Avoid using decl_class_type wherever possible
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / typing / tast_check / switch_check.ml
1 (**
2 * Copyright (c) 2018, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
8 *)
10 open Core_kernel
11 open Tast
12 open Typing_defs
13 open Utils
15 module Env = Tast_env
16 module Cls = Typing_classes_heap
17 module MakeType = Typing_make_type
19 let get_constant tc (seen, has_default) = function
20 | Default _ -> (seen, true)
21 | Case (((pos, _), Class_const ((_, CI (_, cls)), (_, const))), _) ->
22 if cls <> Cls.name tc then
23 (Errors.enum_switch_wrong_class pos (strip_ns (Cls.name tc)) (strip_ns cls);
24 (seen, has_default))
25 else
26 (match SMap.get const seen with
27 | None -> (SMap.add const pos seen, has_default)
28 | Some old_pos ->
29 Errors.enum_switch_redundant const old_pos pos;
30 (seen, has_default))
31 | Case (((pos, _), _), _) ->
32 Errors.enum_switch_not_const pos;
33 (seen, has_default)
35 let check_enum_exhaustiveness pos tc caselist coming_from_unresolved =
36 (* If this check comes from an enum inside a Tunresolved, then
37 don't punish for having an extra default case *)
38 let (seen, has_default) =
39 List.fold_left ~f:(get_constant tc) ~init:(SMap.empty, false) caselist in
40 let unhandled =
41 Cls.consts tc
42 |> Sequence.map ~f:fst
43 |> Sequence.filter ~f:((<>) SN.Members.mClass)
44 |> Sequence.filter ~f:(fun id -> not (SMap.mem id seen))
45 |> Sequence.to_list_rev
47 let all_cases_handled = List.is_empty unhandled in
48 match (all_cases_handled, has_default, coming_from_unresolved) with
49 | false, false, _ ->
50 Errors.enum_switch_nonexhaustive pos unhandled (Cls.pos tc)
51 | true, true, false -> Errors.enum_switch_redundant_default pos (Cls.pos tc)
52 | _ -> ()
54 let rec check_exhaustiveness_ env pos ty caselist enum_coming_from_unresolved =
55 (* Right now we only do exhaustiveness checking for enums. *)
56 (* This function has a built in hack where if Tunresolved has an enum
57 inside then it tells the enum exhaustiveness checker to
58 not punish for extra default *)
59 let env, (_, ty) = Env.expand_type env ty in
60 match ty with
61 | Tunresolved tyl ->
62 let new_enum = enum_coming_from_unresolved ||
63 (List.length tyl> 1 && List.exists tyl ~f:begin fun cur_ty ->
64 let _, (_, cur_ty) = Env.expand_type env cur_ty in
65 match cur_ty with
66 | Tabstract (AKenum _, _) -> true
67 | _ -> false
68 end) in
69 List.fold_left tyl ~init:env ~f:begin fun env ty ->
70 check_exhaustiveness_ env pos ty caselist new_enum
71 end
72 | Tabstract (AKenum id, _) ->
73 let dep = Typing_deps.Dep.AllMembers id in
74 let decl_env = Env.get_decl_env env in
75 Option.iter decl_env.Decl_env.droot
76 (fun root -> Typing_deps.add_idep root dep);
77 let tc = unsafe_opt @@ Env.get_enum env id in
78 check_enum_exhaustiveness pos tc
79 caselist enum_coming_from_unresolved;
80 env
81 | Terr | Tany | Tnonnull | Tarraykind _ | Tclass _ | Toption _
82 | Tprim _ | Tvar _ | Tfun _ | Tabstract (_, _) | Ttuple _ | Tanon (_, _)
83 | Tobject | Tshape _ | Tdynamic -> env
85 let check_exhaustiveness env pos ty caselist =
86 ignore (check_exhaustiveness_ env pos ty caselist false)
88 let ensure_valid_switch_case_value_types env scrutinee_ty casel errorf =
89 let is_subtype ty_sub ty_super = snd (Env.subtype env ty_sub ty_super) in
90 let ty_num = (Reason.Rnone, Tprim Nast.Tnum) in
91 let ty_arraykey = (Reason.Rnone, Tprim Nast.Tarraykey) in
92 let ty_mixed = MakeType.mixed Reason.Rnone in
93 let ty_traversable = MakeType.traversable Typing_reason.Rnone ty_mixed in
94 let compatible_types ty1 ty2 =
95 (is_subtype ty1 ty_num && is_subtype ty2 ty_num) ||
96 (is_subtype ty1 ty_arraykey && is_subtype ty2 ty_arraykey) ||
97 (is_subtype ty1 ty_traversable && is_subtype ty2 ty_traversable &&
98 (is_subtype ty1 ty2 || is_subtype ty2 ty1)) ||
99 (is_subtype ty1 ty2 && is_subtype ty2 ty1) in
100 let ensure_valid_switch_case_value_type = function
101 | Default _ -> ()
102 | Case (((case_value_p, case_value_ty), _), _) ->
103 if not (compatible_types case_value_ty scrutinee_ty) then
104 errorf (Env.get_tcopt env) case_value_p
105 (Env.print_ty env case_value_ty) (Env.print_ty env scrutinee_ty) in
106 List.iter casel ensure_valid_switch_case_value_type
108 let handler errorf = object
109 inherit Tast_visitor.handler_base
111 method! at_stmt env x =
112 match snd x with
113 | Switch (((scrutinee_pos, scrutinee_ty), _), casel) ->
114 check_exhaustiveness env scrutinee_pos scrutinee_ty casel;
115 ensure_valid_switch_case_value_types env scrutinee_ty casel errorf
116 | _ -> ()