implement two functions in emitter
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / hhbc /
1 (*
2 * Copyright (c) 2017, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
8 *)
10 open Core_kernel
11 open Hhbc_string_utils
12 module A = Ast_defs
13 module SN = Naming_special_names
14 module TC = Hhas_type_constraint
16 type type_hint_kind =
17 | Property
18 | Return
19 | Param
20 | TypeDef
22 (* Produce the "userType" bit of the annotation *)
23 let rec fmt_name_or_prim ~tparams ~namespace x =
24 let name = snd x in
25 if List.mem ~equal:( = ) tparams name || is_self name || is_parent name then
26 name
27 else
28 let needs_unmangling = Xhp.is_xhp (strip_ns name) in
29 let fq_id = Hhbc_id.Class.elaborate_id namespace x in
30 if needs_unmangling then
31 Hhbc_id.Class.to_unmangled_string fq_id
32 else
33 Hhbc_id.Class.to_raw_string fq_id
35 and prim_to_string prim =
36 match prim with
37 | Aast.Tnull -> SN.Typehints.null
38 | Aast.Tvoid -> SN.Typehints.void
39 | Aast.Tint ->
40 | Aast.Tbool -> SN.Typehints.bool
41 | Aast.Tfloat -> SN.Typehints.float
42 | Aast.Tstring -> SN.Typehints.string
43 | Aast.Tresource -> SN.Typehints.resource
44 | Aast.Tnum -> SN.Typehints.num
45 | Aast.Tarraykey -> SN.Typehints.arraykey
46 | Aast.Tnoreturn -> SN.Typehints.noreturn
47 | Aast.Tatom s -> ":@" ^ s
49 and fmt_hint ~tparams ~namespace ?(strip_tparams = false) (pos, h) =
50 let fmt_name_or_prim = fmt_name_or_prim ~tparams ~namespace in
51 match h with
52 | Aast.Happly (id, []) -> fmt_name_or_prim id
53 | Aast.Happly (id, args) ->
54 let name = fmt_name_or_prim id in
55 if strip_tparams then
56 name
57 else
58 name ^ "<" ^ fmt_hints ~tparams ~namespace args ^ ">"
59 | Aast.Hfun { is_coroutine = true; _ } ->
60 failwith "Codegen for coroutine functions is not supported"
61 | Aast.Hfun
63 reactive_kind = _;
64 is_coroutine = false;
65 param_tys = args;
66 param_kinds = _;
67 param_mutability = _;
68 variadic_ty = _;
69 return_ty = ret;
70 is_mutable_return = _;
71 } ->
72 (* TODO(mqian): Implement for inout parameters *)
73 "(function ("
74 ^ fmt_hints ~tparams ~namespace args
75 ^ "): "
76 ^ fmt_hint ~tparams ~namespace ret
77 ^ ")"
78 | Aast.Htuple hs -> "(" ^ fmt_hints ~tparams ~namespace hs ^ ")"
79 | Aast.Haccess ((_, Aast.Happly (id, _)), accesses) ->
80 fmt_name_or_prim id
81 ^ "::"
82 ^ String.concat ~sep:"::" ( accesses snd)
83 | Aast.Haccess _ -> failwith "ast_to_nast error. Should be Haccess(Happly())"
84 (* Follow HHVM order: soft -> option *)
85 (* Can we fix this eventually? *)
86 | Aast.Hoption (_, Aast.Hsoft t) -> "@?" ^ fmt_hint ~tparams ~namespace t
87 | Aast.Hoption t -> "?" ^ fmt_hint ~tparams ~namespace t
88 | Aast.Hlike t -> "~" ^ fmt_hint ~tparams ~namespace t
89 | Aast.Hsoft h -> "@" ^ fmt_hint ~tparams ~namespace h
90 (* No guarantee that this is in the correct order when using map instead of list
91 * TODO: Check whether shape fields need to retain order *)
92 | Aast.Hshape { Aast.nsi_field_map; _ } ->
93 let fmt_field_name name =
94 match name with
95 | A.SFlit_int (_, s_i) -> s_i
96 | A.SFlit_str (_, s) -> "'" ^ s ^ "'"
97 | A.SFclass_const (cid, (_, s2)) -> fmt_name_or_prim cid ^ "::" ^ s2
99 let format { Aast.sfi_hint; Aast.sfi_optional; Aast.sfi_name } =
100 let prefix =
101 if sfi_optional then
103 else
106 prefix
107 ^ fmt_field_name sfi_name
108 ^ "=>"
109 ^ fmt_hint ~tparams ~namespace sfi_hint
111 let shape_fields = ~f:format nsi_field_map in
112 prefix_namespace "HH" "shape(" ^ String.concat ~sep:", " shape_fields ^ ")"
113 | Aast.Hprim p -> fmt_name_or_prim (pos, prim_to_string p)
114 (* Didn't exist in the AST *)
115 | Aast.Herr
116 | Aast.Hany ->
117 failwith "I'm convinced that this should be an error caught in naming"
118 | Aast.Hmixed -> fmt_name_or_prim (pos, SN.Typehints.mixed)
119 | Aast.Hnonnull -> fmt_name_or_prim (pos, SN.Typehints.nonnull)
120 | Aast.Habstr s -> fmt_name_or_prim (pos, s)
121 | Aast.Harray _ -> fmt_name_or_prim (pos, SN.Typehints.array)
122 | Aast.Hdarray _ -> fmt_name_or_prim (pos, SN.Typehints.darray)
123 | Aast.Hvarray _ -> fmt_name_or_prim (pos, SN.Typehints.varray)
124 | Aast.Hvarray_or_darray _ ->
125 fmt_name_or_prim (pos, SN.Typehints.varray_or_darray)
126 | Aast.Hthis -> fmt_name_or_prim (pos, SN.Typehints.this)
127 | Aast.Hdynamic -> fmt_name_or_prim (pos, SN.Typehints.dynamic)
128 | Aast.Hnothing -> fmt_name_or_prim (pos, SN.Typehints.nothing)
129 | Aast.Hpu_access (h, sid) ->
130 "(" ^ fmt_hint ~tparams ~namespace h ^ ":@" ^ snd sid ^ ")"
132 and fmt_hints ~tparams ~namespace hints =
133 String.concat ~sep:", " ( hints (fmt_hint ~tparams ~namespace))
135 (* Differs from above in that this assumes that naming has occurred *)
136 let can_be_nullable (_, h) =
137 match h with
138 | Aast.Hfun _
139 | Aast.Hoption (_, Aast.Hfun _)
140 | Aast.Happly ((_, "dynamic"), _)
141 | Aast.Hoption (_, Aast.Happly ((_, "dynamic"), _))
142 | Aast.Happly ((_, "nonnull"), _)
143 | Aast.Hoption (_, Aast.Happly ((_, "nonnull"), _))
144 | Aast.Happly ((_, "mixed"), _)
145 | Aast.Hoption (_, Aast.Happly ((_, "mixed"), _))
146 | Aast.Hdynamic
147 | Aast.Hnonnull
148 | Aast.Hmixed
149 | Aast.Hoption (_, Aast.Hdynamic)
150 | Aast.Hoption (_, Aast.Hnonnull)
151 | Aast.Hoption (_, Aast.Hmixed) ->
152 false
153 | Aast.Haccess _ -> false
154 (* HHVM does not emit nullable for type consts that are set to null by default
155 * function(Class::Type $a = null) unless it is explicitly marked as nullable
157 | Aast.Herr
158 | Aast.Hany ->
159 failwith "I'm convinced that this should be an error caught in naming"
160 (* Naming converted the following from Happly's so assuming it should be true *)
161 | Aast.Habstr _
162 | Aast.Harray _
163 | Aast.Hdarray _
164 | Aast.Hvarray _
165 | Aast.Hvarray_or_darray _
166 | Aast.Hthis ->
167 true
168 | _ -> true
170 let rec hint_to_type_constraint ~kind ~tparams ~skipawaitable ~namespace (p, h)
172 let happly_helper ((pos, name) as id) =
173 if List.mem ~equal:( = ) tparams name then
174 let tc_name = Some "" in
175 let tc_flags = [TC.HHType; TC.ExtendedHint; TC.TypeVar] in
176 TC.make tc_name tc_flags
177 else if kind = TypeDef && (is_self name || is_parent name) then
178 Emit_fatal.raise_fatal_runtime
180 (Printf.sprintf "Cannot access %s when no class scope is active" name)
181 else
182 let tc_name =
183 if is_self name || is_parent name then
184 name
185 else
186 let fq_id = Hhbc_id.Class.elaborate_id namespace id in
187 Hhbc_id.Class.to_raw_string fq_id
189 let tc_flags = [TC.HHType] in
190 TC.make (Some tc_name) tc_flags
192 match h with
193 (* The dynamic and nonnull types are treated by the runtime as mixed *)
194 | Aast.Happly ((_, "dynamic"), [])
195 | Aast.Happly ((_, "mixed"), [])
196 | Aast.Hdynamic
197 | Aast.Hlike _
198 | Aast.Hfun _
199 | Aast.Hmixed ->
200 TC.make None []
201 | Aast.Hprim Aast.Tvoid when kind <> TypeDef -> TC.make None []
202 | Aast.Happly ((_, s), [])
203 when String.lowercase s = "void" && kind <> TypeDef ->
204 TC.make None []
205 | Aast.Haccess _ ->
206 let tc_name = Some "" in
207 let tc_flags = [TC.HHType; TC.ExtendedHint; TC.TypeConstant] in
208 TC.make tc_name tc_flags
209 (* Elide the Awaitable class for async return types only *)
210 | Aast.Happly ((_, "Awaitable"), [(_, Aast.Hprim Aast.Tvoid)])
211 | Aast.Happly ((_, "Awaitable"), [(_, Aast.Happly ((_, "void"), []))])
212 when skipawaitable ->
213 TC.make None []
214 | Aast.Happly ((_, "Awaitable"), [h])
215 | Aast.Hoption (_, Aast.Happly ((_, "Awaitable"), [h]))
216 when skipawaitable ->
217 hint_to_type_constraint ~kind ~tparams ~skipawaitable:false ~namespace h
218 | Aast.Hoption (_, Aast.Hsoft (_, Aast.Happly ((_, "Awaitable"), [h])))
219 when skipawaitable ->
220 make_tc_with_flags_if_non_empty_flags
221 ~kind
222 ~tparams
223 ~skipawaitable
224 ~namespace
226 [TC.Soft; TC.HHType; TC.ExtendedHint]
227 | Aast.Happly ((_, "Awaitable"), [])
228 | Aast.Hoption (_, Aast.Happly ((_, "Awaitable"), []))
229 when skipawaitable ->
230 TC.make None []
231 (* Need to differentiate between type params and classes *)
232 | Aast.Happly ((pos, name), _) -> happly_helper (pos, name)
233 (* Shapes and tuples are just arrays *)
234 | Aast.Hshape _ ->
235 let tc_name = Some "HH\\darray" in
236 let tc_flags = [TC.HHType; TC.ExtendedHint] in
237 TC.make tc_name tc_flags
238 | Aast.Htuple _ ->
239 let tc_name = Some "HH\\varray" in
240 let tc_flags = [TC.HHType; TC.ExtendedHint] in
241 TC.make tc_name tc_flags
242 | Aast.Hoption t ->
243 make_tc_with_flags_if_non_empty_flags
244 ~kind
245 ~tparams
246 ~skipawaitable
247 ~namespace
249 [TC.Nullable; TC.DisplayNullable; TC.HHType; TC.ExtendedHint]
250 | Aast.Hsoft t ->
251 make_tc_with_flags_if_non_empty_flags
252 ~kind
253 ~tparams
254 ~skipawaitable
255 ~namespace
257 [TC.Soft; TC.HHType; TC.ExtendedHint]
258 | Aast.Herr
259 | Aast.Hany ->
260 failwith "I'm convinced that this should be an error caught in naming"
261 (* Naming converted the following from Happly's so use the Happly logic here*)
262 | Aast.Hnonnull -> happly_helper (p, SN.Typehints.nonnull)
263 | Aast.Harray _ -> happly_helper (p, SN.Typehints.array)
264 | Aast.Hdarray _ -> happly_helper (p, SN.Typehints.darray)
265 | Aast.Hvarray _ -> happly_helper (p, SN.Typehints.varray)
266 | Aast.Hvarray_or_darray _ -> happly_helper (p, SN.Typehints.varray_or_darray)
267 | Aast.Hprim prim -> happly_helper (p, prim_to_string prim)
268 | Aast.Hthis -> happly_helper (p, SN.Typehints.this)
269 | Aast.Hnothing -> happly_helper (p, SN.Typehints.nothing)
270 | Aast.Habstr s -> happly_helper (p, s)
271 | Aast.Hpu_access _ -> TC.make None []
273 and make_tc_with_flags_if_non_empty_flags
274 ~kind ~tparams ~skipawaitable ~namespace t flags =
275 let tc =
276 hint_to_type_constraint ~kind ~tparams ~skipawaitable ~namespace t
278 let tc_name = tc in
279 let tc_flags = TC.flags tc in
280 match (tc_name, tc_flags) with
281 | (None, []) -> tc
282 | _ ->
283 let tc_flags = List.stable_dedup (flags @ tc_flags) in
284 TC.make tc_name tc_flags
286 let add_nullable ~nullable flags =
287 if nullable then
288 List.stable_dedup (TC.Nullable :: TC.DisplayNullable :: flags)
289 else
290 flags
292 let try_add_nullable ~nullable h flags =
293 add_nullable ~nullable:(nullable && can_be_nullable h) flags
295 let make_type_info ~tparams ~namespace h tc_name tc_flags =
296 let type_info_user_type = Some (fmt_hint ~tparams ~namespace h) in
297 let type_info_type_constraint = TC.make tc_name tc_flags in
298 Hhas_type_info.make type_info_user_type type_info_type_constraint
300 let param_hint_to_type_info
301 ~kind ~skipawaitable ~nullable ~tparams ~namespace h =
302 let is_simple_hint =
303 match snd h with
304 | Aast.Hsoft _
305 | Aast.Hoption _
306 | Aast.Haccess _
307 | Aast.Hfun _
308 | Aast.Happly (_, _ :: _)
309 | Aast.Happly ((_, "dynamic"), [])
310 | Aast.Happly ((_, "nonnull"), [])
311 | Aast.Happly ((_, "mixed"), [])
312 | Aast.Hdynamic
313 | Aast.Hnonnull
314 | Aast.Hmixed ->
315 false
316 (* I think Happly where id is in tparams is translated into Habstr *)
317 | Aast.Habstr s when List.mem ~equal:( = ) tparams s -> false
318 | Aast.Happly ((_, id), _) when List.mem ~equal:( = ) tparams id -> false
319 | Aast.Herr
320 | Aast.Hany ->
321 failwith "Expected error on Tany in naming: param_hint_to_type_info"
322 (* The following are based on Happly conversions in naming *)
323 | Aast.Harray (Some _, Some _) -> false
324 | Aast.Harray _ -> true
325 | Aast.Hdarray _ -> false
326 | Aast.Hvarray _ -> true
327 | Aast.Hvarray_or_darray _ -> true
328 | Aast.Hprim _ -> true
329 | Aast.Hthis -> true
330 | _ -> true
332 let tc =
333 hint_to_type_constraint ~kind ~tparams ~skipawaitable ~namespace h
335 let tc_name = tc in
336 if is_simple_hint then
337 let tc_flags = try_add_nullable ~nullable h [TC.HHType] in
338 make_type_info ~tparams ~namespace h tc_name tc_flags
339 else
340 let tc_flags = TC.flags tc in
341 let tc_flags = try_add_nullable ~nullable h tc_flags in
342 make_type_info ~tparams ~namespace h tc_name tc_flags
344 let hint_to_type_info ~kind ~skipawaitable ~nullable ~tparams ~namespace h =
345 match kind with
346 | Param ->
347 param_hint_to_type_info
348 ~kind
349 ~skipawaitable
350 ~nullable
351 ~tparams
352 ~namespace
354 | _ ->
355 let tc =
356 hint_to_type_constraint ~kind ~tparams ~skipawaitable ~namespace h
358 let tc_name = tc in
359 let tc_flags = TC.flags tc in
360 let tc_flags =
361 if (kind = Return || kind = Property) && tc_name <> None then
362 List.stable_dedup (TC.ExtendedHint :: tc_flags)
363 else
364 tc_flags
366 let tc_flags =
367 if kind = TypeDef then
368 add_nullable ~nullable tc_flags
369 else
370 try_add_nullable ~nullable h tc_flags
372 make_type_info ~tparams ~namespace h tc_name tc_flags
374 let hint_to_class ~namespace (h : Aast.hint) =
375 match h with
376 | (_, Aast.Happly (id, _)) ->
377 let fq_id = Hhbc_id.Class.elaborate_id namespace id in
378 fq_id
379 | _ -> Hhbc_id.Class.from_raw_string "__type_is_not_class__"
381 let emit_type_constraint_for_native_function tparams ret ti =
382 let user_type = Hhas_type_info.user_type ti in
383 let (name, flags) =
384 match (user_type, ret) with
385 | (_, None)
386 | (None, _) ->
387 (Some "HH\\void", [TC.HHType; TC.ExtendedHint])
388 | (Some t, _) when t = "HH\\mixed" || t = "callable" -> (None, [])
389 | (Some t, Some ret) ->
390 let strip_nullable n = String_utils.lstrip n "?" in
391 let strip_soft n = String_utils.lstrip n "@" in
392 let vanilla_name n = Hhbc_string_utils.strip_type_list n in
393 let name =
394 (* Strip twice since we don't know which one is coming first *)
395 Some (vanilla_name @@ strip_nullable @@ strip_soft @@ strip_nullable t)
397 let flags = [TC.HHType; TC.ExtendedHint] in
398 let rec get_flags (_, t) flags =
399 match t with
400 | Aast.Hoption x ->
401 TC.Nullable :: TC.DisplayNullable :: get_flags x flags
402 | Aast.Hsoft x -> TC.Soft :: get_flags x flags
403 | Aast.Haccess _ -> TC.TypeConstant :: flags
404 | Aast.Happly ((_, name), _) when List.mem ~equal:( = ) tparams name ->
405 TC.TypeVar :: flags
406 | _ -> flags
408 let flags = get_flags ret flags in
409 (name, flags)
411 let tc = Hhas_type_constraint.make name flags in
412 Hhas_type_info.make user_type tc