New option to check srcloc directives in semdiff
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / hhbc / semdiff /
1 (**
2 * Copyright (c) 2017, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree. An additional grant
7 * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
9 *)
10 open Hhas_parser
11 open Diff
13 module Log = Semdiff_logging
15 type options = {
16 files : string * string;
19 let die str =
20 let oc = stderr in
21 output_string oc str;
22 close_out oc;
23 exit 2
25 let parse_options () =
26 let purpose = "Hhas differencing tool" in
27 let usage =
28 Printf.sprintf "%s\nUsage: %s file1 file2\n" purpose Sys.argv.(0)
30 let options =
31 [ ("--verbose"
32 , Arg.Int (fun i ->
33 if i < 0 || 3 < i
34 then raise (Arg.Bad "Verbosity level has to be 0, 1, 2, or 3")
35 else Log.verbosity_level := i)
36 (* Change the default logging level in *)
37 , " Set verbosity level 0, 1, 2 or 3 [default: 2]
38 0: Displays nothing
39 1: Only displays differences on STDOUT
40 2: Also displays differences and debugging information on STDOUT
41 3: Also displays full trace on STDOUT"
43 ("--laxunset",
44 Arg.Unit (fun () -> Rhl.lax_unset := true),
45 " Ignore finalizer ordering effects of Unset instructions"
47 ("--hidesim",
48 Arg.Unit (fun () -> Log.hide_sim := true),
49 " hide similarity information"
51 ("--hidesize",
52 Arg.Unit (fun () -> Log.hide_size := true),
53 " hide size information"
55 ("--hidedist",
56 Arg.Unit (fun () -> Log.hide_dist := true),
57 " hide size information"
59 ("--hideassm",
60 Arg.Unit (fun () -> Log.hide_assm := true),
61 " hide assumed & todo information"
63 ("--srcloc",
64 Arg.Unit (fun () -> Hhas_parser_actions.check_srcloc := true),
65 " Check line numbers in srcloc directives"
67 ] in
68 let options = Arg.align ~limit:25 options in
69 let files = ref [] in
70 Arg.parse options (fun file -> files := file::!files) usage;
71 match !files with
72 | [x; y] ->
73 (* !files is in reverse order, so swap the files to get the order back *)
74 { files = (y, x) }
75 | _ -> die usage
77 let parse_file program_parser filename =
78 let channel = open_in filename in (* TODO: error handling *)
80 let lexer = Lexing.from_channel channel in
81 let prog =
82 try program_parser lexer
83 with Parsing.Parse_error -> (
84 Printf.eprintf "Parsing of file failed\n";
85 raise Parsing.Parse_error
88 close_in channel;
89 prog
91 let run options =
92 let program_parser = program in
93 let prog1 = parse_file program_parser (fst options.files) in
94 let prog2 = parse_file program_parser (snd options.files) in
96 let d, (s, e) = program_comparer.comparer prog1 prog2 in
97 let similarity = (100.0 *. (1.0 -. float_of_int d /. float_of_int (s+1))) in
98 if not !Log.hide_dist
99 then
100 Log.print ~level:0 (Tty.Normal Tty.White) @@ Printf.sprintf "Distance = %.d" d;
101 if not !Log.hide_sim
102 then
103 Log.print ~level:0 (Tty.Normal Tty.White) @@
104 Printf.sprintf "Similarity = %.2f" similarity;
105 if not !Log.hide_size
106 then
107 Log.print ~level:0 (Tty.Normal Tty.White) @@ Printf.sprintf "Size = %d" s;
108 if d <> 0
109 then Log.print ~level:1 (Tty.Normal Tty.White) @@ Printf.sprintf "Edits = \n";
110 Log.print_edit_sequence ~level:1 e
112 (* command line driver *)
113 let _ =
114 if ! Sys.interactive
115 then ()
116 else
117 (* On windows, setting 'binary mode' avoids to output CRLF on
118 stdout. The 'text mode' would not hurt the user in general, but
119 it breaks the testsuite where the output is compared to the
120 expected one (i.e. in given file without CRLF). *)
121 set_binary_mode_out stdout true;
122 let options = parse_options () in
123 Unix.handle_unix_error run options