Improve error message on misplaced async modifiers
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / utils /
1 (**
2 * Copyright (c) 2015, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
8 *)
10 open Hh_core
12 (** Callstack is simply a typed way to indicate that a string is a callstack *)
13 type callstack = Callstack of string
15 let () = Random.self_init ()
16 let debug = ref false
17 let profile = ref false
19 let log = ref (fun (_ : string) -> ())
21 let d s =
22 if !debug
23 then begin
24 print_string s;
25 flush stdout;
26 end
28 let dn s =
29 if !debug
30 then begin
31 print_string s;
32 print_newline();
33 flush stdout;
34 end
36 module Map = struct end
38 let spf = Printf.sprintf
39 let print_endlinef fmt = Printf.ksprintf print_endline fmt
40 let prerr_endlinef fmt = Printf.ksprintf prerr_endline fmt
42 let opt f env = function
43 | None -> env, None
44 | Some x -> let env, x = f env x in env, Some x
46 let opt_fold f env = function
47 | None -> env
48 | Some x -> f env x
50 let singleton_if cond x = if cond then [x] else []
52 let smap_inter m1 m2 =
53 SMap.fold (
54 fun x y acc ->
55 if SMap.mem x m2
56 then SMap.add x y acc
57 else acc
58 ) m1 SMap.empty
60 let imap_inter m1 m2 =
61 IMap.fold (
62 fun x y acc ->
63 if IMap.mem x m2
64 then IMap.add x y acc
65 else acc
66 ) m1 IMap.empty
68 let smap_inter_list = function
69 | [] -> SMap.empty
70 | x :: rl ->
71 List.fold_left rl ~f:smap_inter ~init:x
73 let imap_inter_list = function
74 | [] -> IMap.empty
75 | x :: rl ->
76 List.fold_left rl ~f:imap_inter ~init:x
78 let rec wfold_left2 f env l1 l2 =
79 match l1, l2 with
80 | [], _ | _, [] -> env
81 | x1 :: rl1, x2 :: rl2 ->
82 let env = f env x1 x2 in
83 wfold_left2 f env rl1 rl2
85 let sl l =
86 List.fold_right l ~f:(^) ~init:""
88 let maybe f env = function
89 | None -> ()
90 | Some x -> f env x
92 (* Since OCaml usually runs w/o backtraces enabled, the note makes errors
93 * easier to debug. *)
94 let unsafe_opt_note note = function
95 | None -> raise (Invalid_argument note)
96 | Some x -> x
98 let unsafe_opt x = unsafe_opt_note "unsafe_opt got None" x
100 let inter_list = function
101 | [] -> SSet.empty
102 | x :: rl ->
103 List.fold_left rl ~f:SSet.inter ~init:x
105 let rec list_last f1 f2 =
106 function
107 | [] -> ()
108 | [x] -> f2 x
109 | x :: rl -> f1 x; list_last f1 f2 rl
111 let is_prefix_dir dir fn =
112 let prefix = dir ^ Filename.dir_sep in
113 String.length fn > String.length prefix &&
114 String.sub fn 0 (String.length prefix) = prefix
116 let try_with_channel (oc: out_channel) (f1: out_channel -> 'a) (f2: exn -> 'a) : 'a =
118 let result = f1 oc in
119 close_out oc;
120 result
121 with e ->
122 close_out oc;
123 f2 e
125 let try_with_stack (f: unit -> 'a) : ('a, exn * callstack) result =
127 Ok (f ())
128 with exn ->
129 let stack = Callstack (Printexc.get_backtrace ()) in
130 Error (exn, stack)
133 let iter_n_acc n f acc =
134 let acc = ref acc in
135 for i = 1 to n-1 do
136 acc := fst (f !acc)
137 done;
138 f !acc
140 let map_of_list list =
141 List.fold_left ~f:(fun m (k, v) -> SMap.add k v m) ~init:SMap.empty list
143 let set_of_list l =
144 List.fold_right l ~f:SSet.add ~init:SSet.empty
146 (* \A\B\C -> A\B\C *)
147 let strip_ns s =
148 if String.length s == 0 || s.[0] <> '\\' then s
149 else String.sub s 1 ((String.length s) - 1)
151 (* A\B\C -> \A\B\C *)
152 let add_ns s =
153 if String.length s = 0 || s.[0] <> '\\'
154 then "\\" ^ s
155 else s
157 (* \A\B\C -> C *)
158 let strip_all_ns s =
160 let base_name_start = String.rindex s '\\' + 1 in
161 String.sub s base_name_start ((String.length s) - base_name_start)
162 with Not_found -> s
164 (* "\\A\\B\\C" -> ("\\A\\B\\" * "C") *)
165 let split_ns_from_name (s: string): (string * string) =
167 let base_name_start = (String.rindex s '\\') + 1 in
168 let name_part = String.sub s
169 (base_name_start)
170 ((String.length s) - base_name_start) in
171 let namespace_part = String.sub s 0 base_name_start in
172 (namespace_part, name_part)
173 with Not_found -> ("\\", s)
175 (*****************************************************************************)
176 (* Same as List.iter2, except that we only iterate as far as the shortest
177 * of both lists.
179 (*****************************************************************************)
181 let rec iter2_shortest f l1 l2 =
182 match l1, l2 with
183 | [], _ | _, [] -> ()
184 | x1 :: rl1, x2 :: rl2 -> f x1 x2; iter2_shortest f rl1 rl2
186 let fold_fun_list acc fl =
187 List.fold_left fl ~f:(|>) ~init:acc
189 let compose f g x = f (g x)
191 module With_complete_flag = struct
192 type 'a t = {
193 is_complete : bool;
194 value : 'a;
198 let try_finally ~f ~(finally: unit -> unit) =
199 let res = try f () with e -> finally (); raise e in
200 finally ();
203 let with_context ~enter ~exit ~do_ =
204 enter ();
205 let result = try do_ () with e ->
206 let stack = Printexc.get_raw_backtrace () in
207 exit ();
208 Printexc.raise_with_backtrace e stack in
209 exit ();
210 result
212 (* We run with exception backtraces turned off for performance reasons. But for
213 * some kinds of catastrophic exceptions, which we never recover from (so the
214 * performance doesn't matter) we do want the backtrace. "assert false" is one
215 * of such conditions.
217 let assert_false_log_backtrace msg =
218 Printf.eprintf "assert false with backtrace:\n";
219 Option.iter msg ~f:(Printf.eprintf "%s\n");
220 Printf.eprintf "%s" (Printexc.raw_backtrace_to_string
221 (Printexc.get_callstack 100));
222 assert false
224 (* Returns the largest element in arr strictly less than `bound` *)
225 let infimum (arr : 'a array)
226 (bound : 'b)
227 (compare : 'a -> 'b -> int) : int option =
228 let rec binary_search low high = begin
229 if low = high then
230 Some low
231 else if low > high then
232 None
233 else begin
234 let mid = (low + high + 1) / 2 in
235 let test = Array.get arr mid in
236 if compare test bound < 0 then
237 binary_search mid high
238 else
239 binary_search low (mid - 1)
241 end in
242 binary_search 0 ((Array.length arr) - 1)
244 let unwrap_snd (a, b_opt) =
245 match b_opt with
246 | None -> None
247 | Some b -> Some (a, b)