Store master/local changes in record instead of tuple
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / server /
1 (*
2 * Copyright (c) 2018, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
8 *)
10 (* Lazy Initialization:
12 During Lazy initialization, hh_server tries to do as little work as possible.
13 The init_from_saved_state behavior is this:
15 Load from saved state -> Parse dirty files -> Naming -> Dirty Typecheck
17 The full_init behavior is this: (similar to eager init, but with lazy decl)
19 Full Parsing -> Naming -> Full Typecheck (with lazy decl)
22 (* module Hack_bucket = Bucket *)
23 open Hh_prelude
25 (* module Bucket = Hack_bucket *)
26 open GlobalOptions
27 open Result.Export
28 open Reordered_argument_collections
29 open SearchServiceRunner
30 open ServerCheckUtils
31 open ServerEnv
32 open ServerInitCommon
33 open ServerInitTypes
34 open String_utils
35 module SLC = ServerLocalConfig
37 type deptable =
38 | SQLiteDeptable of string
39 | CustomDeptable of string
41 let deptable_with_filename ~(is_64bit : bool) (fn : string) : deptable =
42 if is_64bit then
43 CustomDeptable fn
44 else
45 SQLiteDeptable fn
47 let lock_and_load_deptable
48 (deptable : deptable) ~(ignore_hh_version : bool) ~(fail_if_missing : bool)
49 : unit =
50 match deptable with
51 | SQLiteDeptable fn ->
52 if String.length fn = 0 && not fail_if_missing then
53 Hh_logger.log "The dependency file was not specified - ignoring"
54 else begin
55 (* The SQLite deptable must be loaded in the master process *)
57 (* Take a lock on the info file for the SQLite *)
58 try
59 LoadScriptUtils.lock_saved_state fn;
60 let start_t = Unix.gettimeofday () in
61 SharedMem.load_dep_table_sqlite fn ignore_hh_version;
62 let (_t : float) =
63 Hh_logger.log_duration "Did read the dependency file (sec)" start_t
65 HackEventLogger.load_deptable_end start_t
66 with
67 | (SharedMem.Sql_assertion_failure 11 | SharedMem.Sql_assertion_failure 14)
68 as e ->
69 (* SQL_corrupt *)
70 let stack = Caml.Printexc.get_raw_backtrace () in
71 LoadScriptUtils.delete_corrupted_saved_state fn;
72 Caml.Printexc.raise_with_backtrace e stack
73 end
74 | CustomDeptable fn ->
75 (* The new dependency graph is threaded through function calls
76 * instead of stored in a global *)
77 Hh_logger.log "Custom dependency graph will be loaded lazily from %s" fn
79 let merge_saved_state_futures
80 (genv : genv)
81 (ctx : Provider_context.t)
82 (dependency_table_saved_state_future :
83 (State_loader.native_load_result, State_loader.error) result Future.t)
84 (naming_table_saved_state_future :
85 ( Saved_state_loader.Naming_table_info.t Saved_state_loader.load_result
86 option,
87 string )
88 result
89 Future.t) : (loaded_info, load_state_error) result =
90 let t = Unix.gettimeofday () in
92 let merge dependency_table_saved_state_result naming_table_saved_state_result
94 match dependency_table_saved_state_result with
95 | Error error ->
96 Hh_logger.log
97 "Unhandled error from State_loader: %s"
98 (Future.error_to_string error);
99 let e = Exception.wrap_unraised (Future.error_to_exn error) in
100 let exn = Exception.to_exn e in
101 let stack = Utils.Callstack (Exception.get_backtrace_string e) in
102 Error (Load_state_unhandled_exception { exn; stack })
103 | Ok (Error error) -> Error (Load_state_loader_failure error)
104 | Ok (Ok result) ->
105 let ( downloaded_naming_table_path,
106 naming_table_manifold_path,
107 dirty_naming_files ) =
108 match naming_table_saved_state_result with
109 | Ok (Ok None) -> (None, None, [])
110 | Ok
112 (Some
114 Saved_state_loader.saved_state_info;
115 changed_files;
116 manifold_path;
117 })) ->
118 let (_ : float) =
119 Hh_logger.log_duration "Finished downloading naming table." t
121 let path =
122 saved_state_info
123 .Saved_state_loader.Naming_table_info.naming_table_path
125 (Some (Path.to_string path), Some manifold_path, changed_files)
126 | Ok (Error err) ->
127 Hh_logger.warn "Failed to download naming table saved state: %s" err;
128 (None, None, [])
129 | Error error ->
130 Hh_logger.warn
131 "Failed to download the naming table saved state: %s"
132 (Future.error_to_string error);
133 (None, None, [])
135 let ignore_hh_version =
136 ServerArgs.ignore_hh_version genv.ServerEnv.options
138 let fail_if_missing = not genv.local_config.SLC.can_skip_deptable in
139 let deptable =
140 deptable_with_filename
141 ~is_64bit:result.State_loader.deptable_is_64bit
142 result.State_loader.deptable_fn
144 lock_and_load_deptable deptable ~ignore_hh_version ~fail_if_missing;
145 let load_decls = genv.local_config.SLC.load_decls_from_saved_state in
146 let shallow_decls = genv.local_config.SLC.shallow_class_decl in
147 let naming_table_fallback_path =
148 get_naming_table_fallback_path genv downloaded_naming_table_path
150 let (old_naming_table, old_errors) =
151 SaveStateService.load_saved_state
153 ~naming_table_path:result.State_loader.naming_table_path
154 ~naming_table_fallback_path
155 ~load_decls
156 ~shallow_decls
157 ~hot_decls_paths:result.State_loader.hot_decls_paths
158 ~errors_path:result.State_loader.errors_path
160 let t = Unix.time () in
161 (match result.State_loader.dirty_files |> Future.get ~timeout:200 with
162 | Error error -> Error (Load_state_dirty_files_failure error)
163 | Ok
165 State_loader.master_changes = dirty_master_files;
166 local_changes = dirty_local_files;
167 } ->
168 let () = HackEventLogger.state_loader_dirty_files t in
169 let dirty_naming_files = Relative_path.Set.of_list dirty_naming_files in
170 let dirty_master_files = Relative_path.Set.of_list dirty_master_files in
171 let dirty_local_files = Relative_path.Set.of_list dirty_local_files in
174 naming_table_fn = result.State_loader.naming_table_path;
175 deptable_fn = result.State_loader.deptable_fn;
176 deptable_is_64bit = result.State_loader.deptable_is_64bit;
177 naming_table_fallback_fn = naming_table_fallback_path;
178 corresponding_rev = result.State_loader.corresponding_rev;
179 mergebase_rev = result.State_loader.mergebase_rev;
180 mergebase = result.State_loader.mergebase;
181 dirty_naming_files;
182 dirty_master_files;
183 dirty_local_files;
184 old_naming_table;
185 old_errors;
186 state_distance = Some result.State_loader.state_distance;
187 naming_table_manifold_path;
190 let merge left right = Ok (merge left right) in
191 let future =
192 Future.merge
193 dependency_table_saved_state_future
194 naming_table_saved_state_future
195 merge
197 (* We don't call Future.get on the merged future until it's ready because
198 the implementation of Future.get blocks on the first future until it's
199 ready, then moves on to the second future, but the second future, since
200 it's composed of bound continuations, will not be making as much progress
201 on its own in this case. *)
202 let rec wait_until_ready future =
203 if not (Future.is_ready future) then begin
204 Sys_utils.sleep ~seconds:0.04;
205 wait_until_ready future
206 end else
207 match Future.get future ~timeout:0 with
208 | Ok result -> result
209 | Error error -> failwith (Future.error_to_string error)
211 wait_until_ready future
213 let download_and_load_state_exn
214 ~(target : ServerMonitorUtils.target_saved_state option)
215 ~(genv : ServerEnv.genv)
216 ~(ctx : Provider_context.t)
217 ~(root : Path.t) : (loaded_info, load_state_error) result =
218 let open ServerMonitorUtils in
219 let saved_state_handle =
220 match target with
221 | None -> None
222 | Some
223 { saved_state_everstore_handle; target_global_rev; watchman_mergebase }
225 Some
227 State_loader.saved_state_everstore_handle;
228 saved_state_for_rev = Hg.Global_rev target_global_rev;
229 watchman_mergebase;
232 let ignore_hh_version = ServerArgs.ignore_hh_version genv.options in
233 let ignore_hhconfig = ServerArgs.saved_state_ignore_hhconfig genv.options in
234 let use_prechecked_files =
235 ServerPrecheckedFiles.should_use genv.options genv.local_config
237 let naming_table_saved_state_future =
238 if genv.local_config.ServerLocalConfig.enable_naming_table_fallback then begin
239 Hh_logger.log "Starting naming table download.";
240 let loader_future =
241 State_loader_futures.load
242 ~watchman_opts:
243 Saved_state_loader.Watchman_options.{ root; sockname = None }
244 ~ignore_hh_version
245 ~saved_state_type:Saved_state_loader.Naming_table
246 |> Future.with_timeout ~timeout:60
248 Future.continue_and_map_err loader_future @@ fun result ->
249 match result with
250 | Ok (Ok load_state) -> Ok (Some load_state)
251 | Ok (Error e) -> Error (Saved_state_loader.long_user_message_of_error e)
252 | Error e -> Error (Future.error_to_string e)
253 end else
254 Future.of_value (Ok None)
256 let dependency_table_saved_state_future :
257 (State_loader.native_load_result, State_loader.error) result Future.t =
258 State_loader.mk_state_future
259 ~config:genv.local_config.SLC.state_loader_timeouts
260 ~load_64bit:genv.local_config.SLC.load_state_natively_64bit
261 ?saved_state_handle
262 ~config_hash:(ServerConfig.config_hash genv.config)
263 root
264 ~ignore_hh_version
265 ~ignore_hhconfig
266 ~use_prechecked_files
268 merge_saved_state_futures
269 genv
271 dependency_table_saved_state_future
272 naming_table_saved_state_future
274 let use_precomputed_state_exn
275 (genv : ServerEnv.genv)
276 (ctx : Provider_context.t)
277 (info : ServerArgs.saved_state_target_info)
278 (profiling : CgroupProfiler.Profiling.t) : loaded_info =
279 let {
280 ServerArgs.naming_table_path;
281 corresponding_base_revision;
282 deptable_fn;
283 deptable_is_64bit;
284 changes;
285 naming_changes;
286 prechecked_changes;
288 info
290 let ignore_hh_version = ServerArgs.ignore_hh_version genv.ServerEnv.options in
291 let fail_if_missing = not genv.local_config.SLC.can_skip_deptable in
292 let deptable =
293 deptable_with_filename ~is_64bit:deptable_is_64bit deptable_fn
295 CgroupProfiler.collect_cgroup_stats ~profiling ~stage:"load deptable"
296 @@ fun () ->
297 lock_and_load_deptable deptable ~ignore_hh_version ~fail_if_missing;
298 let changes = Relative_path.set_of_list changes in
299 let naming_changes = Relative_path.set_of_list naming_changes in
300 let prechecked_changes = Relative_path.set_of_list prechecked_changes in
301 let load_decls = genv.local_config.SLC.load_decls_from_saved_state in
302 let shallow_decls = genv.local_config.SLC.shallow_class_decl in
303 let naming_table_fallback_path = get_naming_table_fallback_path genv None in
304 let hot_decls_paths =
305 State_loader.
307 legacy_hot_decls_path =
308 ServerArgs.legacy_hot_decls_path_for_target_info info;
309 shallow_hot_decls_path =
310 ServerArgs.shallow_hot_decls_path_for_target_info info;
313 let errors_path = ServerArgs.errors_path_for_target_info info in
314 let (old_naming_table, old_errors) =
315 CgroupProfiler.collect_cgroup_stats ~profiling ~stage:"load saved state"
316 @@ fun () ->
317 SaveStateService.load_saved_state
319 ~naming_table_path
320 ~naming_table_fallback_path
321 ~load_decls
322 ~shallow_decls
323 ~hot_decls_paths
324 ~errors_path
327 naming_table_fn = naming_table_path;
328 deptable_fn;
329 deptable_is_64bit;
330 naming_table_fallback_fn = naming_table_fallback_path;
331 corresponding_rev =
332 Hg.Global_rev (int_of_string corresponding_base_revision);
333 mergebase_rev = None;
334 mergebase = Future.of_value None;
335 dirty_naming_files = naming_changes;
336 dirty_master_files = prechecked_changes;
337 dirty_local_files = changes;
338 old_naming_table;
339 old_errors;
340 state_distance = None;
341 naming_table_manifold_path = None;
344 (* Run naming from a fast generated from saved state.
345 * No errors are generated because we assume the fast is directly from
346 * a clean state.
348 let naming_with_fast
349 (ctx : Provider_context.t)
350 (fast : FileInfo.names Relative_path.Map.t)
351 (t : float) : float =
352 Relative_path.Map.iter fast ~f:(fun k info ->
353 let {
354 FileInfo.n_classes = classes;
355 n_record_defs = record_defs;
356 n_types = typedefs;
357 n_funs = funs;
358 n_consts = consts;
360 info
362 Naming_global.ndecl_file_fast
365 ~funs
366 ~classes
367 ~record_defs
368 ~typedefs
369 ~consts);
370 HackEventLogger.fast_naming_end t;
371 hh_log_heap ();
372 Hh_logger.log_duration "Naming fast" t
374 let naming_from_saved_state
375 (ctx : Provider_context.t)
376 (old_naming_table : Naming_table.t)
377 (parsing_files : Relative_path.Set.t)
378 (naming_table_fallback_fn : string option)
379 (t : float)
380 ~(profiling : CgroupProfiler.Profiling.t) : float =
381 CgroupProfiler.collect_cgroup_stats
382 ~profiling
383 ~stage:"naming from saved state"
384 @@ fun () ->
385 (* If we're falling back to SQLite we don't need to explicitly do a naming
386 pass, but if we're not then we do. *)
387 match naming_table_fallback_fn with
388 | Some _ ->
389 (* Set the SQLite fallback path for the reverse naming table, then block out all entries in
390 any dirty files to make sure we properly handle file deletes. *)
391 Relative_path.Set.iter parsing_files (fun k ->
392 match Naming_table.get_file_info old_naming_table k with
393 | None ->
394 (* If we can't find the file in [old_naming_table] we don't consider that an error, since
395 * it could be a new file that was added. *)
397 | Some v ->
398 let backend = Provider_context.get_backend ctx in
399 Naming_provider.remove_type_batch
400 backend
401 (v.FileInfo.classes |> ~f:snd |> SSet.of_list);
402 Naming_provider.remove_type_batch
403 backend
404 (v.FileInfo.typedefs |> ~f:snd |> SSet.of_list);
405 Naming_provider.remove_type_batch
406 backend
407 (v.FileInfo.record_defs |> ~f:snd |> SSet.of_list);
408 Naming_provider.remove_fun_batch
409 backend
410 (v.FileInfo.funs |> ~f:snd |> SSet.of_list);
411 Naming_provider.remove_const_batch
412 backend
413 (v.FileInfo.consts |> ~f:snd |> SSet.of_list));
414 Unix.gettimeofday ()
415 | None ->
416 (* Name all the files from the old fast (except the new ones we parsed) *)
417 let old_hack_names =
418 Naming_table.filter old_naming_table (fun k _v ->
419 not (Relative_path.Set.mem parsing_files k))
421 naming_with_fast ctx (Naming_table.to_fast old_hack_names) t
423 (* Prechecked files are gated with a flag and not supported in AI/check/saving
424 * of saved state modes. *)
425 let use_prechecked_files (genv : ServerEnv.genv) : bool =
426 ServerPrecheckedFiles.should_use genv.options genv.local_config
427 && Option.is_none (ServerArgs.ai_mode genv.options)
428 && (not (ServerArgs.check_mode genv.options))
429 && Option.is_none (ServerArgs.save_filename genv.options)
430 && Option.is_none (ServerArgs.save_with_spec genv.options)
432 let get_dirty_fast
433 (old_naming_table : Naming_table.t)
434 (fast : FileInfo.names Relative_path.Map.t)
435 (dirty : Relative_path.Set.t) : FileInfo.names Relative_path.Map.t =
436 Relative_path.Set.fold
437 dirty
439 begin
440 fun fn acc ->
441 let dirty_fast = Relative_path.Map.find_opt fast fn in
442 let dirty_old_fast =
443 Naming_table.get_file_info old_naming_table fn
444 |> ~f:FileInfo.simplify
446 let fast =
447 Option.merge dirty_old_fast dirty_fast FileInfo.merge_names
449 match fast with
450 | Some fast -> Relative_path.Map.add acc ~key:fn ~data:fast
451 | None -> acc
453 ~init:Relative_path.Map.empty
455 let names_to_deps (deps_mode : Typing_deps_mode.t) (names : FileInfo.names) :
456 Typing_deps.DepSet.t =
457 let open Typing_deps in
458 let { FileInfo.n_funs; n_classes; n_record_defs; n_types; n_consts } =
459 names
461 let add_deps_of_sset dep_ctor sset depset =
462 SSet.fold sset ~init:depset ~f:(fun n acc ->
463 DepSet.add acc (Dep.make (hash_mode deps_mode) (dep_ctor n)))
465 let deps =
466 add_deps_of_sset (fun n -> Dep.Fun n) n_funs (DepSet.make deps_mode)
468 let deps = add_deps_of_sset (fun n -> Dep.FunName n) n_funs deps in
469 let deps = add_deps_of_sset (fun n -> Dep.Class n) n_classes deps in
470 let deps = add_deps_of_sset (fun n -> Dep.RecordDef n) n_record_defs deps in
471 let deps = add_deps_of_sset (fun n -> Dep.Class n) n_types deps in
472 let deps = add_deps_of_sset (fun n -> Dep.GConst n) n_consts deps in
473 let deps = add_deps_of_sset (fun n -> Dep.GConstName n) n_consts deps in
474 deps
476 (** Compare declarations loaded from the saved state to declarations based on
477 the current versions of dirty files. This lets us check a smaller set of
478 files than the set we'd check if old declarations were not available.
479 To be used only when load_decls_from_saved_state is enabled. *)
480 let get_files_to_undecl_and_recheck
481 (genv : ServerEnv.genv)
482 (env : ServerEnv.env)
483 (old_naming_table : Naming_table.t)
484 (new_fast : FileInfo.names Relative_path.Map.t)
485 (dirty_fast : FileInfo.names Relative_path.Map.t)
486 (files_to_redeclare : Relative_path.Set.t) :
487 Relative_path.Set.t * Relative_path.Set.t =
488 let bucket_size = genv.local_config.SLC.type_decl_bucket_size in
489 let fast =
490 Relative_path.Set.fold
491 files_to_redeclare
492 ~init:Relative_path.Map.empty
493 ~f:(fun path acc ->
494 match Relative_path.Map.find_opt dirty_fast path with
495 | Some info -> Relative_path.Map.add acc path info
496 | None -> acc)
498 let get_classes path =
499 let old_names =
500 Naming_table.get_file_info old_naming_table path
501 |> ~f:FileInfo.simplify
503 let new_names = Relative_path.Map.find_opt new_fast path in
504 let classes_from_names x = x.FileInfo.n_classes in
505 let old_classes = old_names classes_from_names in
506 let new_classes = new_names classes_from_names in
507 Option.merge old_classes new_classes SSet.union
508 |> Option.value ~default:SSet.empty
510 let dirty_names =
511 Relative_path.Map.fold dirty_fast ~init:FileInfo.empty_names ~f:(fun _ ->
512 FileInfo.merge_names)
514 let ctx = Provider_utils.ctx_from_server_env env in
515 Decl_redecl_service.oldify_type_decl
517 ~bucket_size
518 genv.workers
519 get_classes
520 ~previously_oldified_defs:FileInfo.empty_names
521 ~defs:dirty_names;
522 let { Decl_redecl_service.to_redecl; to_recheck; _ } =
523 Decl_redecl_service.redo_type_decl
524 ~conservative_redecl:false
525 ~bucket_size
527 genv.workers
528 get_classes
529 ~previously_oldified_defs:dirty_names
530 ~defs:fast
532 Decl_redecl_service.remove_old_defs ctx ~bucket_size genv.workers dirty_names;
533 let deps = Typing_deps.add_all_deps env.deps_mode to_redecl in
534 let deps = Typing_deps.DepSet.union deps to_recheck in
535 let files_to_undecl = Typing_deps.Files.get_files to_redecl in
536 let files_to_recheck = Typing_deps.Files.get_files deps in
537 (files_to_undecl, files_to_recheck)
539 (* We start off with a list of files that have changed since the state was
540 * saved (dirty_files), and two maps of the class / function declarations
541 * -- one made when the state was saved (old_fast) and one made for the
542 * current files in the repository (new_fast). We grab the declarations from
543 * both, to account for both the declaratons that were deleted and those that
544 * are newly created. Then we use the deptable to figure out the files that
545 * referred to them. Finally we recheck the lot.
547 * Args:
549 * genv, env : environments
550 * old_fast: old file-ast from saved state
551 * new_fast: newly parsed file ast
552 * dirty_master_files and dirty_local_files: we need to typecheck these and,
553 * since their decl have changed, also all of their dependencies
554 * similar_files: we only need to typecheck these,
555 * not their dependencies since their decl are unchanged
556 * *)
557 let type_check_dirty
558 (genv : ServerEnv.genv)
559 (env : ServerEnv.env)
560 (old_naming_table : Naming_table.t)
561 (new_fast : FileInfo.names Relative_path.Map.t)
562 ~(dirty_master_files_unchanged_hash : Relative_path.Set.t)
563 ~(dirty_master_files_changed_hash : Relative_path.Set.t)
564 ~(dirty_local_files_unchanged_hash : Relative_path.Set.t)
565 ~(dirty_local_files_changed_hash : Relative_path.Set.t)
566 (t : float)
567 (profiling : CgroupProfiler.Profiling.t) : ServerEnv.env * float =
568 let start_t = Unix.gettimeofday () in
569 let telemetry =
570 Telemetry.create ()
571 |> Telemetry.float_ ~key:"start_time" ~value:start_t
572 |> Telemetry.string_ ~key:"reason" ~value:"lazy_dirty_init"
574 let dirty_files_unchanged_hash =
575 Relative_path.Set.union
576 dirty_master_files_unchanged_hash
577 dirty_local_files_unchanged_hash
579 let dirty_files_changed_hash =
580 Relative_path.Set.union
581 dirty_master_files_changed_hash
582 dirty_local_files_changed_hash
584 let dirty_changed_fast =
585 get_dirty_fast old_naming_table new_fast dirty_files_changed_hash
587 let names s =
588 Relative_path.Map.fold
589 dirty_changed_fast
591 begin
592 fun k v acc ->
593 if Relative_path.Set.mem s k then
594 FileInfo.merge_names v acc
595 else
598 ~init:FileInfo.empty_names
600 let ctx = Provider_utils.ctx_from_server_env env in
601 let deps_mode = Provider_context.get_deps_mode ctx in
602 let master_deps =
603 names dirty_master_files_changed_hash |> names_to_deps deps_mode
605 let local_deps =
606 names dirty_local_files_changed_hash |> names_to_deps deps_mode
608 (* Include similar_files in the dirty_fast used to determine which loaded
609 declarations to oldify. This is necessary because the positions of
610 declarations may have changed, which affects error messages and FIXMEs. *)
611 let get_files_to_undecl_and_recheck =
612 get_files_to_undecl_and_recheck genv env old_naming_table new_fast
613 @@ extend_fast
614 genv
615 dirty_changed_fast
616 env.naming_table
617 dirty_files_unchanged_hash
619 let (env, to_undecl, to_recheck) =
620 if use_prechecked_files genv then
621 (* Start with dirty files and fan-out of local changes only *)
622 let (to_undecl, to_recheck) =
623 if genv.local_config.SLC.load_decls_from_saved_state then
624 get_files_to_undecl_and_recheck dirty_local_files_changed_hash
625 else
626 let deps = Typing_deps.add_all_deps env.deps_mode local_deps in
627 (Relative_path.Set.empty, Typing_deps.Files.get_files deps)
629 ( ServerPrecheckedFiles.set
631 (Initial_typechecking
633 rechecked_files = Relative_path.Set.empty;
634 dirty_local_deps = local_deps;
635 dirty_master_deps = master_deps;
636 clean_local_deps = Typing_deps.(DepSet.make deps_mode);
638 to_undecl,
639 to_recheck )
640 else
641 (* Start with full fan-out immediately *)
642 let (to_undecl, to_recheck) =
643 if genv.local_config.SLC.load_decls_from_saved_state then
644 get_files_to_undecl_and_recheck dirty_files_changed_hash
645 else
646 let deps = Typing_deps.DepSet.union master_deps local_deps in
647 let deps = Typing_deps.add_all_deps env.deps_mode deps in
648 (Relative_path.Set.empty, Typing_deps.Files.get_files deps)
650 (env, to_undecl, to_recheck)
652 (* We still need to typecheck files whose declarations did not change *)
653 let to_recheck =
654 Relative_path.Set.union to_recheck dirty_files_unchanged_hash
656 let fast = extend_fast genv dirty_changed_fast env.naming_table to_recheck in
657 let files_to_check = Relative_path.Map.keys fast in
659 (* HACK: dump the fanout that we calculated and exit. This is for
660 `hh_fanout`'s regression testing vs. `hh_server`. This can be deleted once
661 we no longer worry about `hh_fanout` regressing vs. `hh_server`. Deletion
662 is tracked at T65464119. *)
663 if ServerArgs.dump_fanout genv.options then (
664 Hh_json.json_to_multiline_output
665 stdout
666 (Hh_json.JSON_Object
668 ( "recheck_files",
669 Hh_json.JSON_Array
670 ( files_to_check
671 |> ~f:Relative_path.to_absolute
672 |> ~f:Hh_json.string_ ) );
674 exit 0
675 ) else
676 (* In case we saw that any hot decls had become invalid, we have to remove them.
677 Note: we don't need to do a full "redecl" of them since their fanout has
678 already been encompassed by to_recheck. *)
679 let names_to_undecl =
680 Relative_path.Set.fold
681 to_undecl
682 ~init:FileInfo.empty_names
683 ~f:(fun file acc ->
684 match Naming_table.get_file_info old_naming_table file with
685 | None -> acc
686 | Some info ->
687 let names = FileInfo.simplify info in
688 FileInfo.merge_names acc names)
690 let ctx = Provider_utils.ctx_from_server_env env in
691 Decl_redecl_service.remove_defs
693 names_to_undecl
694 SMap.empty
695 ~collect_garbage:false;
697 let env = { env with changed_files = dirty_files_changed_hash } in
698 let init_telemetry =
699 telemetry
700 |> Telemetry.int_
701 ~key:"dirty_master_files_unchanged_hash"
702 ~value:(Relative_path.Set.cardinal dirty_master_files_unchanged_hash)
703 |> Telemetry.int_
704 ~key:"dirty_master_files_changed_hash"
705 ~value:(Relative_path.Set.cardinal dirty_master_files_changed_hash)
706 |> Telemetry.int_
707 ~key:"dirty_local_files_unchanged_hash"
708 ~value:(Relative_path.Set.cardinal dirty_local_files_unchanged_hash)
709 |> Telemetry.int_
710 ~key:"dirty_local_files_changed_hash"
711 ~value:(Relative_path.Set.cardinal dirty_local_files_changed_hash)
712 |> Telemetry.int_
713 ~key:"dirty_files_unchanged_hash"
714 ~value:(Relative_path.Set.cardinal dirty_files_unchanged_hash)
715 |> Telemetry.int_
716 ~key:"dirty_files_changed_hash"
717 ~value:(Relative_path.Set.cardinal dirty_files_changed_hash)
718 |> Telemetry.int_
719 ~key:"to_recheck"
720 ~value:(Relative_path.Set.cardinal to_recheck)
722 let result =
723 type_check
724 genv
726 files_to_check
727 init_telemetry
729 ~profile_label:"type check dirty files"
730 ~profiling
732 HackEventLogger.type_check_dirty
733 ~start_t
734 ~dirty_count:(Relative_path.Set.cardinal dirty_files_changed_hash)
735 ~recheck_count:(Relative_path.Set.cardinal to_recheck);
736 Hh_logger.log
737 "ServerInit type_check_dirty count: %d. recheck count: %d"
738 (Relative_path.Set.cardinal dirty_files_changed_hash)
739 (Relative_path.Set.cardinal to_recheck);
740 result
742 let get_updates_exn ~(genv : ServerEnv.genv) ~(root : Path.t) :
743 Relative_path.Set.t =
744 let start_t = Unix.gettimeofday () in
745 Hh_logger.log "Getting files changed while parsing...";
746 let files_changed_while_parsing =
747 ServerNotifierTypes.(
748 genv.wait_until_ready ();
749 match genv.notifier_async () with
750 | Notifier_state_enter _
751 | Notifier_state_leave _
752 | Notifier_unavailable ->
753 Relative_path.Set.empty
754 | Notifier_synchronous_changes updates
755 | Notifier_async_changes updates ->
756 let root = Path.to_string root in
757 let filter p = string_starts_with p root && FindUtils.file_filter p in
758 SSet.filter updates ~f:filter
759 |> Relative_path.relativize_set Relative_path.Root)
761 ignore
762 ( Hh_logger.log_duration
763 "Finished getting files changed while parsing"
764 start_t
765 : float );
766 HackEventLogger.changed_while_parsing_end start_t;
767 files_changed_while_parsing
769 let initialize_naming_table
770 (progress_message : string)
771 ?(fnl : Relative_path.t list option = None)
772 ?(do_naming : bool = false)
773 (genv : ServerEnv.genv)
774 (env : ServerEnv.env)
775 (profiling : CgroupProfiler.Profiling.t) : ServerEnv.env * float =
776 SharedMem.cleanup_sqlite ();
777 ServerProgress.send_progress_to_monitor "%s" progress_message;
778 let (get_next, count, t) =
779 match fnl with
780 | Some fnl ->
781 ( genv.workers fnl,
782 Some (List.length fnl),
783 Unix.gettimeofday () )
784 | None ->
785 let (get_next, t) = indexing genv in
786 (get_next, None, t)
788 (* The full_fidelity_parser currently works better in both memory and time
789 with a full parse rather than parsing decl asts and then parsing full ones *)
790 let lazy_parse = not genv.local_config.SLC.use_full_fidelity_parser in
791 (* full init - too many files to trace all of them *)
792 let trace = false in
793 let (env, t) =
794 parsing
795 ~lazy_parse
796 genv
798 ~get_next
799 ?count
801 ~trace
802 ~profile_label:"parsing"
803 ~profiling
805 if not do_naming then
806 (env, t)
807 else
808 let ctx = Provider_utils.ctx_from_server_env env in
809 let t =
810 update_files
811 genv
812 env.naming_table
815 ~profile_label:"update file deps"
816 ~profiling
818 naming env t ~profile_label:"naming" ~profiling
820 let write_symbol_info_init
821 (genv : ServerEnv.genv)
822 (env : ServerEnv.env)
823 (profiling : CgroupProfiler.Profiling.t) : ServerEnv.env * float =
824 let out_dir =
825 match ServerArgs.write_symbol_info genv.options with
826 | None -> failwith "No write directory specified for --write-symbol-info"
827 | Some s -> s
829 let (env, t) =
830 initialize_naming_table
831 "write symbol info initialization"
832 genv
834 profiling
836 let ctx = Provider_utils.ctx_from_server_env env in
837 let t =
838 update_files
839 genv
840 env.naming_table
843 ~profile_label:"update file deps"
844 ~profiling
846 let (env, t) = naming env t ~profile_label:"naming" ~profiling in
847 let index_paths = env.swriteopt.symbol_write_index_paths in
848 let files =
849 if List.length index_paths > 0 then
850 List.fold index_paths ~init:[] ~f:(fun acc path ->
851 if Sys.file_exists path then
852 Relative_path.from_root ~suffix:path :: acc
853 else
854 acc)
855 else
856 let fast = Naming_table.to_fast env.naming_table in
857 let failed_parsing = Errors.get_failed_files env.errorl Errors.Parsing in
858 let fast =
859 Relative_path.Set.fold
860 failed_parsing
861 ~f:(fun x m -> Relative_path.Map.remove m x)
862 ~init:fast
864 let exclude_hhi = not env.swriteopt.symbol_write_include_hhi in
865 let ignore_paths = env.swriteopt.symbol_write_ignore_paths in
866 Relative_path.Map.fold fast ~init:[] ~f:(fun path _ acc ->
867 match Naming_table.get_file_info env.naming_table path with
868 | None -> acc
869 | Some _ ->
871 (exclude_hhi && Relative_path.is_hhi (Relative_path.prefix path))
872 || List.exists ignore_paths (fun ignore ->
873 String.equal (Relative_path.S.to_string path) ignore)
874 then
876 else
877 path :: acc)
879 (* Ensure we are writing to fresh files *)
880 let is_invalid =
882 if not (Sys.is_directory out_dir) then
883 true
884 else
885 Array.length (Sys.readdir out_dir) > 0
886 with _ ->
887 Sys_utils.mkdir_p out_dir;
888 false
890 if is_invalid then failwith "JSON write directory is invalid or non-empty";
892 Hh_logger.log "Writing JSON to: %s" out_dir;
894 let ctx = Provider_utils.ctx_from_server_env env in
895 let root_path = env.swriteopt.symbol_write_root_path in
896 let hhi_path = env.swriteopt.symbol_write_hhi_path in
897 (* TODO(milliechen): log memory for this step *)
898 Symbol_info_writer.go genv.workers ctx out_dir root_path hhi_path files;
900 (env, t)
902 (* If we fail to load a saved state, fall back to typechecking everything *)
903 let full_init
904 (genv : ServerEnv.genv)
905 (env : ServerEnv.env)
906 (profiling : CgroupProfiler.Profiling.t) : ServerEnv.env * float =
907 let init_telemetry =
908 Telemetry.create ()
909 |> Telemetry.float_ ~key:"start_time" ~value:(Unix.gettimeofday ())
910 |> Telemetry.string_ ~key:"reason" ~value:"lazy_full_init"
912 let is_check_mode = ServerArgs.check_mode genv.options in
913 let run () =
914 let (env, t) =
915 initialize_naming_table
916 ~do_naming:true
917 "full initialization"
918 genv
920 profiling
922 if not is_check_mode then
923 SearchServiceRunner.update_fileinfo_map env.naming_table SearchUtils.Init;
924 let fast = Naming_table.to_fast env.naming_table in
925 let failed_parsing = Errors.get_failed_files env.errorl Errors.Parsing in
926 let fast =
927 Relative_path.Set.fold
928 failed_parsing
929 ~f:(fun x m -> Relative_path.Map.remove m x)
930 ~init:fast
932 let fnl = Relative_path.Map.keys fast in
933 let env =
934 if is_check_mode then
935 start_delegate_if_needed env genv (List.length fnl) env.errorl
936 else
939 type_check
940 genv
943 init_telemetry
945 ~profile_label:"type check"
946 ~profiling
948 let run_experiment () =
949 let ctx = Provider_utils.ctx_from_server_env env in
950 let t_full_init = Unix.gettimeofday () in
951 let fast = Direct_decl_service.go ctx genv.workers (fst (indexing genv)) in
952 let t = Hh_logger.log_duration "parsing decl" t_full_init in
953 let naming_table = Naming_table.update_many env.naming_table fast in
954 let t = Hh_logger.log_duration "updating naming table" t in
955 let env = { env with naming_table } in
956 let t =
957 update_files
958 genv
959 env.naming_table
962 ~profile_label:"update files"
963 ~profiling
965 let (env, t) = naming env t ~profile_label:"naming" ~profiling in
966 let fnl = Relative_path.Map.keys fast in
967 if not is_check_mode then
968 SearchServiceRunner.update_fileinfo_map env.naming_table SearchUtils.Init;
969 let type_check_result =
970 type_check
971 genv
974 init_telemetry
976 ~profile_label:"type check"
977 ~profiling
979 Hh_logger.log_duration "full init" t_full_init |> ignore;
980 type_check_result
983 GlobalOptions.tco_use_direct_decl_parser
984 (ServerConfig.parser_options genv.config)
985 then (
986 Hh_logger.log "full init experiment";
987 run_experiment ()
988 ) else (
989 Hh_logger.log "full init";
990 run ()
993 let parse_only_init
994 (genv : ServerEnv.genv)
995 (env : ServerEnv.env)
996 (profiling : CgroupProfiler.Profiling.t) : ServerEnv.env * float =
997 initialize_naming_table "parse-only initialization" genv env profiling
999 let get_mergebase (mergebase_future : Hg.hg_rev option Future.t) :
1000 Hg.hg_rev option =
1001 match Future.get mergebase_future with
1002 | Ok mergebase ->
1003 let () =
1004 match mergebase with
1005 | Some mergebase -> Hh_logger.log "Got mergebase hash: %s" mergebase
1006 | None -> Hh_logger.log "No mergebase hash"
1008 mergebase
1009 | Error error ->
1010 Hh_logger.log
1011 "Getting mergebase hash failed: %s"
1012 (Future.error_to_string error);
1013 None
1015 let post_saved_state_initialization
1016 ~(genv : ServerEnv.genv)
1017 ~(env : ServerEnv.env)
1018 ~(state_result : loaded_info * Relative_path.Set.t)
1019 (profiling : CgroupProfiler.Profiling.t) : ServerEnv.env * float =
1020 let ((loaded_info : ServerInitTypes.loaded_info), changed_while_parsing) =
1021 state_result
1023 let trace = genv.local_config.SLC.trace_parsing in
1024 let hg_aware = genv.local_config.SLC.hg_aware in
1025 let {
1026 naming_table_fallback_fn;
1027 dirty_naming_files;
1028 dirty_local_files;
1029 dirty_master_files;
1030 old_naming_table;
1031 mergebase_rev;
1032 mergebase;
1033 old_errors;
1034 deptable_fn;
1035 deptable_is_64bit;
1036 naming_table_fn = _;
1037 corresponding_rev = _;
1038 state_distance = _;
1039 naming_table_manifold_path;
1041 loaded_info
1043 if hg_aware then Option.iter mergebase_rev ~f:ServerRevisionTracker.initialize;
1044 let env =
1046 env with
1047 init_env =
1049 env.init_env with
1050 mergebase = get_mergebase mergebase;
1051 naming_table_manifold_path;
1053 deps_mode =
1054 ( if deptable_is_64bit then
1055 match ServerArgs.save_64bit genv.options with
1056 | Some new_edges_dir ->
1057 Typing_deps_mode.SaveCustomMode
1058 { graph = Some deptable_fn; new_edges_dir }
1059 | None -> Typing_deps_mode.CustomMode (Some deptable_fn)
1060 else
1061 Typing_deps_mode.SQLiteMode );
1065 let (decl_and_typing_error_files, naming_and_parsing_error_files) =
1066 SaveStateService.partition_error_files_tf
1067 old_errors
1068 [Errors.Decl; Errors.Typing]
1070 let (_old_parsing_phase, old_parsing_error_files) =
1071 match
1072 List.find old_errors ~f:(fun (phase, _files) ->
1073 match phase with
1074 | Errors.Parsing -> true
1075 | _ -> false)
1076 with
1077 | Some (a, b) -> (a, b)
1078 | None -> (Errors.Parsing, Relative_path.Set.empty)
1080 Hh_logger.log
1081 "Number of files with Decl and Typing errors: %d"
1082 (Relative_path.Set.cardinal decl_and_typing_error_files);
1084 Hh_logger.log
1085 "Number of files with Naming and Parsing errors: %d"
1086 (Relative_path.Set.cardinal naming_and_parsing_error_files);
1088 let (decl_and_typing_error_files, naming_and_parsing_error_files) =
1089 SaveStateService.partition_error_files_tf
1090 old_errors
1091 [Errors.Decl; Errors.Typing]
1093 (* Parse and name all dirty files uniformly *)
1094 let dirty_files =
1095 List.fold
1096 ~init:Relative_path.Set.empty
1097 ~f:Relative_path.Set.union
1099 naming_and_parsing_error_files;
1100 dirty_naming_files;
1101 dirty_master_files;
1102 dirty_local_files;
1105 let t = Unix.gettimeofday () in
1106 let dirty_files = Relative_path.Set.union dirty_files changed_while_parsing in
1107 let parsing_files =
1108 Relative_path.Set.filter dirty_files ~f:FindUtils.path_filter
1110 ( CgroupProfiler.collect_cgroup_stats ~stage:"remove fixmes" ~profiling
1111 @@ fun () -> Fixme_provider.remove_batch parsing_files );
1112 let parsing_files_list = Relative_path.Set.elements parsing_files in
1113 (* Parse dirty files only *)
1114 let next = genv.workers parsing_files_list in
1115 let (env, t) =
1116 parsing
1117 genv
1119 ~lazy_parse:true
1120 ~get_next:next
1121 ~count:(List.length parsing_files_list)
1123 ~trace
1124 ~profile_label:"parse dirty files"
1125 ~profiling
1127 SearchServiceRunner.update_fileinfo_map
1128 env.naming_table
1129 SearchUtils.TypeChecker;
1130 let ctx = Provider_utils.ctx_from_server_env env in
1131 let t =
1132 update_files
1133 genv
1134 env.naming_table
1137 ~profile_label:"update file deps"
1138 ~profiling
1140 let t =
1141 naming_from_saved_state
1143 old_naming_table
1144 parsing_files
1145 naming_table_fallback_fn
1147 ~profiling
1149 (* Do global naming on all dirty files *)
1150 let (env, t) = naming env t ~profile_label:"naming dirty files" ~profiling in
1152 (* Add all files from fast to the files_info object *)
1153 let fast = Naming_table.to_fast env.naming_table in
1154 let failed_parsing = Errors.get_failed_files env.errorl Errors.Parsing in
1155 let fast =
1156 Relative_path.Set.fold
1157 failed_parsing
1158 ~f:(fun x m -> Relative_path.Map.remove m x)
1159 ~init:fast
1161 let env =
1163 env with
1164 disk_needs_parsing =
1165 Relative_path.Set.union env.disk_needs_parsing changed_while_parsing;
1168 (* Separate the dirty files from the files whose decl only changed *)
1169 (* Here, for each dirty file, we compare its hash to the one saved
1170 in the saved state. If the hashes are the same, then the declarations
1171 on the file have not changed and we only need to retypecheck that file,
1172 not all of its dependencies.
1173 We call these files "similar" to their previous versions. *)
1174 let partition_similar dirty_files =
1175 Relative_path.Set.partition
1176 (fun f ->
1177 let info1 = Naming_table.get_file_info old_naming_table f in
1178 let info2 = Naming_table.get_file_info env.naming_table f in
1179 match (info1, info2) with
1180 | (Some x, Some y) ->
1181 (match (x.FileInfo.hash, y.FileInfo.hash) with
1182 | (Some x, Some y) -> Int64.equal x y
1183 | _ -> false)
1184 | _ -> false)
1185 dirty_files
1187 let (dirty_master_files_unchanged_hash, dirty_master_files_changed_hash) =
1188 partition_similar dirty_master_files
1190 let (dirty_local_files_unchanged_hash, dirty_local_files_changed_hash) =
1191 partition_similar dirty_local_files
1193 let env =
1195 env with
1196 naming_table = Naming_table.combine old_naming_table env.naming_table;
1197 (* The only reason old_parsing_error_files are added to disk_needs_parsing
1198 here is because of an issue that seems to be already tracked in T30786759 *)
1199 disk_needs_parsing = old_parsing_error_files;
1200 needs_recheck =
1201 Relative_path.Set.union env.needs_recheck decl_and_typing_error_files;
1204 (* Update the fileinfo object's dependencies now that we have full fast *)
1205 let t =
1206 update_files
1207 genv
1208 env.naming_table
1211 ~profile_label:"update files again"
1212 ~profiling
1214 type_check_dirty
1215 genv
1217 old_naming_table
1218 fast
1219 ~dirty_master_files_unchanged_hash
1220 ~dirty_master_files_changed_hash
1221 ~dirty_local_files_unchanged_hash
1222 ~dirty_local_files_changed_hash
1224 profiling
1226 let saved_state_init
1227 ~(load_state_approach : load_state_approach)
1228 (genv : ServerEnv.genv)
1229 (env : ServerEnv.env)
1230 (root : Path.t)
1231 (profiling : CgroupProfiler.Profiling.t) :
1232 ( (ServerEnv.env * float) * (loaded_info * Relative_path.Set.t),
1233 load_state_error )
1234 result =
1235 let t = Unix.gettimeofday () in
1236 let attempt_fix = genv.local_config.SLC.attempt_fix_credentials in
1237 let () =
1238 match Security.check_credentials ~attempt_fix with
1239 | Ok success ->
1240 HackEventLogger.credentials_check_end
1241 (Printf.sprintf "saved_state_init: %s" (Security.show_success success))
1243 | Error error ->
1244 let kind = Security.to_error_kind_string error in
1245 let message = Security.to_error_message_string error in
1246 Hh_logger.log "Error kind: %s\nError message: %s" kind message;
1247 HackEventLogger.credentials_check_failure
1248 (Printf.sprintf "saved_state_init: [%s]" kind)
1252 ServerProgress.send_progress_to_monitor "loading saved state";
1254 let ctx = Provider_utils.ctx_from_server_env env in
1255 (* A historical quirk: we allowed the timeout once while downloading+loading *)
1256 (* saved-state, and then once again while waiting to get dirty files from hg *)
1257 let timeout = 2 * genv.local_config.SLC.load_state_script_timeout in
1258 (* following function will be run under the timeout *)
1259 let do_ (_id : Timeout.t) : (loaded_info, load_state_error) result =
1260 let state_result =
1261 CgroupProfiler.collect_cgroup_stats ~profiling ~stage:"load saved state"
1262 @@ fun () ->
1263 match load_state_approach with
1264 | Precomputed info ->
1265 Ok (use_precomputed_state_exn genv ctx info profiling)
1266 | Load_state_natively ->
1267 download_and_load_state_exn ~target:None ~genv ~ctx ~root
1268 | Load_state_natively_with_target target ->
1269 download_and_load_state_exn ~target:(Some target) ~genv ~ctx ~root
1271 state_result
1273 let state_result =
1275 match
1276 Timeout.with_timeout
1277 ~timeout
1278 ~do_
1279 ~on_timeout:(fun (_ : Timeout.timings) -> Error Load_state_timeout)
1280 with
1281 | Error error -> Error error
1282 | Ok loaded_info ->
1283 let changed_while_parsing = get_updates_exn genv root in
1284 Ok (loaded_info, changed_while_parsing)
1285 with exn ->
1286 let stack = Utils.Callstack (Printexc.get_backtrace ()) in
1287 Error (Load_state_unhandled_exception { exn; stack })
1289 match state_result with
1290 | Error err -> Error err
1291 | Ok state_result ->
1292 ServerProgress.send_progress_to_monitor "loading saved state succeeded";
1293 let (env, t) =
1294 post_saved_state_initialization ~state_result ~env ~genv profiling
1296 Ok ((env, t), state_result)