Undef AwaitAllWaitHandle::fromArray
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / test / verify.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python3
3 import argparse
4 import os.path
5 import os
6 import subprocess
7 import sys
8 import difflib
9 import shlex
10 from collections import namedtuple
11 from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
13 max_workers = 48
14 verbose = False
15 dump_on_failure = False
18 Failure = namedtuple('Failure', ['fname', 'expected', 'output'])
20 """
21 Per-test flags passed to test executable. Expected to be in a file with
22 same name as test, but with .flags extension.
23 """
25 def get_test_flags(f):
26 prefix, _ext = os.path.splitext(f)
27 path = prefix + '.flags'
29 if not os.path.isfile(path):
30 return []
31 with open(path) as f:
32 return shlex.split(f.read().strip())
35 def run_test_program(files, program, expect_ext, get_flags, use_stdin):
36 """
37 Run the program and return a list of Failures.
38 """
39 def run(f):
40 test_dir, test_name = os.path.split(f)
41 flags = get_flags(test_dir)
42 test_flags = get_test_flags(f)
43 cmd = [program]
44 if not use_stdin:
45 cmd.append(test_name)
46 cmd += flags + test_flags
47 if verbose:
48 print('Executing', ' '.join(cmd))
49 try:
50 def go(stdin=None):
51 return subprocess.check_output(
52 cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=test_dir,
53 universal_newlines=True, stdin=stdin)
54 if use_stdin:
55 with open(f) as stdin:
56 output = go(stdin)
57 else:
58 output = go()
59 except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
60 # we don't care about nonzero exit codes... for instance, type
61 # errors cause hh_single_type_check to produce them
62 output = e.output
63 return check_result(f, expect_ext, output)
65 executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers)
66 futures = [executor.submit(run, f) for f in files]
68 results = [f.result() for f in futures]
69 return [r for r in results if r is not None]
71 def filter_ocaml_stacktrace(text):
72 """take a string and remove all the lines that look like
73 they're part of an OCaml stacktrace"""
74 assert isinstance(text, str)
75 it = text.splitlines()
76 out = []
77 for x in it:
78 drop_line = (
79 x.lstrip().startswith("Called") or
80 x.lstrip().startswith("Raised")
82 if drop_line:
83 pass
84 else:
85 out.append(x)
86 # force trailing newline
87 return "\n".join(out) + "\n"
89 def check_result(fname, expect_exp, out):
90 try:
91 with open(fname + expect_exp, 'rt') as fexp:
92 exp = fexp.read()
93 except FileNotFoundError:
94 exp = ''
95 if exp != out and exp != filter_ocaml_stacktrace(out):
96 return Failure(fname=fname, expected=exp, output=out)
98 def record_failures(failures, out_ext):
99 for failure in failures:
100 outfile = failure.fname + out_ext
101 with open(outfile, 'wb') as f:
102 f.write(bytes(failure.output, 'UTF-8'))
104 def dump_failures(failures):
105 for f in failures:
106 expected = f.expected
107 actual = f.output
108 diff = difflib.ndiff(
109 expected.splitlines(1),
110 actual.splitlines(1))
111 print("Details for the failed test %s:" % f.fname)
112 print("\n>>>>> Expected output >>>>>>\n")
113 print(expected)
114 print("\n===== Actual output ======\n")
115 print(actual)
116 print("\n<<<<< End Actual output <<<<<<<\n")
117 print("\n>>>>> Diff >>>>>>>\n")
118 print(''.join(diff))
119 print("\n<<<<< End Diff <<<<<<<\n")
121 def get_hh_flags(test_dir):
122 path = os.path.join(test_dir, 'HH_FLAGS')
123 if not os.path.isfile(path):
124 if verbose:
125 print("No HH_FLAGS file found")
126 return []
127 with open(path) as f:
128 return shlex.split(f.read().strip())
130 def files_with_ext(files, ext):
132 Returns the set of filenames in :files that end in :ext
134 result = set()
135 for f in files:
136 prefix, suffix = os.path.splitext(f)
137 if suffix == ext:
138 result.add(prefix)
139 return result
141 def list_test_files(root, disabled_ext, test_ext):
142 if os.path.isfile(root):
143 if root.endswith(test_ext):
144 return [root]
145 else:
146 return []
147 elif os.path.isdir(root):
148 result = []
149 children = os.listdir(root)
150 disabled = files_with_ext(children, disabled_ext)
151 for child in children:
152 if child != 'disabled' and child not in disabled:
153 result.extend(
154 list_test_files(
155 os.path.join(root, child),
156 disabled_ext,
157 test_ext))
158 return result
159 elif os.path.islink(root):
160 # Some editors create broken symlinks as part of their locking scheme,
161 # so ignore those.
162 return []
163 else:
164 raise Exception('Could not find test file or directory at %s' %
165 args.test_path)
167 if __name__ == '__main__':
168 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
169 parser.add_argument(
170 'test_path',
171 help='A file or a directory. ')
172 parser.add_argument('--program', type=os.path.abspath)
173 parser.add_argument('--out-extension', type=str, default='.out')
174 parser.add_argument('--expect-extension', type=str, default='.exp')
175 parser.add_argument('--in-extension', type=str, default='.php')
176 parser.add_argument('--disabled-extension', type=str,
177 default='.no_typecheck')
178 parser.add_argument('--verbose', action='store_true')
179 parser.add_argument('--max-workers', type=int, default='48')
180 parser.add_argument('--diff', action='store_true',
181 help='On test failure, show the content of the files and a diff')
182 parser.add_argument('--flags', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER)
183 parser.add_argument('--stdin', action='store_true',
184 help='Pass test input file via stdin')
185 parser.epilog = "Unless --flags is passed as an argument, "\
186 "%s looks for a file named HH_FLAGS in the same directory" \
187 " as the test files it is executing. If found, the " \
188 "contents will be passed as arguments to " \
189 "<program>." % parser.prog
190 args = parser.parse_args()
192 max_workers = args.max_workers
193 verbose = args.verbose
194 dump_on_failure = args.diff
196 if not os.path.isfile(args.program):
197 raise Exception('Could not find program at %s' % args.program)
199 files = list_test_files(
200 args.test_path,
201 args.disabled_extension,
202 args.in_extension)
204 if len(files) == 0:
205 raise Exception(
206 'Could not find any files to test in ' + args.test_path)
208 flags_cache = {}
210 def get_flags(test_dir):
211 if args.flags is not None:
212 flags = args.flags
213 else:
214 if test_dir not in flags_cache:
215 flags_cache[test_dir] = get_hh_flags(test_dir)
216 flags = flags_cache[test_dir]
217 hacksperimental_file = os.path.join(test_dir, '.hacksperimental')
218 if os.path.isfile(hacksperimental_file):
219 flags += ["--hacksperimental"]
220 return flags
222 failures = run_test_program(
223 files, args.program, args.expect_extension, get_flags, args.stdin)
224 total = len(files)
225 if failures == []:
226 print("All %d tests passed!\n" % total)
227 else:
228 record_failures(failures, args.out_extension)
229 fnames = [failure.fname for failure in failures]
230 print("To review the failures, use the following command: ")
231 print("OUT_EXT=%s EXP_EXT=%s ./hphp/hack/test/review.sh %s" %
232 (args.out_extension, args.expect_extension, " ".join(fnames)))
233 if dump_on_failure:
234 dump_failures(failures)
235 print("Failed %d out of %d tests." % (len(failures), total))
236 sys.exit(1)