Array unification switch
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src /
1 (*
2 * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
4 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
7 *)
9 open Hh_prelude
10 open Direct_decl_parser
12 let popt
13 ~auto_namespace_map
14 ~enable_xhp_class_modifier
15 ~disable_xhp_element_mangling
16 ~enable_enum_classes
17 ~array_unification =
18 let po = ParserOptions.default in
19 let po =
20 ParserOptions.with_disable_xhp_element_mangling
22 disable_xhp_element_mangling
24 let po = ParserOptions.with_auto_namespace_map po auto_namespace_map in
25 let po =
26 ParserOptions.with_enable_xhp_class_modifier po enable_xhp_class_modifier
28 let po = ParserOptions.with_enable_enum_classes po enable_enum_classes in
29 let po = ParserOptions.with_array_unification po array_unification in
32 let init root popt : Provider_context.t =
33 Relative_path.(set_path_prefix Root root);
34 let (_handle : SharedMem.handle) =
35 SharedMem.init ~num_workers:0 SharedMem.default_config
37 let tcopt =
39 popt with
40 GlobalOptions.tco_shallow_class_decl = true;
41 tco_higher_kinded_types = true;
44 (* TODO(hverr): Figure out 64-bit *)
45 let ctx =
46 Provider_context.empty_for_tool
47 ~popt
48 ~tcopt
49 ~backend:Provider_backend.Shared_memory
50 ~deps_mode:Typing_deps_mode.SQLiteMode
53 (* Push local stacks here so we don't include shared memory in our timing. *)
54 File_provider.local_changes_push_sharedmem_stack ();
55 Decl_provider.local_changes_push_sharedmem_stack ();
56 Shallow_classes_provider.local_changes_push_sharedmem_stack ();
57 Linearization_provider.local_changes_push_sharedmem_stack ();
59 ctx
61 let rec shallow_declare_ast ctx decls prog =
62 List.fold prog ~init:decls ~f:(fun decls def ->
63 let open Aast in
64 match def with
65 | Namespace (_, prog) -> shallow_declare_ast ctx decls prog
66 | NamespaceUse _ -> decls
67 | SetNamespaceEnv _ -> decls
68 | FileAttributes _ -> decls
69 | Fun f ->
70 let (name, decl) = Decl_nast.fun_naming_and_decl ctx f in
71 (name, Shallow_decl_defs.Fun decl) :: decls
72 | Class c ->
73 let decl = Shallow_classes_provider.decl ctx c in
74 let (_, name) = decl.Shallow_decl_defs.sc_name in
75 (name, Shallow_decl_defs.Class decl) :: decls
76 | RecordDef rd ->
77 let (name, decl) = Decl_nast.record_def_naming_and_decl ctx rd in
78 (name, Shallow_decl_defs.Record decl) :: decls
79 | Typedef typedef ->
80 let (name, decl) = Decl_nast.typedef_naming_and_decl ctx typedef in
81 (name, Shallow_decl_defs.Typedef decl) :: decls
82 | Stmt _ -> decls
83 | Constant cst ->
84 let (name, ty) = Decl_nast.const_naming_and_decl ctx cst in
85 let decl = Typing_defs.{ cd_pos = fst cst.cst_name; cd_type = ty } in
86 (name, Shallow_decl_defs.Const decl) :: decls)
88 let compare_decls ctx fn text =
89 let (ctx, _entry) =
90 Provider_context.(
91 add_or_overwrite_entry_contents ~ctx ~path:fn ~contents:text)
93 let ast = Ast_provider.get_ast ctx fn in
94 let legacy_decls = shallow_declare_ast ctx [] ast in
95 let legacy_decls_str = show_decls (List.rev legacy_decls) ^ "\n" in
96 let popt = Provider_context.get_popt ctx in
97 let auto_namespace_map = ParserOptions.auto_namespace_map popt in
98 let disable_xhp_element_mangling =
99 ParserOptions.disable_xhp_element_mangling popt
101 let array_unification = ParserOptions.array_unification popt in
102 let decls =
103 parse_decls_ffi
104 disable_xhp_element_mangling
105 array_unification
107 text
108 auto_namespace_map
110 let decls_str = show_decls (List.rev decls) ^ "\n" in
111 let matched = String.equal decls_str legacy_decls_str in
112 if matched then
113 Printf.eprintf "%s%!" decls_str
114 else
115 Tempfile.with_real_tempdir (fun dir ->
116 let temp_dir = Path.to_string dir in
117 let expected =
118 Caml.Filename.temp_file ~temp_dir "expected_decls" ".txt"
120 let actual = Caml.Filename.temp_file ~temp_dir "actual_decls" ".txt" in
121 Disk.write_file ~file:expected ~contents:legacy_decls_str;
122 Disk.write_file ~file:actual ~contents:decls_str;
123 Ppxlib_print_diff.print
124 ~diff_command:"diff -U9999 --label legacy --label 'direct decl'"
125 ~file1:expected
126 ~file2:actual
127 ());
128 matched
130 type modes = CompareDirectDeclParser
132 let () =
133 let usage =
134 Printf.sprintf "Usage: %s [OPTIONS] mode filename\n" Sys.argv.(0)
136 let usage_and_exit () =
137 prerr_endline usage;
138 exit 1
140 let mode = ref None in
141 let set_mode m () =
142 match !mode with
143 | None -> mode := Some m
144 | Some _ -> usage_and_exit ()
146 let file = ref None in
147 let set_file f =
148 match !file with
149 | None -> file := Some f
150 | Some _ -> usage_and_exit ()
152 let skip_if_errors = ref false in
153 let expect_extension = ref ".exp" in
154 let set_expect_extension s = expect_extension := s in
155 let auto_namespace_map = ref [] in
156 let enable_xhp_class_modifier = ref false in
157 let disable_xhp_element_mangling = ref false in
158 let enable_enum_classes = ref false in
159 let array_unification = ref false in
160 let ignored_flag flag = (flag, Arg.Unit (fun _ -> ()), "(ignored)") in
161 let ignored_arg flag = (flag, Arg.String (fun _ -> ()), "(ignored)") in
162 Arg.parse
164 ( "--compare-direct-decl-parser",
165 Arg.Unit (set_mode CompareDirectDeclParser),
166 "(mode) Runs the direct decl parser against the FFP -> naming -> decl pipeline and compares their output"
168 ( "--skip-if-errors",
169 Arg.Set skip_if_errors,
170 "Skip comparison if the corresponding .exp file has errors" );
171 ( "--expect-extension",
172 Arg.String set_expect_extension,
173 "The extension with which the output of the legacy pipeline should be written"
175 ( "--auto-namespace-map",
176 Arg.String
177 (fun m ->
178 auto_namespace_map := ServerConfig.convert_auto_namespace_to_map m),
179 "Namespace aliases" );
180 ( "--enable-xhp-class-modifier",
181 Arg.Set enable_xhp_class_modifier,
182 "Enable the XHP class modifier, xhp class name {} will define an xhp class."
184 ( "--disable-xhp-element-mangling",
185 Arg.Set disable_xhp_element_mangling,
186 "." );
187 ( "--enable-enum-classes",
188 Arg.Set enable_enum_classes,
189 "Enable the enum classes extension." );
190 ( "--array-unification",
191 Arg.Set array_unification,
192 "Treat varray as vec, darray as dict, TODO varray_or_darray as vec_or_dict"
194 (* The following options do not affect the direct decl parser and can be ignored
195 (they are used by hh_single_type_check, and we run hh_single_decl over all of
196 the typecheck test cases). *)
197 ignored_flag "--abstract-static-props";
198 ignored_arg "--allowed-decl-fixme-codes";
199 ignored_arg "--allowed-fixme-codes-strict";
200 ignored_flag "--allow-toplevel-requires";
201 ignored_flag "--check-xhp-attribute";
202 ignored_flag "--complex-coercion";
203 ignored_flag "--const-attribute";
204 ignored_flag "--const-static-props";
205 ignored_flag "--disable-hh-ignore-error";
206 ignored_flag "--disable-modes";
207 ignored_flag "--disable-partially-abstract-typeconsts";
208 ignored_flag "--disable-unset-class-const";
209 ignored_flag "--disable-xhp-children-declarations";
210 ignored_flag "--disallow-discarded-nullable-awaitables";
211 ignored_flag "--disallow-fun-and-cls-meth-pseudo-funcs";
212 ignored_flag "--disallow-func-ptrs-in-constants";
213 ignored_flag "--disallow-invalid-arraykey-constraint";
214 ignored_flag "--disallow-php-lambdas";
215 ignored_flag "--disallow-silence";
216 ignored_flag "--disallow-trait-reuse";
217 ignored_flag "--enable-class-level-where-clauses";
218 ignored_flag "--enable-higher-kinded-types";
219 ignored_flag "--enable-systemlib-annotations";
220 ignored_flag "--forbid_nullable_cast";
221 ( "--hh-log-level",
222 Arg.Tuple [Arg.String (fun _ -> ()); Arg.String (fun _ -> ())],
223 "(ignored)" );
224 ignored_flag "--like-casts";
225 ignored_flag "--like-type-hints";
226 ignored_flag "--like-types-all";
227 ignored_flag "--method-call-inference";
228 ignored_flag "--no-builtins";
229 ignored_flag "--no-strict-contexts";
230 ignored_flag "--report-pos-from-reason";
231 ignored_arg "--simple-pessimize";
232 ignored_arg "--timeout";
233 ignored_flag "--union-intersection-type-hints";
235 set_file
236 usage;
237 match !mode with
238 | None -> usage_and_exit ()
239 | Some CompareDirectDeclParser ->
240 begin
241 match !file with
242 | None -> usage_and_exit ()
243 | Some file ->
244 let () =
246 !skip_if_errors
247 && not
248 @@ String_utils.is_substring
249 "No errors"
250 ( (file ^ ".exp"))
251 then begin
252 print_endline "Skipping because input file has errors";
253 exit 0
256 let file = Path.make file in
257 let auto_namespace_map = !auto_namespace_map in
258 let enable_xhp_class_modifier = !enable_xhp_class_modifier in
259 let disable_xhp_element_mangling = !disable_xhp_element_mangling in
260 let enable_enum_classes = !enable_enum_classes in
261 let array_unification = !array_unification in
262 let popt =
263 popt
264 ~auto_namespace_map
265 ~enable_xhp_class_modifier
266 ~disable_xhp_element_mangling
267 ~enable_enum_classes
268 ~array_unification
270 let ctx = init (Path.dirname file) popt in
271 let file = Relative_path.(create Root (Path.to_string file)) in
272 let files = Multifile.file_to_file_list file in
273 let num_files = List.length files in
274 let (all_matched, _) =
275 List.fold
276 files
277 ~init:(true, true)
278 ~f:(fun (matched, is_first) (filename, contents) ->
279 (* All output is printed to stderr because that's the output
280 channel Ppxlib_print_diff prints to. *)
281 if not is_first then Printf.eprintf "\n%!";
282 (* Multifile turns the path into an absolute path instead of a
283 relative one. Turn it back into a relative path. *)
284 let filename =
285 Relative_path.(create Root (Relative_path.to_absolute filename))
287 if num_files > 1 then
288 Printf.eprintf
289 "File %s\n%!"
290 (Relative_path.storage_to_string filename);
291 let matched =
292 Provider_utils.respect_but_quarantine_unsaved_changes
293 ~ctx
294 ~f:(fun () -> compare_decls ctx filename contents)
295 && matched
297 (matched, false))
299 if all_matched then
300 Printf.eprintf "\nThey matched!\n%!"
301 else
302 exit 1