Avoid using decl_class_type wherever possible
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / typing / tast_check / ppl_check.ml
1 (**
2 * Copyright (c) 2018, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
8 *)
10 (* Typing code concerned the <<__PPL>> attribute. *)
11 open Core_kernel
12 open Typing_defs
13 open Tast
15 module Cls = Typing_classes_heap
16 module Env = Tast_env
17 module TLazyHeap = Typing_lazy_heap
19 let has_ppl_attribute c =
20 List.exists
21 c.c_user_attributes
22 (fun { ua_name; _ } -> SN.UserAttributes.uaProbabilisticModel = snd ua_name)
24 (* If an object's type is wrapped in a Tabstract, recurse until we've hit the base *)
25 let rec base_type ty =
26 match snd ty with
27 | Tabstract(_, Some ty) -> base_type ty
28 | _ -> ty
30 (**
31 * Given a class, check the class's direct ancestors to verify that if
32 * one member is annotated with the <<__PPL>> attribute, then all of them are.
34 let check_ppl_class c =
35 let is_ppl = has_ppl_attribute c in
36 let child_class_string = Ast_defs.string_of_class_kind c.c_kind in
37 let c_pos = fst c.c_name in
38 let error = Errors.extend_ppl c_pos child_class_string is_ppl in
39 let check verb parent_class_string =
40 function
41 | _, Nast.Happly ((_, name), _) ->
42 begin match TLazyHeap.get_class name with
43 | Some parent_type ->
44 if Cls.ppl parent_type <> is_ppl
45 then error (Cls.pos parent_type) parent_class_string (Cls.name parent_type) verb
46 else ()
47 | None -> ()
48 end
49 | _ -> () in
50 List.iter (c.c_extends) (check "extend" "class");
51 List.iter (c.c_implements) (check "implement" "interface");
52 List.iter (c.c_uses) (check "use" "trait");
53 List.iter (c.c_req_extends) (check "require" "class");
54 List.iter (c.c_req_implements) (check "require" "interface")
56 (**
57 * When we call a method on an object, if the object is a <<__PPL>> object,
58 * then we can only call it via using the $this->method(...) syntax.
60 * This limits the ability to call it in a way that we are unable to rewrite.
62 let check_ppl_obj_get env ((p, ty), e) =
63 let check_type ty =
64 match snd (base_type ty) with
65 | Tclass ((_, name), _, _) ->
66 begin
67 match TLazyHeap.get_class name with
68 | Some cls when Cls.ppl cls ->
69 if not @@ Env.get_inside_ppl_class env
70 then Errors.invalid_ppl_call p "from a different class";
71 if Env.get_inside_constructor env
72 then Errors.invalid_ppl_call p "from inside a <<__PPL>> class constructor";
73 if not (phys_equal e This)
74 then Errors.invalid_ppl_call p
75 "inside a <<__PPL>> class unless using $this-> or $this:: syntax";
77 | _ -> ()
78 end
79 | _ -> () in
80 let _, type_list = Env.get_concrete_supertypes env ty in
81 List.iter type_list check_type
83 (**
84 * If we are calling a parent method from within a ppl class, we cannot be in
85 * the constructor of the child class.
87 * We will have already considered parent::__construct.
89 let check_ppl_parent_method env p =
90 if Env.get_inside_ppl_class env && Env.get_inside_constructor env
91 then Errors.invalid_ppl_static_call p "inside a <<__PPL>> class constructor"
93 (**
94 * When we call a static method on a class, do not allow ClassName::method
95 * because we are unable to detect whether the class being referred to
96 * is a <<__PPL>> annotated class during codegen.
98 let check_ppl_class_const env p e =
99 match e with
100 | CIself
101 | CIparent
102 | CIstatic ->
103 if Env.get_inside_ppl_class env && Env.get_inside_constructor env
104 then Errors.invalid_ppl_static_call p "inside a <<__PPL>> class constructor"
105 else ()
106 | CI (_, name) ->
107 begin
108 match TLazyHeap.get_class name with
109 | Some cls when Cls.ppl cls ->
110 Errors.invalid_ppl_static_call p "by classname. Use self::, static::, or parent::"
111 | _ -> ()
113 | CIexpr e -> check_ppl_obj_get env e
115 let check_ppl_meth_pointers p classname special_name =
116 match TLazyHeap.get_class classname with
117 | Some cls when Cls.ppl cls -> Errors.ppl_meth_pointer p special_name
118 | _ -> ()
120 let check_ppl_inst_meth env ((p, ty), _) =
121 let check_type ty =
122 match snd (base_type ty) with
123 | Tclass ((_, name), _, _) ->
124 begin
125 match TLazyHeap.get_class name with
126 | Some cls when Cls.ppl cls -> Errors.ppl_meth_pointer p "inst_meth"
127 | _ -> ()
129 | _ -> () in
130 let _, type_list = Env.get_concrete_supertypes env ty in
131 List.iter type_list check_type
133 let on_call_expr env ((p, _), x) =
134 match x with
135 | Obj_get (e, (_, _), _) -> check_ppl_obj_get env e
136 | Class_const ((_, CIparent), (_, construct)) when construct = SN.Members.__construct -> ()
137 | Class_const ((_, CIparent), _) -> check_ppl_parent_method env p
138 | Class_const ((_, e), _) -> check_ppl_class_const env p e
139 | _ -> ()
141 let handler = object
142 inherit Tast_visitor.handler_base
144 method! at_expr env ((p, _), x) =
145 match x with
146 | Call (_, e, _, _, _) -> on_call_expr env e
147 (* class_meth *)
148 | Smethod_id ((_, classname), _) -> check_ppl_meth_pointers p classname "class_meth"
149 (* meth_caller *)
150 | Method_caller ((_, classname), _) -> check_ppl_meth_pointers p classname "meth_caller"
151 (* inst_meth *)
152 | Method_id (instance, _) -> check_ppl_inst_meth env instance
153 | _ -> ()
155 method! at_class_ _env c = check_ppl_class c