solved some TODOs about Tgeneric type arguments (2)
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / typing / typing_object_get.mli
1 (*
2 * Copyright (c) 2015, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
8 *)
10 val obj_get :
11 obj_pos:Ast_defs.pos ->
12 is_method:bool ->
13 nullsafe:Ast_defs.pos option ->
14 coerce_from_ty:
15 (Ast_defs.pos * Typing_reason.ureason * Typing_defs.locl_ty) option ->
16 explicit_targs:Nast.targ list ->
17 Typing_env_types.env ->
18 Typing_defs.locl_ty ->
19 Nast.class_id_ ->
20 Ast_defs.pos * string ->
21 Errors.typing_error_callback ->
22 Typing_env_types.env * (Typing_defs.locl_ty * Tast.targ list)
24 val obj_get_ :
25 inst_meth:bool ->
26 is_method:bool ->
27 nullsafe:Ast_defs.pos option ->
28 obj_pos:Ast_defs.pos ->
29 coerce_from_ty:
30 (Ast_defs.pos * Typing_reason.ureason * Typing_defs.locl_ty) option ->
31 is_nonnull:bool ->
32 explicit_targs:Nast.targ list ->
33 Typing_env_types.env ->
34 Typing_defs.locl_ty ->
35 Nast.class_id_ ->
36 Ast_defs.pos * string ->
37 (Typing_defs.locl_ty -> Typing_defs.locl_ty) ->
38 Errors.typing_error_callback ->
39 Typing_env_types.env * (Typing_defs.locl_ty * Tast.targ list)
41 val smember_not_found :
42 Ast_defs.pos ->
43 is_const:bool ->
44 is_method:bool ->
45 Decl_provider.Class.t ->
46 string ->
47 Errors.typing_error_callback ->
48 unit