Improve error message on misplaced async modifiers
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / utils /
1 (**
2 * Copyright (c) 2015, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
8 *)
10 (**
11 * This tool allows for marshaling directly over file descriptors (instead of
12 * ocaml "channels") to avoid buffering so that we can safely use marshaling
13 * and libancillary together.
15 * The problem:
16 * Ocaml's marshaling is done over channels, which have their own internal
17 * buffer. This means after reading a marshaled object from a channel, the
18 * FD's position is not guaranteed to be pointing to the beginning of the
19 * next marshaled object (but instead points to the position after the
20 * buffered read). So another process cannot receive this FD (over
21 * libancillary) to start reading the next object.
23 * The solution:
24 * Start each message with a fixed-size preamble that describes the
25 * size of the payload to read. Read precisely that many bytes directly
26 * from the FD avoiding Ocaml channels entirely.
29 exception Invalid_Int_Size_Exception
30 exception Payload_Size_Too_Large_Exception
31 exception Malformed_Preamble_Exception
32 exception Writing_Preamble_Exception
33 exception Writing_Payload_Exception
34 exception Reading_Preamble_Exception
35 exception Reading_Payload_Exception
37 (* We want to marshal exceptions (or at least their message+stacktrace) over *)
38 (* the wire. This type ensures that no one will attempt to pattern-match on *)
39 (* the thing we marshal: 'Values of extensible variant types, for example *)
40 (* exceptions (of extensible type exn), returned by the unmarhsaller should *)
41 (* not be pattern-matched over, because unmarshalling does not preserve the *)
42 (* information required for matching their constructors.' *)
43 (* *)
44 type remote_exception_data = {
45 message : string;
46 stack : string;
49 module type WRITER_READER = sig
50 type 'a result
51 type fd
53 val return: 'a -> 'a result
54 val fail: exn -> 'a result
55 val (>>=): 'a result -> ('a -> 'b result) -> 'b result
57 val write: ?timeout:Timeout.t -> fd -> buffer:bytes -> offset:int -> size:int -> int result
58 val read: ?timeout:Timeout.t -> fd -> buffer:bytes -> offset:int -> size:int -> int result
60 val log: string -> unit
61 end
64 with type 'a result = 'a and type fd = Unix.file_descr
66 module RegularWriterReader : REGULAR_WRITER_READER = struct
67 type 'a result = 'a
68 type fd = Unix.file_descr
70 let return x = x
71 let fail exn = raise exn
72 let (>>=) a f = f a
74 let rec write ?timeout fd ~buffer ~offset ~size =
75 match ?timeout [] [fd] [] ~-.1.0 with
76 | _, [], _ -> 0
77 | _ ->
78 (* handles EINTR, but the Unix.write call can also be interrupted. If the write
79 * is interrupted before any bytes are written, the call fails with EINTR. Otherwise, the call
80 * succeeds and returns the number of bytes written.
82 try Unix.write fd buffer offset size
83 with Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EINTR, _, _) ->
84 write ?timeout fd ~buffer ~offset ~size
86 (* Marshal_tools reads from file descriptors. These file descriptors might be for some
87 * non-blocking socket. Normally if you try to read from an fd, it will block until some data is
88 * ready. But if you try to read from a non-blocking socket and it's not ready, you get an
89 * EWOULDBLOCK error.
91 * People using Marshal_tools probably are calling first. However that only guarantees
92 * that the first read won't block. Marshal_tools will always do at least 2 reads (one for the
93 * preamble and one or more for the data). Any read after the first might block.
95 let rec read ?timeout fd ~buffer ~offset ~size =
96 match ?timeout [fd] [] [] ~-.1.0 with
97 | [], _, _ -> 0
98 | _ ->
99 (* handles EINTR, but the call can also be interrupted. If the read
100 * is interrupted before any bytes are read, the call fails with EINTR. Otherwise, the call
101 * succeeds and returns the number of bytes read.
103 try fd buffer offset size
104 with Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EINTR, _, _) ->
105 read ?timeout fd ~buffer ~offset ~size
107 let log str = Printf.eprintf "%s\n%!" str
110 module MarshalToolsFunctor (WriterReader: WRITER_READER): sig
111 val expected_preamble_size: int
112 val to_fd_with_preamble:
113 ?timeout:Timeout.t ->
114 ?flags:Marshal.extern_flags list ->
115 WriterReader.fd ->
116 'a ->
117 int WriterReader.result
118 val from_fd_with_preamble: ?timeout:Timeout.t -> WriterReader.fd -> 'a WriterReader.result
119 end = struct
121 let (>>=) = WriterReader.(>>=)
123 let preamble_start_sentinel = '\142'
124 (** Size in bytes. *)
125 let preamble_core_size = 4
126 let expected_preamble_size = preamble_core_size + 1
127 (** Payload size in bytes = 2^31 - 1. *)
128 let maximum_payload_size = (1 lsl (preamble_core_size * 8)) - 1
130 let get_preamble_core (size : int) =
131 (** We limit payload size to 2^31 - 1 bytes. *)
132 if size >= maximum_payload_size then
133 raise Payload_Size_Too_Large_Exception;
134 let rec loop i (remainder: int) acc =
135 if i < 0 then acc
136 else loop (i - 1) (remainder / 256)
137 (Bytes.set acc i (Char.chr (remainder mod 256)); acc) in
138 loop (preamble_core_size - 1) size (Bytes.create preamble_core_size)
140 let make_preamble (size : int) =
141 let preamble_core = get_preamble_core size in
142 let preamble = Bytes.create (preamble_core_size + 1) in
143 Bytes.set preamble 0 preamble_start_sentinel;
144 Bytes.blit preamble_core 0 preamble 1 4;
145 preamble
147 let parse_preamble preamble =
148 if (Bytes.length preamble) <> expected_preamble_size
149 || (Bytes.get preamble 0) <> preamble_start_sentinel then
150 raise Malformed_Preamble_Exception;
151 let rec loop i acc =
152 if i >= 5 then acc
153 else loop (i + 1) ((acc * 256) + (int_of_char (Bytes.get preamble i))) in
154 loop 1 0
156 let rec write_payload ?timeout fd buffer offset to_write =
157 if to_write = 0 then WriterReader.return offset else begin
158 WriterReader.write ?timeout fd ~buffer ~offset ~size:to_write
159 >>= (fun bytes_written ->
160 if bytes_written = 0 then WriterReader.return offset else begin
161 write_payload ?timeout fd buffer (offset+bytes_written) (to_write-bytes_written)
166 (* Returns the size of the marshaled payload *)
167 let to_fd_with_preamble ?timeout ?(flags=[]) fd obj =
168 let payload = Marshal.to_bytes obj flags in
169 let size = Bytes.length payload in
170 let preamble = make_preamble size in
171 write_payload ?timeout fd preamble 0 expected_preamble_size
172 >>= (fun preamble_bytes_written ->
173 if preamble_bytes_written <> expected_preamble_size
174 then Writing_Preamble_Exception
175 else WriterReader.return ())
176 >>= (fun () -> write_payload ?timeout fd payload 0 size)
177 >>= (fun bytes_written ->
178 if bytes_written <> size
179 then Writing_Payload_Exception
180 else WriterReader.return size)
182 let rec read_payload ?timeout fd buffer offset to_read =
183 if to_read = 0 then WriterReader.return offset else begin
184 ?timeout fd ~buffer ~offset ~size:to_read
185 >>= (fun bytes_read ->
186 if bytes_read = 0 then WriterReader.return offset else begin
187 read_payload ?timeout fd buffer (offset+bytes_read) (to_read-bytes_read)
192 let from_fd_with_preamble ?timeout fd =
193 let preamble = Bytes.create expected_preamble_size in
194 ?timeout fd ~buffer:preamble ~offset:0 ~size:expected_preamble_size
195 >>= (fun bytes_read ->
196 if bytes_read = 0
197 (** Unix manpage for read says 0 bytes read indicates end of file. *)
198 then End_of_file
199 else
200 if (bytes_read <> expected_preamble_size)
201 then begin
202 WriterReader.log (Printf.sprintf "Error, only read %d bytes for preamble." bytes_read);
203 Reading_Preamble_Exception
205 else WriterReader.return ()
207 >>= (fun () ->
208 let payload_size = parse_preamble preamble in
209 let payload = Bytes.create payload_size in
210 read_payload ?timeout fd payload 0 payload_size
211 >>= (fun payload_size_read ->
212 if (payload_size_read <> payload_size)
213 then Reading_Payload_Exception
214 else WriterReader.return (Marshal.from_bytes payload 0)
219 module RegularMarshalTools = MarshalToolsFunctor (RegularWriterReader)
220 include RegularMarshalTools