Clean up magic_builtins in hh_single_type_check
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / test / typecheck / unsafe_cast / non_string_literal.php.exp
1 File "non_string_literal.php", line 3, characters 10-10:
2 Invalid return type (Typing[4336])
3 File "non_string_literal.php", line 3, characters 15-17:
4 Expected `int`
5 File "non_string_literal.php", line 3, characters 10-10:
6 But got `void` because this function does not always return a value
7 File "non_string_literal.php", line 5, characters 3-44:
8 This cast violates type safety and may lead to unexpected behavior at runtime. (Typing[4417])
9 File "non_string_literal.php", line 5, characters 40-43:
10 Invalid argument (Typing[4110])
11 File "soundness.hhi", line 8, characters 72-96:
12 Expected `HH\FormatString<nothing>`
13 File "non_string_literal.php", line 4, characters 10-16:
14 But got `string`
15 File "non_string_literal.php", line 5, characters 40-43:
16 This argument must be a literal format string (Typing[4027])