Basic handling of callable returns
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / typing / tast_check /
1 (*
2 * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
4 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
7 *)
9 open Hh_prelude
10 open Shape_analysis_types
11 module A = Aast
12 module SA = Shape_analysis
13 module Env = Tast_env
15 let log_events_locally typing_env : log_event list -> unit =
16 let log_shape = function
17 | Result { id; shape_result } ->
18 Format.sprintf
19 "[RESULT] %s: %s\n"
21 (SA.show_shape_result typing_env shape_result)
22 |> Out_channel.output_string !Typing_log.out_channel;
23 Out_channel.flush !Typing_log.out_channel
24 | Failure { id; error_message } ->
25 Format.sprintf "[FAILURE] %s: %s\n" id error_message
26 |> Out_channel.output_string !Typing_log.out_channel;
27 Out_channel.flush !Typing_log.out_channel
29 List.iter ~f:log_shape
31 let log_events typing_env : log_event list -> unit =
32 let shape_analysis_log_level =
33 Typing_env.get_tcopt typing_env
34 |> TypecheckerOptions.log_levels
35 |> SMap.find_opt "shape_analysis"
37 match shape_analysis_log_level with
38 | Some 1 -> log_events_locally typing_env
39 | Some 2 -> Shape_analysis_scuba.log_events_remotely typing_env
40 | _ -> Fn.const ()
42 let compute_results tast_env id params return body =
43 let strip_decorations { constraint_; _ } = constraint_ in
44 let typing_env = Tast_env.tast_env_as_typing_env tast_env in
45 try
46 SA.callable tast_env params ~return body
47 |> ~f:strip_decorations
48 |> SA.simplify typing_env
49 |> List.filter ~f:SA.is_shape_like_dict
50 |> ~f:(fun shape_result -> Result { id; shape_result })
51 with
52 | SA.Shape_analysis_exn error_message ->
53 (* Logging failures is expensive because there are so many of them right
54 now, to see all the shape results in a timely manner, simply don't log
55 failure events. *)
56 [Failure { id; error_message }]
58 let should_not_skip tast_env =
59 let typing_env = Tast_env.tast_env_as_typing_env tast_env in
60 not @@ Typing_env.is_hhi typing_env
62 let handler =
63 object
64 inherit Tast_visitor.handler_base
66 method! at_class_ tast_env A.{ c_methods; c_name = (_, class_name); _ } =
67 let typing_env = Tast_env.tast_env_as_typing_env tast_env in
68 let collect_method_events
69 A.{ m_body; m_name = (_, method_name); m_params; m_ret; _ } =
70 let id = class_name ^ "::" ^ method_name in
71 compute_results tast_env id m_params m_ret m_body
73 if should_not_skip tast_env then
74 List.concat_map ~f:collect_method_events c_methods
75 |> log_events typing_env
77 method! at_fun_def tast_env fd =
78 let A.{ f_body; f_name = (_, id); f_params; f_ret; _ } = fd.A.fd_fun in
79 if should_not_skip tast_env then
80 let typing_env = Tast_env.tast_env_as_typing_env tast_env in
81 compute_results tast_env id f_params f_ret f_body
82 |> log_events typing_env
83 end