Fill in to_oxidized for a few more fields in FoldedClass
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / rupro / lib / decl_defs /
1 // Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
2 //
3 // This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
4 // LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
6 use super::{folded, ty::*};
7 use crate::reason::Reason;
8 use oxidized_by_ref::{ast::Id, s_set::SSet};
9 use pos::{Pos, ToOxidized};
11 use oxidized_by_ref as obr;
13 impl<'a> ToOxidized<'a> for CeVisibility {
14     type Output = obr::typing_defs::CeVisibility<'a>;
16     fn to_oxidized(&self, arena: &'a bumpalo::Bump) -> Self::Output {
17         use obr::typing_defs::CeVisibility as Obr;
18         match self {
19             CeVisibility::Public => Obr::Vpublic,
20             CeVisibility::Private(v) => Obr::Vprivate(v.to_oxidized(arena)),
21             CeVisibility::Protected(v) => Obr::Vprotected(v.to_oxidized(arena)),
22             CeVisibility::Internal(v) => Obr::Vinternal(v.to_oxidized(arena)),
23         }
24     }
27 impl<'a> ToOxidized<'a> for IfcFunDecl {
28     type Output = obr::typing_defs::IfcFunDecl<'a>;
30     fn to_oxidized(&self, arena: &'a bumpalo::Bump) -> Self::Output {
31         use obr::typing_defs::IfcFunDecl as Obr;
32         match self {
33             IfcFunDecl::FDPolicied(x) => Obr::FDPolicied(x.to_oxidized(arena)),
34             IfcFunDecl::FDInferFlows => Obr::FDInferFlows,
35         }
36     }
39 impl<'a, P: Pos> ToOxidized<'a> for UserAttribute<P> {
40     type Output = &'a obr::typing_defs::UserAttribute<'a>;
42     fn to_oxidized(&self, arena: &'a bumpalo::Bump) -> Self::Output {
43         arena.alloc(obr::typing_defs::UserAttribute {
44             name:,
45             classname_params: self.classname_params.to_oxidized(arena),
46         })
47     }
50 impl<'a, R: Reason> ToOxidized<'a> for Tparam<R, DeclTy<R>> {
51     type Output = &'a obr::typing_defs::Tparam<'a>;
53     fn to_oxidized(&self, arena: &'a bumpalo::Bump) -> Self::Output {
54         arena.alloc(obr::typing_defs::Tparam {
55             variance: self.variance,
56             name:,
57             tparams: self.tparams.to_oxidized(arena),
58             constraints: arena.alloc_slice_fill_iter(
59                 self.constraints
60                     .iter()
61                     .map(|(x, y)| (*x, y.to_oxidized(arena))),
62             ),
63             reified: self.reified,
64             user_attributes: self.user_attributes.to_oxidized(arena),
65         })
66     }
69 impl<'a, R: Reason> ToOxidized<'a> for WhereConstraint<DeclTy<R>> {
70     type Output = &'a obr::typing_defs::WhereConstraint<'a>;
72     fn to_oxidized(&self, arena: &'a bumpalo::Bump) -> Self::Output {
73         arena.alloc(obr::typing_defs::WhereConstraint(
74             self.0.to_oxidized(arena),
75             self.1,
76             self.2.to_oxidized(arena),
77         ))
78     }
81 impl<'a, R: Reason> ToOxidized<'a> for DeclTy<R> {
82     type Output = &'a obr::typing_defs::Ty<'a>;
84     fn to_oxidized(&self, arena: &'a bumpalo::Bump) -> Self::Output {
85         arena.alloc(obr::typing_defs::Ty(
86             self.reason().to_oxidized(arena),
87             self.node().to_oxidized(arena),
88         ))
89     }
92 impl<'a, R: Reason> ToOxidized<'a> for ShapeFieldType<R> {
93     type Output = &'a obr::typing_defs::ShapeFieldType<'a>;
95     fn to_oxidized(&self, arena: &'a bumpalo::Bump) -> Self::Output {
96         arena.alloc(obr::typing_defs::ShapeFieldType {
97             optional: self.optional,
98             ty: self.ty.to_oxidized(arena),
99         })
100     }
103 fn oxidize_shape_field_name<'a, P: Pos>(
104     arena: &'a bumpalo::Bump,
105     name: TshapeFieldName,
106     field_name_pos: &ShapeFieldNamePos<P>,
107 ) -> obr::typing_defs::TshapeFieldName<'a> {
108     use obr::typing_defs::TshapeFieldName as Obr;
109     use ShapeFieldNamePos as SfnPos;
110     let simple_pos = || match field_name_pos {
111         SfnPos::Simple(p) => p.to_oxidized(arena),
112         SfnPos::ClassConst(..) => panic!("expected ShapeFieldNamePos::Simple"),
113     };
114     match name {
115         TshapeFieldName::TSFlitInt(x) => Obr::TSFlitInt(arena.alloc(obr::typing_defs::PosString(
116             simple_pos(),
117             x.to_oxidized(arena),
118         ))),
119         TshapeFieldName::TSFlitStr(x) => Obr::TSFlitStr(arena.alloc(
120             obr::typing_defs::PosByteString(simple_pos(), x.as_bytes().into()),
121         )),
122         TshapeFieldName::TSFclassConst(cls, name) => {
123             let (pos1, pos2) = match field_name_pos {
124                 SfnPos::ClassConst(p1, p2) => (p1.to_oxidized(arena), p2.to_oxidized(arena)),
125                 SfnPos::Simple(..) => panic!("expected ShapeFieldNamePos::ClassConst"),
126             };
127             Obr::TSFclassConst(arena.alloc((
128                 (pos1, cls.to_oxidized(arena)),
129                 obr::typing_defs::PosString(pos2, name.to_oxidized(arena)),
130             )))
131         }
132     }
135 impl<'a, R: Reason> ToOxidized<'a> for DeclTy_<R> {
136     type Output = obr::typing_defs::Ty_<'a>;
138     fn to_oxidized(&self, arena: &'a bumpalo::Bump) -> Self::Output {
139         use obr::t_shape_map::{TShapeField, TShapeMap};
140         use obr::typing_defs::Ty_;
141         match self {
142             DeclTy_::DTthis => Ty_::Tthis,
143             DeclTy_::DTapply(x) => Ty_::Tapply(x.to_oxidized(arena)),
144             DeclTy_::DTmixed => Ty_::Tmixed,
145             DeclTy_::DTlike(x) => Ty_::Tlike(x.to_oxidized(arena)),
146             DeclTy_::DTany => Ty_::Tany(obr::tany_sentinel::TanySentinel),
147             DeclTy_::DTerr => Ty_::Terr,
148             DeclTy_::DTnonnull => Ty_::Tnonnull,
149             DeclTy_::DTdynamic => Ty_::Tdynamic,
150             DeclTy_::DToption(x) => Ty_::Toption(x.to_oxidized(arena)),
151             DeclTy_::DTprim(x) => Ty_::Tprim(arena.alloc(*x)),
152             DeclTy_::DTfun(x) => Ty_::Tfun(x.to_oxidized(arena)),
153             DeclTy_::DTtuple(x) => Ty_::Ttuple(x.to_oxidized(arena)),
154             DeclTy_::DTshape(shape) => {
155                 let mut shape_fields = arena_collections::AssocListMut::new_in(arena);
156                 for (k, v) in shape.1.iter() {
157                     let k = oxidize_shape_field_name(arena, *k, &v.field_name_pos);
158                     shape_fields.insert_or_replace(TShapeField(k), v.to_oxidized(arena));
159                 }
160                 Ty_::Tshape(arena.alloc((shape.0, TShapeMap::from(shape_fields))))
161             }
162             DeclTy_::DTvar(ident) => Ty_::Tvar((*ident).into()),
163             DeclTy_::DTgeneric(x) => Ty_::Tgeneric(x.to_oxidized(arena)),
164             DeclTy_::DTunion(x) => Ty_::Tunion(x.to_oxidized(arena)),
165             DeclTy_::DTintersection(x) => Ty_::Tintersection(x.to_oxidized(arena)),
166             DeclTy_::DTvecOrDict(x) => Ty_::TvecOrDict(x.to_oxidized(arena)),
167             DeclTy_::DTaccess(x) => Ty_::Taccess(x.to_oxidized(arena)),
168         }
169     }
172 impl<'a, R: Reason> ToOxidized<'a> for TaccessType<R, DeclTy<R>> {
173     type Output = &'a obr::typing_defs::TaccessType<'a>;
175     fn to_oxidized(&self, arena: &'a bumpalo::Bump) -> Self::Output {
176         arena.alloc(obr::typing_defs::TaccessType(
177             self.ty.to_oxidized(arena),
178             self.type_const.to_oxidized(arena),
179         ))
180     }
183 impl<'a, R: Reason> ToOxidized<'a> for FunImplicitParams<R, DeclTy<R>> {
184     type Output = &'a obr::typing_defs::FunImplicitParams<'a>;
186     fn to_oxidized(&self, arena: &'a bumpalo::Bump) -> Self::Output {
187         arena.alloc(obr::typing_defs::FunImplicitParams {
188             capability: match &self.capability {
189                 Capability::CapDefaults(p) => {
190                     obr::typing_defs::Capability::CapDefaults(p.to_oxidized(arena))
191                 }
192                 Capability::CapTy(ty) => obr::typing_defs::Capability::CapTy(ty.to_oxidized(arena)),
193             },
194         })
195     }
198 impl<'a, R: Reason> ToOxidized<'a> for FunType<R, DeclTy<R>> {
199     type Output = &'a obr::typing_defs::FunType<'a>;
201     fn to_oxidized(&self, arena: &'a bumpalo::Bump) -> Self::Output {
202         arena.alloc(obr::typing_defs::FunType {
203             tparams: self.tparams.to_oxidized(arena),
204             where_constraints: self.where_constraints.to_oxidized(arena),
205             params: self.params.to_oxidized(arena),
206             implicit_params: self.implicit_params.to_oxidized(arena),
207             ret: self.ret.to_oxidized(arena),
208             flags: self.flags,
209             ifc_decl: self.ifc_decl.to_oxidized(arena),
210         })
211     }
214 impl<'a, R: Reason> ToOxidized<'a> for PossiblyEnforcedTy<DeclTy<R>> {
215     type Output = &'a obr::typing_defs::PossiblyEnforcedTy<'a>;
217     fn to_oxidized(&self, arena: &'a bumpalo::Bump) -> Self::Output {
218         arena.alloc(obr::typing_defs::PossiblyEnforcedTy {
219             enforced: self.enforced,
220             type_: self.ty.to_oxidized(arena),
221         })
222     }
225 impl<'a, R: Reason> ToOxidized<'a> for FunParam<R, DeclTy<R>> {
226     type Output = &'a obr::typing_defs::FunParam<'a>;
228     fn to_oxidized(&self, arena: &'a bumpalo::Bump) -> Self::Output {
229         arena.alloc(obr::typing_defs::FunParam {
230             pos: self.pos.to_oxidized(arena),
231             name:,
232             type_: self.ty.to_oxidized(arena),
233             flags: self.flags,
234         })
235     }
238 impl<'a> ToOxidized<'a> for XhpEnumValue {
239     type Output = obr::ast_defs::XhpEnumValue<'a>;
241     fn to_oxidized(&self, arena: &'a bumpalo::Bump) -> Self::Output {
242         use obr::ast_defs::XhpEnumValue as Obr;
243         match self {
244             Self::XEVInt(i) => Obr::XEVInt(*i),
245             Self::XEVString(s) => Obr::XEVString(s.to_oxidized(arena)),
246         }
247     }
250 impl<'a> ToOxidized<'a> for ClassConstFrom {
251     type Output = obr::typing_defs::ClassConstFrom<'a>;
253     fn to_oxidized(&self, arena: &'a bumpalo::Bump) -> Self::Output {
254         use obr::typing_defs::ClassConstFrom as Obr;
255         match self {
256             Self::Self_ => Obr::Self_,
257             Self::From(ty) => Obr::From(ty.to_oxidized(arena)),
258         }
259     }
262 impl<'a> ToOxidized<'a> for ClassConstRef {
263     type Output = obr::typing_defs::ClassConstRef<'a>;
265     fn to_oxidized(&self, arena: &'a bumpalo::Bump) -> Self::Output {
266         obr::typing_defs::ClassConstRef(self.0.to_oxidized(arena), self.1.to_oxidized(arena))
267     }
270 impl<'a, R: Reason> ToOxidized<'a> for AbstractTypeconst<R> {
271     type Output = &'a obr::typing_defs::AbstractTypeconst<'a>;
273     fn to_oxidized(&self, arena: &'a bumpalo::Bump) -> Self::Output {
274         arena.alloc(obr::typing_defs::AbstractTypeconst {
275             as_constraint: self.as_constraint.to_oxidized(arena),
276             super_constraint: self.super_constraint.to_oxidized(arena),
277             default: self.default.to_oxidized(arena),
278         })
279     }
282 impl<'a, R: Reason> ToOxidized<'a> for ConcreteTypeconst<R> {
283     type Output = &'a obr::typing_defs::ConcreteTypeconst<'a>;
285     fn to_oxidized(&self, arena: &'a bumpalo::Bump) -> Self::Output {
286         arena.alloc(obr::typing_defs::ConcreteTypeconst {
287             tc_type: self.ty.to_oxidized(arena),
288         })
289     }
292 impl<'a, R: Reason> ToOxidized<'a> for Typeconst<R> {
293     type Output = obr::typing_defs::Typeconst<'a>;
295     fn to_oxidized(&self, arena: &'a bumpalo::Bump) -> Self::Output {
296         use obr::typing_defs::Typeconst as Obr;
297         match self {
298             Self::TCAbstract(x) => Obr::TCAbstract(x.to_oxidized(arena)),
299             Self::TCConcrete(x) => Obr::TCConcrete(x.to_oxidized(arena)),
300         }
301     }
304 impl<'a, R: Reason> ToOxidized<'a> for folded::SubstContext<R> {
305     type Output = &'a obr::decl_defs::SubstContext<'a>;
307     fn to_oxidized(&self, arena: &'a bumpalo::Bump) -> Self::Output {
308         arena.alloc(obr::decl_defs::SubstContext {
309             subst: self.subst.to_oxidized(arena),
310             class_context: self.class_context.to_oxidized(arena),
311             from_req_extends: self.from_req_extends,
312         })
313     }
316 impl<'a, R: Reason> ToOxidized<'a> for folded::TypeConst<R> {
317     type Output = &'a obr::typing_defs::TypeconstType<'a>;
319     fn to_oxidized(&self, arena: &'a bumpalo::Bump) -> Self::Output {
320         arena.alloc(obr::typing_defs::TypeconstType {
321             synthesized: self.is_synthesized,
322             concretized: self.is_concreteized,
323             is_ctx: self.is_ctx,
324             enforceable: self.enforceable.as_ref().map_or_else(
325                 || (obr::pos::Pos::none(), false),
326                 |x| (x.to_oxidized(arena), true),
327             ),
328             reifiable: self.reifiable.as_ref().map(|x| x.to_oxidized(arena)),
329             origin: self.origin.to_oxidized(arena),
330             kind: self.kind.to_oxidized(arena),
331             name:,
332         })
333     }
336 impl<'a, R: Reason> ToOxidized<'a> for folded::ClassConst<R> {
337     type Output = &'a obr::typing_defs::ClassConst<'a>;
339     fn to_oxidized(&self, arena: &'a bumpalo::Bump) -> Self::Output {
340         arena.alloc(obr::typing_defs::ClassConst {
341             synthesized: self.is_synthesized,
342             abstract_: self.kind,
343             origin: self.origin.to_oxidized(arena),
344             refs: self.refs.to_oxidized(arena),
345             type_: self.ty.to_oxidized(arena),
346             pos: self.pos.to_oxidized(arena),
347         })
348     }
351 impl<'a, R: Reason> ToOxidized<'a> for folded::FoldedClass<R> {
352     type Output = obr::decl_defs::DeclClassType<'a>;
354     fn to_oxidized(&self, arena: &'a bumpalo::Bump) -> Self::Output {
355         obr::decl_defs::DeclClassType {
356             name:,
357             pos: self.pos.to_oxidized(arena),
358             kind: self.kind,
359             abstract_: self.is_abstract(),
360             final_: self.is_final,
361             const_: self.is_const,
362             internal: self.is_internal,
363             is_xhp: self.is_xhp,
364             has_xhp_keyword: self.has_xhp_keyword,
365             support_dynamic_type: self.support_dynamic_type,
366             module: self.module.as_ref().map(|m| {
367                 let (pos, id) = m.to_oxidized(arena);
368                 Id(pos, id)
369             }),
370             tparams: self.tparams.to_oxidized(arena),
371             where_constraints: self.where_constraints.to_oxidized(arena),
372             substs: self.substs.to_oxidized(arena),
373             ancestors: self.ancestors.to_oxidized(arena),
374             props: self.props.to_oxidized(arena),
375             sprops: self.static_props.to_oxidized(arena),
376             methods: self.methods.to_oxidized(arena),
377             smethods: self.static_methods.to_oxidized(arena),
378             consts: self.consts.to_oxidized(arena),
379             typeconsts: self.type_consts.to_oxidized(arena),
380             xhp_enum_values: self.xhp_enum_values.to_oxidized(arena),
381             // TODO(milliechen): implement the rest
382             construct: (None, obr::typing_defs::ConsistentKind::Inconsistent),
383             need_init: false,
384             deferred_init_members: SSet::empty(),
385             req_ancestors: &[],
386             req_ancestors_extends: SSet::empty(),
387             extends: SSet::empty(),
388             sealed_whitelist: None,
389             xhp_attr_deps: SSet::empty(),
390             enum_type: None,
391             decl_errors: None,
392             condition_types: SSet::empty(),
393         }
394     }
397 impl<'a> ToOxidized<'a> for folded::FoldedElement {
398     type Output = &'a obr::decl_defs::Element<'a>;
400     fn to_oxidized(&self, arena: &'a bumpalo::Bump) -> Self::Output {
401         arena.alloc(obr::decl_defs::Element {
402             origin: self.origin.to_oxidized(arena),
403             visibility: self.visibility.to_oxidized(arena),
404             deprecated:|x| {
405                 bumpalo::collections::String::from_utf8_lossy_in(x.as_bytes(), arena)
406                     .into_bump_str()
407             }),
408             flags: self.flags,
409         })
410     }