Untyped variadic function types should not be permitted in strict mode
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / test / typecheck / instanceof_generic_bad4.php.exp
1 File "instanceof_generic_bad4.php", line 9, characters 20-21:
2 Invalid argument (Typing[4110])
3 File "instanceof_generic_bad4.php", line 6, characters 29-32:
4 This is an object of type Base
5 File "instanceof_generic_bad4.php", line 8, characters 7-8:
6 It is incompatible with a value of generic type Tinv#1 from this instanceof test matching \Inv<Tinv#1>
7 File "instanceof_generic_bad4.php", line 6, characters 29-32:
8 Considering that this type argument is invariant with respect to Inv