODO: We might consider changing the codegen so that the finally block
820 is only generated once. We could do this by making the catch block set a
821 temp local to -1, and then branch to the finally block. In the finally block
822 epilogue it can check to see if the local is -1, and if so, issue an unwind
823 instruction.
825 It is illegal to have a continue or break which branches out of a finally.
826 Unfortunately we at present do not detect this at parse time; rather, we
827 generate an exception at run-time by rewriting continue and break
828 instructions found inside finally blocks.
830 TODO: If we make this illegal at parse time then we can remove this pass.
832 let exn_local = Local.get_unnamed_local () in
833 let finally_body = make_finally_body () in
834 let finally_body_for_catch =
835 finally_body |> Label_rewriter.clone_with_fresh_regular_labels
837 (* (3) Finally epilogue *)
838 let finally_epilogue =
839 TFR.emit_finally_epilogue
842 ~verify_return:!verify_return
843 ~verify_out:!verify_out
844 ~num_out:!num_out
845 jump_instructions
846 finally_end
849 (* (4) Catch body
851 We now emit the catch body; it is just cleanup code for the temp_local,
852 a copy of the finally body (without the branching epilogue, since we are
853 going to unwind rather than branch), and an unwind instruction.
855 TODO: The HHVM emitter sometimes emits seemingly spurious
856 unset-unnamed-local instructions into the catch block. These look
857 like bugs in the emitter. Investigate; if they are bugs in the HHVM
858 emitter, get them fixed there. If not, get a clear explanation of
859 what they are for and why they are required.
861 let middle =
862 create_try_catch
863 ~skip_throw:true
864 try_body
865 (gather
867 emit_pos enclosing_span;
868 make_finally_catch exn_local finally_body_for_catch;
871 (* Put it all together. *)
872 gather
874 middle;
875 instr_label finally_start;
876 Emit_pos.emit_pos (fst finally_block);
877 finally_body;
878 finally_epilogue;
879 instr_label finally_end;
882 and make_finally_catch exn_local finally_body =
883 gather
885 instr_popl exn_local;
886 instr_unsetl (Local.get_label_id_local ());
887 instr_unsetl (Local.get_retval_local ());
888 create_try_catch
889 finally_body
890 (gather [instr_pushl exn_local; instr_chain_faults]);
891 instr_pushl exn_local;
892 instr_throw;
895 and get_id_of_simple_lvar_opt v =
896 match v with
897 | A.Lvar (pos, id) when Local_id.get_name id = SN.SpecialIdents.this ->
898 Emit_fatal.raise_fatal_parse pos "Cannot re-assign $this"
899 | A.Lvar (_, id)
900 when not
901 ( SN.Superglobals.is_superglobal (Local_id.get_name id)
902 || Local_id.get_name id = SN.Superglobals.globals ) ->
903 Some (Local_id.get_name id)
904 | _ -> None
906 and emit_load_list_elements env path vs =
907 let (preamble, load_value) =
908 List.mapi ~f:(emit_load_list_element env path) vs |> List.unzip
910 (List.concat preamble, List.concat load_value)
912 and emit_load_list_element env path i v =
913 let query_value =
914 gather
916 gather @@ List.rev path;
917 instr_querym 0 QueryOp.CGet (MemberKey.EI (Int64.of_int i));
920 match v with
921 | (_, A.Lvar (_, id)) ->
922 let load_value =
923 gather
925 query_value;
926 instr_setl (Local.Named (Local_id.get_name id));
927 instr_popc;
930 ([], [load_value])
931 | (_, A.List exprs) ->
932 let dim_instr =
933 instr_dim MemberOpMode.Warn (MemberKey.EI (Int64.of_int i))
935 emit_load_list_elements env (dim_instr :: path) exprs
936 | ((pos, _), _) ->
937 let set_instrs = emit_lval_op_nonlist env pos LValOp.Set v query_value 1 in
938 let load_value = [set_instrs; instr_popc] in
939 ([], [gather load_value])
941 (* Assigns a location to store values for foreach-key and foreach-value and
942 creates a code to populate them.
943 NOT suitable for foreach (... await ...) which uses different code-gen
944 Returns: key_local_opt * value_local * key_preamble * value_preamble
945 where:
946 - key_local_opt - local variable to store a foreach-key value if it is
947 declared
948 - value_local - local variable to store a foreach-value
949 - key_preamble - list of instructions to populate foreach-key
950 - value_preamble - list of instructions to populate foreach-value
952 and emit_iterator_key_value_storage env iterator :
953 Hhbc_ast.local_id option * Hhbc_ast.local_id * Instruction_sequence.t =
954 match iterator with
955 | A.As_kv (((_, k) as expr_k), ((_, v) as expr_v)) ->
956 begin
957 match (get_id_of_simple_lvar_opt k, get_id_of_simple_lvar_opt v) with
958 | (Some key_id, Some value_id) ->
959 let key_local = Local.Named key_id in
960 let value_local = Local.Named value_id in
961 (Some key_local, value_local, empty)
962 | _ ->
963 let key_local = Local.get_unnamed_local () in
964 let value_local = Local.get_unnamed_local () in
965 let (key_preamble, key_load) =
966 emit_iterator_lvalue_storage env expr_k key_local
968 let (value_preamble, value_load) =
969 emit_iterator_lvalue_storage env expr_v value_local
971 (* HHVM prepends code to initialize non-plain, non-list foreach-key
972 to the value preamble - do the same to minimize diffs *)
973 let (key_preamble, value_preamble) =
974 match k with
975 | A.List _ -> (key_preamble, value_preamble)
976 | _ -> ([], gather key_preamble :: value_preamble)
978 ( Some key_local,
979 value_local,
980 gather
982 gather value_preamble;
983 gather value_load;
984 gather key_preamble;
985 gather key_load;
988 | A.As_v ((_, v) as expr_v) ->
989 begin
990 match get_id_of_simple_lvar_opt v with
991 | Some value_id ->
992 let value_local = Local.Named value_id in
993 (None, value_local, empty)
994 | None ->
995 let value_local = Local.get_unnamed_local () in
996 let (value_preamble, value_load) =
997 emit_iterator_lvalue_storage env expr_v value_local
999 (None, value_local, gather [gather value_preamble; gather value_load])
1001 | _ -> failwith "emit_iterator_key_value_storage with iterator using await"
1003 (* Emit code for either the key or value l-value operation in foreach await.
1004 * `indices` is the initial prefix of the array indices ([0] for key or [1] for
1005 * value) that is prepended onto the indices needed for list destructuring
1007 * TODO: we don't need unnamed local if the target is a local
1009 and emit_foreach_await_lvalue_storage
1010 (env : Emit_env.t) (expr1 : Tast.expr) indices keep_on_stack =
1011 let ((pos, _), _) = expr1 in
1012 Scope.with_unnamed_local @@ fun local ->
1013 (* before *)
1014 ( instr_popl local,
1015 (* inner *)
1016 of_pair @@ emit_lval_op_list env pos (Some local) indices expr1,
1017 (* after *)
1018 if keep_on_stack then
1019 instr_pushl local
1020 else
1021 instr_unsetl local )
1023 (* Emit code for the value and possibly key l-value operation in a foreach
1024 * await statement. The result of invocation of the `next` method has been
1025 * stored on top of the stack. For example:
1026 * foreach (foo() await as $a->f => list($b[0], $c->g)) { ... }
1027 * Here, we need to construct l-value operations that access the [0] (for $a->f)
1028 * and [1;0] (for $b[0]) and [1;1] (for $c->g) indices of the array returned
1029 * from the `next` method.
1031 and emit_foreach_await_key_value_storage (env : Emit_env.t) iterator =
1032 match iterator with
1033 | A.Await_as_kv (_, expr_k, expr_v)
1034 | A.As_kv (expr_k, expr_v) ->
1035 let key_instrs = emit_foreach_await_lvalue_storage env expr_k [0] true in
1036 let value_instrs = emit_foreach_await_lvalue_storage env expr_v [1] false in
1037 gather [key_instrs; value_instrs]
1038 | A.Await_as_v (_, expr_v)
1039 | A.As_v expr_v ->
1040 emit_foreach_await_lvalue_storage env expr_v [1] false
1042 (*Generates a code to initialize a given foreach-* value.
1043 Returns: preamble * load_code
1044 where:
1045 - preamble - preparation part that should be executed before the loading
1046 - load_code - instructions to actually populate the value.
1047 This split is necessary to reflect the way how HHVM loads values.
1048 as an example for the code
1049 list($$$a, $$b, $$$c)
1050 preamble part will include code that pushes cells for $$a and $$c on the stack
1051 load_code will be executed assuming that stack is prepopulated:
1052 [$aa, $$c] <- top
1054 and emit_iterator_lvalue_storage env v local =
1055 match v with
1056 | ((pos, _), A.Call _) ->
1057 Emit_fatal.raise_fatal_parse pos "Can't use return value in write context"
1058 | (_, A.List exprs) ->
1059 let (preamble, load_values) =
1060 emit_load_list_elements env [instr_basel local MemberOpMode.Warn] exprs
1062 let load_values = [gather @@ List.rev load_values; instr_unsetl local] in
1063 (preamble, load_values)
1064 | ((pos, _), _) ->
1065 let (lhs, rhs, set_op) =
1066 emit_lval_op_nonlist_steps env pos LValOp.Set v (instr_cgetl local) 1
1068 ([lhs], [rhs; set_op; instr_popc; instr_unsetl local])
1070 and emit_foreach env pos collection iterator block =
1071 Local.scope @@ fun () ->
1072 match iterator with
1073 | A.As_kv _
1074 | A.As_v _ ->
1075 emit_foreach_ env pos collection iterator block
1076 | A.Await_as_kv (pos, _, _)
1077 | A.Await_as_v (pos, _) ->
1078 emit_foreach_await env pos collection iterator block
1080 and emit_foreach_await env pos collection iterator block =
1081 let instr_collection = emit_expr env collection in
1082 Scope.with_unnamed_local @@ fun iter_temp_local ->
1083 let input_is_async_iterator_label = Label.next_regular () in
1084 let next_label = Label.next_regular () in
1085 let exit_label = Label.next_regular () in
1086 let pop_and_exit_label = Label.next_regular () in
1087 let async_eager_label = Label.next_regular () in
1088 let next_meth = Hhbc_id.Method.from_raw_string "next" in
1089 (* before *)
1090 ( gather
1092 instr_collection;
1093 instr_dup;
1094 instr_instanceofd (Hhbc_id.Class.from_raw_string "HH\\AsyncIterator");
1095 instr_jmpnz input_is_async_iterator_label;
1096 Emit_fatal.emit_fatal_runtime
1098 "Unable to iterate non-AsyncIterator asynchronously";
1099 instr_label input_is_async_iterator_label;
1100 instr_popl iter_temp_local;
1102 (* inner *)
1103 gather
1105 instr_label next_label;
1106 instr_cgetl iter_temp_local;
1107 instr_nulluninit;
1108 instr_nulluninit;
1109 instr_fcallobjmethodd
1110 (make_fcall_args ~async_eager_label 0)
1111 next_meth
1112 Obj_null_throws;
1113 instr_await;
1114 instr_label async_eager_label;
1115 instr_dup;
1116 instr_istypec OpNull;
1117 instr_jmpnz pop_and_exit_label;
1118 emit_foreach_await_key_value_storage env iterator;
1119 Emit_env.do_in_loop_body exit_label next_label env block emit_stmt;
1120 emit_pos pos;
1121 instr_jmp next_label;
1122 instr_label pop_and_exit_label;
1123 instr_popc;
1124 instr_label exit_label;
1126 (* after *)
1127 instr_unsetl iter_temp_local )
1129 and emit_foreach_ env pos collection iterator block =
1130 let instr_collection = emit_expr env collection in
1131 Scope.with_unnamed_locals_and_iterators @@ fun () ->
1132 let iter_id = Iterator.get_iterator () in
1133 let loop_break_label = Label.next_regular () in
1134 let loop_continue_label = Label.next_regular () in
1135 let loop_head_label = Label.next_regular () in
1136 let (key_id, val_id, preamble) =
1137 emit_iterator_key_value_storage env iterator
1139 let iter_args = { iter_id; key_id; val_id } in
1140 let init = instr_iterinit iter_args loop_break_label in
1141 let next = instr_iternext iter_args loop_head_label in
1142 let body =
1143 Emit_env.do_in_loop_body
1144 loop_break_label
1145 loop_continue_label
1147 ~iter:iter_id
1148 block
1149 emit_stmt
1151 ( gather [instr_collection; emit_pos (Tast_annotate.get_pos collection); init],
1152 gather
1154 instr_label loop_head_label;
1155 preamble;
1156 body;
1157 instr_label loop_continue_label;
1158 emit_pos pos;
1159 next;
1161 gather [instr_label loop_break_label] )
1163 and emit_yield_from_delegates env pos e =
1164 let iterator_number = Iterator.get_iterator () in
1165 let loop_label = Label.next_regular () in
1166 gather
1168 emit_expr env e;
1169 emit_pos pos;
1170 instr_contAssignDelegate iterator_number;
1171 create_try_catch
1172 (gather
1174 instr_null;
1175 instr_label loop_label;
1176 instr_contEnterDelegate;
1177 instr_yieldFromDelegate iterator_number loop_label;
1179 (instr_contUnsetDelegate_free iterator_number);
1180 instr_contUnsetDelegate_ignore iterator_number;
1183 and emit_stmts env stl =
1184 let results = List.map stl (emit_stmt env) in
1185 gather results
1187 and emit_case (env : Emit_env.t) c =
1188 let l = Label.next_regular () in
1189 let (b, e) =
1190 match c with
1191 | A.Default (_, b) -> (b, None)
1192 | A.Case (e, b) -> (b, Some e)
1194 let b = emit_stmt env (Pos.none, A.Block b) in
1195 ((e, l), gather [instr_label l; b])
1197 let emit_dropthrough_return env =
1198 match !default_dropthrough with
1199 | Some instrs -> instrs
1200 | _ ->
1201 Emit_pos.emit_pos_then (Pos.last_char !function_pos)
1202 @@ gather [!default_return_value; emit_return env]
1204 let rec emit_final_statement env s =
1205 match snd s with
1206 | A.Throw _
1207 | A.Return _
1208 | A.Goto _
1209 | A.Expr (_, A.Yield_break) ->
1210 emit_stmt env s
1211 | A.Block b -> emit_final_statements env b
1212 | _ -> gather [emit_stmt env s; emit_dropthrough_return env]
1214 and emit_final_statements env b =
1215 match b with
1216 | [] -> emit_dropthrough_return env
1217 | [s] -> emit_final_statement env s
1218 | s :: b ->
1219 let i1 = emit_stmt env s in
1220 let i2 = emit_final_statements env b in
1221 gather [i1; i2]