Add readonly to decl and function types
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / typing /
1 (*
2 * Copyright (c) 2015, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
8 *)
10 open Hh_prelude
11 open Common
12 open Typing_defs
13 open Typing_env_types
14 module SN = Naming_special_names
15 module Reason = Typing_reason
16 module Env = Typing_env
17 module ShapeMap = Aast.ShapeMap
18 module TySet = Typing_set
19 module Cls = Decl_provider.Class
20 module MakeType = Typing_make_type
22 (*****************************************************************************)
23 (* Importing what is necessary *)
24 (*****************************************************************************)
25 let not_implemented s _ =
26 failwith (Printf.sprintf "Function %s not implemented" s)
28 type expand_typedef =
29 expand_env -> env -> Reason.t -> string -> locl_ty list -> env * locl_ty
31 let (expand_typedef_ref : expand_typedef ref) =
32 ref (not_implemented "expand_typedef")
34 let expand_typedef x = !expand_typedef_ref x
36 type sub_type =
37 env ->
38 ?coerce:Typing_logic.coercion_direction option ->
39 locl_ty ->
40 locl_ty ->
41 Errors.typing_error_callback ->
42 env
44 let (sub_type_ref : sub_type ref) = ref (not_implemented "sub_type")
46 let sub_type x = !sub_type_ref x
48 type sub_type_i =
49 env -> internal_type -> internal_type -> Errors.typing_error_callback -> env
51 let (sub_type_i_ref : sub_type_i ref) = ref (not_implemented "sub_type_i")
53 let sub_type_i x = !sub_type_i_ref x
55 type sub_type_with_dynamic_as_bottom =
56 env -> locl_ty -> locl_ty -> Errors.typing_error_callback -> env
58 let (sub_type_with_dynamic_as_bottom_ref : sub_type_with_dynamic_as_bottom ref)
60 ref (not_implemented "sub_type_with_dynamic_as_bottom")
62 let sub_type_with_dynamic_as_bottom x = !sub_type_with_dynamic_as_bottom_ref x
64 type is_sub_type_type = env -> locl_ty -> locl_ty -> bool
66 type is_sub_type_i_type = env -> internal_type -> internal_type -> bool
68 let (is_sub_type_ref : is_sub_type_type ref) =
69 ref (not_implemented "is_sub_type")
71 let is_sub_type x = !is_sub_type_ref x
73 let (is_sub_type_for_coercion_ref : is_sub_type_type ref) =
74 ref (not_implemented "is_sub_type_for_coercion")
76 let is_sub_type_for_coercion x = !is_sub_type_for_coercion_ref x
78 let (is_sub_type_for_union_ref :
79 (env ->
80 ?coerce:Typing_logic.coercion_direction option ->
81 locl_ty ->
82 locl_ty ->
83 bool)
84 ref) =
85 ref (not_implemented "is_sub_type_for_union")
87 let is_sub_type_for_union x = !is_sub_type_for_union_ref x
89 let (is_sub_type_for_union_i_ref :
90 (env ->
91 ?coerce:Typing_logic.coercion_direction option ->
92 internal_type ->
93 internal_type ->
94 bool)
95 ref) =
96 ref (not_implemented "is_sub_type_for_union_i")
98 let is_sub_type_for_union_i x = !is_sub_type_for_union_i_ref x
100 let (is_sub_type_ignore_generic_params_ref : is_sub_type_type ref) =
101 ref (not_implemented "is_sub_type_ignore_generic_params")
103 let is_sub_type_ignore_generic_params x =
104 !is_sub_type_ignore_generic_params_ref x
106 type add_constraint =
107 Pos.Map.key -> env -> Ast_defs.constraint_kind -> locl_ty -> locl_ty -> env
109 let (add_constraint_ref : add_constraint ref) =
110 ref (not_implemented "add_constraint")
112 let add_constraint x = !add_constraint_ref x
114 type expand_typeconst =
115 expand_env ->
116 env ->
117 ?ignore_errors:bool ->
118 ?as_tyvar_with_cnstr:bool ->
119 locl_ty ->
120 Aast.sid ->
121 root_pos:Pos.t ->
122 on_error:Errors.typing_error_callback ->
123 allow_abstract_tconst:bool ->
124 env * locl_ty
126 let (expand_typeconst_ref : expand_typeconst ref) =
127 ref (not_implemented "expand_typeconst")
129 let expand_typeconst x = !expand_typeconst_ref x
131 type union = env -> locl_ty -> locl_ty -> env * locl_ty
133 let (union_ref : union ref) = ref (not_implemented "union")
135 let union x = !union_ref x
137 type make_union =
138 env ->
139 Reason.t ->
140 locl_ty list ->
141 Reason.t option ->
142 Reason.t option ->
143 env * locl_ty
145 let (make_union_ref : make_union ref) = ref (not_implemented "make_union")
147 let make_union env = !make_union_ref env
149 type union_i =
150 env -> Reason.t -> internal_type -> locl_ty -> env * internal_type
152 let (union_i_ref : union_i ref) = ref (not_implemented "union")
154 let union_i x = !union_i_ref x
156 type union_list = env -> Reason.t -> locl_ty list -> env * locl_ty
158 let (union_list_ref : union_list ref) = ref (not_implemented "union_list")
160 let union_list x = !union_list_ref x
162 type fold_union = env -> Reason.t -> locl_ty list -> env * locl_ty
164 let (fold_union_ref : fold_union ref) = ref (not_implemented "fold_union")
166 let fold_union x = !fold_union_ref x
168 type simplify_unions =
169 env ->
170 ?on_tyvar:(env -> Reason.t -> Ident.t -> env * locl_ty) ->
171 locl_ty ->
172 env * locl_ty
174 let (simplify_unions_ref : simplify_unions ref) =
175 ref (not_implemented "simplify_unions")
177 let simplify_unions x = !simplify_unions_ref x
179 type approx =
180 | ApproxUp
181 | ApproxDown
182 [@@deriving eq]
184 type non = env -> Reason.t -> locl_ty -> approx:approx -> env * locl_ty
186 let (non_ref : non ref) = ref (not_implemented "non")
188 let non x = !non_ref x
190 type simplify_intersections =
191 env ->
192 ?on_tyvar:(env -> Reason.t -> int -> env * locl_ty) ->
193 locl_ty ->
194 env * locl_ty
196 let (simplify_intersections_ref : simplify_intersections ref) =
197 ref (not_implemented "simplify_intersections")
199 let simplify_intersections x = !simplify_intersections_ref x
201 type localize_with_self =
202 env ->
203 ?pos:Pos.t ->
204 ?quiet:bool ->
205 ?report_cycle:Pos.t * string ->
206 decl_ty ->
207 env * locl_ty
209 let (localize_with_self_ref : localize_with_self ref) =
210 ref (not_implemented "localize_with_self")
212 let localize_with_self x = !localize_with_self_ref x
214 type localize = ety_env:expand_env -> env -> decl_ty -> env * locl_ty
216 let (localize_ref : localize ref) =
217 ref (fun ~ety_env:_ -> not_implemented "localize")
219 let localize x = !localize_ref x
221 type env_with_self =
222 ?pos:Pos.t -> ?quiet:bool -> ?report_cycle:Pos.t * string -> env -> expand_env
224 let env_with_self_ref : env_with_self ref =
225 ref (fun ?pos:_ ?quiet:_ ?report_cycle:_ -> not_implemented "env_with_self")
227 let env_with_self ?pos ?quiet ?report_cycle x =
228 !env_with_self_ref ?pos ?quiet ?report_cycle x
230 let rec strip_this ty =
231 match get_node ty with
232 | Tdependent (DTthis, ty) -> ty
233 | Tunion tyl -> mk (get_reason ty, Tunion ( tyl strip_this))
234 | Tintersection tyl ->
235 mk (get_reason ty, Tintersection ( tyl strip_this))
236 | _ -> ty
238 (* Convenience function for creating `this` types *)
239 let this_of ty = Tdependent (DTthis, strip_this ty)
241 (*****************************************************************************)
242 (* Returns true if a type is optional *)
243 (*****************************************************************************)
245 let is_option env ty =
246 let null = MakeType.null Reason.Rnone in
247 is_sub_type_for_union env null ty
249 let is_mixed_i env ty =
250 let mixed = LoclType (MakeType.mixed Reason.Rnone) in
251 is_sub_type_for_union_i env mixed ty
253 let is_mixed env ty = is_mixed_i env (LoclType ty)
255 let is_nothing_i env ty =
256 let nothing = LoclType (MakeType.nothing Reason.Rnone) in
257 is_sub_type_for_union_i env ty nothing
259 let is_nothing env ty = is_nothing_i env (LoclType ty)
261 (** Simplify unions and intersections of constraint
262 types which involve mixed or nothing. *)
263 let simplify_constraint_type env ty =
264 match deref_constraint_type ty with
265 | (_, TCunion (lty, cty)) ->
266 if is_nothing env lty then
267 (env, ConstraintType cty)
268 else if is_mixed env lty then
269 (env, LoclType lty)
270 else
271 (env, ConstraintType ty)
272 | (_, TCintersection (lty, cty)) ->
273 if is_nothing env lty then
274 (env, LoclType lty)
275 else if is_mixed env lty then
276 (env, ConstraintType cty)
277 else
278 (env, ConstraintType ty)
279 | (_, Thas_member _)
280 | (_, Tdestructure _) ->
281 (env, ConstraintType ty)
283 let contains_unresolved_tyvars env ty =
284 let finder =
285 object (this)
286 inherit [env * bool] Type_visitor.locl_type_visitor as super
288 method! on_tvar (env, occurs) r v =
289 let (env, ty) = Env.expand_var env r v in
290 if is_tyvar ty then
291 (env, true)
292 else
293 this#on_type (env, occurs) ty
295 method! on_type (env, occurs) ty =
296 if occurs then
297 (env, occurs)
298 else
299 super#on_type (env, occurs) ty
302 finder#on_type (env, false) ty
304 let contains_tvar_decl (t : decl_ty) =
305 let finder =
306 object
307 inherit [bool] Type_visitor.decl_type_visitor as parent
309 method! on_tvar _found _r _v = true
311 method! on_type found ty =
312 if found then
313 true
314 else
315 parent#on_type found ty
318 finder#on_type false t
320 let wrap_union_inter_ty_in_var env r ty =
321 if is_union_or_inter_type ty then
322 let (env, contains_unresolved_tyvars) = contains_unresolved_tyvars env ty in
323 if contains_unresolved_tyvars then
324 Env.wrap_ty_in_var env r ty
325 else
326 (env, ty)
327 else
328 (env, ty)
330 (*****************************************************************************
331 * Get the "as" constraints from an abstract type or generic parameter, or
332 * return the type itself if there is no "as" constraint.
333 * In the case of a generic parameter whose "as" constraint is another
334 * generic parameter, repeat the process until a type is reached that is not
335 * a generic parameter. Don't loop on cycles.
336 * (For example, function foo<Tu as Tv, Tv as Tu>(...))
337 *****************************************************************************)
338 let get_concrete_supertypes env ty =
339 let rec iter seen env acc tyl =
340 match tyl with
341 | [] -> (env, acc)
342 | ty :: tyl ->
343 let (env, ty) = Env.expand_type env ty in
344 (match get_node ty with
345 (* Enums with arraykey upper bound are treated as "abstract" *)
346 | Tnewtype (cid, _, bound_ty)
347 when is_prim Aast.Tarraykey bound_ty && Env.is_enum env cid ->
348 iter seen env acc tyl
349 (* Don't expand enums or newtype; just return the type itself *)
350 | Tnewtype (_, _, ty)
351 | Tdependent (_, ty) ->
352 iter seen env (TySet.add ty acc) tyl
353 | Tgeneric (n, targs) ->
354 if SSet.mem n seen then
355 iter seen env acc tyl
356 else
357 iter
358 (SSet.add n seen)
361 (TySet.elements (Env.get_upper_bounds env n targs) @ tyl)
362 | Tintersection tyl' -> iter seen env acc (tyl' @ tyl)
363 | _ -> iter seen env (TySet.add ty acc) tyl)
365 let (env, resl) = iter SSet.empty env TySet.empty [ty] in
366 (env, TySet.elements resl)
368 (** Run a function on an intersection represented by a list of types.
369 We stay liberal with errors:
370 discard the result of any run which has produced an error.
371 If all runs have produced an error, gather all errors and results and add errors. *)
372 let run_on_intersection :
373 'env -> f:('env -> locl_ty -> 'env * 'a) -> locl_ty list -> 'env * 'a list =
374 fun env ~f tyl ->
375 let (env, resl_errors) =
376 List.map_env env tyl ~f:(fun env ty ->
377 let (errors, (env, result)) = Errors.do_ @@ fun () -> f env ty in
378 (env, (result, errors)))
380 let valid_resl =
381 List.filter resl_errors ~f:(fun (_, err) -> Errors.is_empty err)
382 |> ~f:fst
384 let resl =
385 if not (List.is_empty valid_resl) then
386 valid_resl
387 else (
388 List.iter resl_errors ~f:(fun (_, err) -> Errors.merge_into_current err);
389 ~f:fst resl_errors
392 (env, resl)
394 (*****************************************************************************)
395 (* Dynamicism *)
396 (*****************************************************************************)
397 let is_dynamic env ty =
398 let dynamic = MakeType.dynamic Reason.Rnone in
399 (is_sub_type_for_union ~coerce:None env dynamic ty && not (is_mixed env ty))
400 || is_sub_type_for_union ~coerce:None env ty dynamic
401 && not (is_nothing env ty)
403 (*****************************************************************************)
404 (* Check if type is any or a variant thereof *)
405 (*****************************************************************************)
407 let rec is_any env ty =
408 let (env, ty) = Env.expand_type env ty in
409 match get_node ty with
410 | Tany _
411 | Terr ->
412 true
413 | Tunion tyl -> List.for_all tyl (is_any env)
414 | Tintersection tyl -> List.exists tyl (is_any env)
415 | _ -> false
417 let is_tunion env ty =
418 let (_env, ty) = Env.expand_type env ty in
419 match get_node ty with
420 | Tunion _ -> true
421 | _ -> false
423 let is_tintersection env ty =
424 let (_env, ty) = Env.expand_type env ty in
425 match get_node ty with
426 | Tintersection _ -> true
427 | _ -> false
429 (*****************************************************************************)
430 (* Gets the base type of an abstract type *)
431 (*****************************************************************************)
433 let rec get_base_type env ty =
434 let (env, ty) = Env.expand_type env ty in
435 match get_node ty with
436 | Tnewtype (classname, _, _) when String.equal classname SN.Classes.cClassname
439 (* If we have an expression dependent type and it only has one super
440 type, we can treat it similarly to AKdependent _, Some ty *)
441 | Tgeneric (n, targs) when DependentKind.is_generic_dep_ty n ->
442 begin
443 match TySet.elements (Env.get_upper_bounds env n targs) with
444 | ty2 :: _ when ty_equal ty ty2 -> ty
445 (* If it's exactly equal, then the base ty is just this one *)
446 | ty :: _ ->
447 if TySet.mem ty (Env.get_lower_bounds env n targs) then
449 else
450 get_base_type env ty
451 | [] -> ty
453 | Tnewtype (cid, _, bound_ty)
454 when is_prim Aast.Tarraykey bound_ty && Env.is_enum env cid ->
456 | Tgeneric _
457 | Tnewtype _
458 | Tdependent _ ->
459 begin
460 match get_concrete_supertypes env ty with
461 (* If the type is exactly equal, we don't want to recurse *)
462 | (_, ty2 :: _) when ty_equal ty ty2 -> ty
463 | (_, ty :: _) -> get_base_type env ty
464 | (_, []) -> ty
466 | _ -> ty
468 (*****************************************************************************)
469 (* Reactivity *)
470 (*****************************************************************************)
472 let reactivity_to_string env r =
473 let cond_reactive prefix t =
474 let str = Typing_print.full_decl (Env.get_ctx env) t in
475 prefix ^ " (condition type: " ^ str ^ ")"
477 let rec aux r =
478 match r with
479 | Pure None -> "pure"
480 | Pure (Some ty) -> cond_reactive "conditionally pure" ty
481 | Reactive None -> "reactive"
482 | Reactive (Some ty) -> cond_reactive "conditionally reactive" ty
483 | Shallow None -> "shallow reactive"
484 | Shallow (Some ty) -> cond_reactive "conditionally shallow reactive" ty
485 | Local None -> "local reactive"
486 | Local (Some ty) -> cond_reactive "conditionally local reactive" ty
487 | MaybeReactive n -> "maybe (" ^ aux n ^ ")"
488 | Nonreactive -> "normal"
489 | RxVar _ -> "maybe reactive"
490 | Cipp None -> "cipp"
491 | Cipp (Some s) -> "cipp(" ^ s ^ ")"
492 | CippLocal None -> "cipp_local"
493 | CippLocal (Some s) -> "cipp_local(" ^ s ^ ")"
494 | CippGlobal -> "cipp_global"
495 | CippRx -> "cipp_rx"
497 aux r
499 let get_printable_shape_field_name = Env.get_shape_field_name
501 let shape_field_name_ this field =
502 Aast.(
503 match field with
504 | (p, Int name) -> Ok (Ast_defs.SFlit_int (p, name))
505 | (p, String name) -> Ok (Ast_defs.SFlit_str (p, name))
506 | (p, EnumAtom name) -> Ok (Ast_defs.SFlit_str (p, name))
507 | (_, Class_const ((_, CI x), y)) -> Ok (Ast_defs.SFclass_const (x, y))
508 | (_, Class_const ((_, CIself), y)) ->
509 (match force this with
510 | Some sid -> Ok (Ast_defs.SFclass_const (sid, y))
511 | None -> Error `Expected_class)
512 | _ -> Error `Invalid_shape_field_name)
514 let shape_field_name env (p, field) =
515 let this =
516 lazy
517 (let c_ty = get_node (Env.get_self env) in
518 match c_ty with
519 | Tclass (sid, _, _) -> Some sid
520 | _ -> None)
522 match shape_field_name_ this (p, field) with
523 | Ok x -> Some x
524 | Error `Expected_class ->
525 Errors.expected_class p;
526 None
527 | Error `Invalid_shape_field_name ->
528 Errors.invalid_shape_field_name p;
529 None
531 (*****************************************************************************)
532 (* *)
533 (*****************************************************************************)
535 let string_of_visibility = function
536 | Vpublic -> "public"
537 | Vprivate _ -> "private"
538 | Vprotected _ -> "protected"
540 let unwrap_class_type ty =
541 match deref ty with
542 | (r, Tapply (name, tparaml)) -> (r, name, tparaml)
543 | ( _,
544 ( Terr | Tdynamic | Tany _ | Tmixed | Tnonnull
545 | Tdarray (_, _)
546 | Tvarray _ | Tvarray_or_darray _ | Tvec_or_dict _ | Tgeneric _
547 | Toption _ | Tlike _ | Tprim _ | Tfun _ | Ttuple _ | Tshape _ | Tunion _
548 | Tintersection _
549 | Taccess (_, _)
550 | Tthis | Tvar _ ) ) ->
551 raise @@ Invalid_argument "unwrap_class_type got non-class"
553 let try_unwrap_class_type x = Option.try_with (fun () -> unwrap_class_type x)
555 let class_is_final_and_not_contravariant class_ty =
556 class_ty
557 && List.for_all (Cls.tparams class_ty) ~f:(function
558 | { tp_variance = Ast_defs.Invariant | Ast_defs.Covariant; _ } -> true
559 | _ -> false)
561 (*****************************************************************************)
562 (* Check if a type is not fully constrained *)
563 (*****************************************************************************)
565 module HasTany : sig
566 val check : locl_ty -> bool
568 val check_why : locl_ty -> Reason.t option
569 end = struct
570 let visitor =
571 object (_this)
572 inherit [Reason.t option] Type_visitor.locl_type_visitor
574 method! on_tany _ r = Some r
577 let check_why ty = visitor#on_type None ty
579 let check ty = Option.is_some (check_why ty)
582 (*****************************************************************************)
583 (* Function parameters *)
584 (*****************************************************************************)
586 let default_fun_param ?(pos = Pos.none) ty : 'a fun_param =
588 fp_pos = pos;
589 fp_name = None;
590 fp_type = { et_type = ty; et_enforced = false };
591 fp_flags =
592 make_fp_flags
593 ~mode:FPnormal
594 ~accept_disposable:false
595 ~mutability:None
596 ~has_default:false
597 ~ifc_external:false
598 ~ifc_can_call:false
599 ~is_atom:false
600 ~readonly:false;
601 fp_rx_annotation = None;
604 let fun_mutable user_attributes =
605 let rec go = function
606 | [] -> None
607 | { Aast.ua_name = (_, n); _ } :: _
608 when String.equal n SN.UserAttributes.uaMutable ->
609 Some Param_borrowed_mutable
610 | { Aast.ua_name = (_, n); _ } :: _
611 when String.equal n SN.UserAttributes.uaMaybeMutable ->
612 Some Param_maybe_mutable
613 | _ :: tl -> go tl
615 go user_attributes
617 let tany = Env.tany
619 let mk_tany env p = mk (Reason.Rwitness p, tany env)
621 let decl_tany = Env.decl_tany
623 let terr env r =
624 let dynamic_view_enabled =
625 TypecheckerOptions.dynamic_view (Typing_env.get_tcopt env)
627 if dynamic_view_enabled then
628 MakeType.dynamic r
629 else
630 MakeType.err r
632 let collect_enum_class_upper_bounds env name =
633 let rec collect seen result name =
634 let upper_bounds = Env.get_upper_bounds env name [] in
635 Typing_set.fold
636 (fun lty (seen, result) ->
637 match get_node lty with
638 | Tclass ((_, name), _, _) when Env.is_enum_class env name ->
639 (seen, SSet.add name result)
640 | Tgeneric (name, _) when not (SSet.mem name seen) ->
641 collect (SSet.add name seen) result name
642 | _ -> (seen, result))
643 upper_bounds
644 (seen, result)
646 let (_, upper_bounds) = collect SSet.empty SSet.empty name in
647 upper_bounds
649 let make_locl_subst_for_class_tparams classdef tyl =
650 if List.is_empty tyl then
651 SMap.empty
652 else
653 Decl_subst.make_locl (Cls.tparams classdef) tyl