Add ClassIdAnnotation to AnnotatedAST
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / typing /
1 (**
2 * Copyright (c) 2015, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree. An additional grant
7 * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
9 *)
11 (*****************************************************************************)
12 (* Module determining how long the longest "aliasing chain" of a given
13 * block is.
15 * The problem:
16 * The type-inference algorithm needs to find a fix point when dealing with
17 * loops.
19 * Normally, a fix-point should be reached after 2 iterations. However,
20 * there are pathological cases where this is not true.
21 * It happens when the code is aliasing locals, because the type of locals
22 * can change, a 'chain' of aliases can delay the moment where we reach a
23 * fix point.
25 * Example:
26 * // $x is an int
27 * $x = $y;
28 * $y = $z;
29 * $z = 'hello';
30 * // $x will only become an int after 3 iterations.
33 (*****************************************************************************)
35 open Hh_core
36 open Nast
38 module Env = Typing_env
40 (*****************************************************************************)
41 (* Module computing all the aliased locals.
43 * if one writes '$y = $z', then the binding $y => $z is added to the map.
44 * Note that object/class members are counted are counted as locals
45 * (conservatively), because in some cases, they can behave like locals (cf
46 * Typing_env.FakeMembers).
48 (*****************************************************************************)
50 module Dep = struct
52 let add x1 x2 acc =
53 let prev = try SMap.find_unsafe x1 acc with Not_found -> [] in
54 SMap.add x1 (x2 :: prev) acc
56 let get key acc =
57 match SMap.get key acc with
58 | None -> []
59 | Some kl -> kl
61 let visitor local =
62 object
63 inherit [string list SMap.t] Nast.Visitor.visitor as parent
65 method! on_expr acc (_, e_ as e) =
66 match e_ with
67 | Lvar (_, x) ->
68 add local (Local_id.to_string x) acc
69 | Obj_get ((_, (This | Lvar _) as x), (_, Id (_, y)), _) ->
70 add local (Env.FakeMembers.make_id x y) acc
71 | Class_get (((), x), (_, y)) ->
72 add local (Env.FakeMembers.make_static_id x y) acc
73 | _ -> parent#on_expr acc e
74 end
76 let expr local acc e = (visitor local)#on_expr acc e
78 end
80 module AliasMap: sig
82 type t = string list SMap.t
84 val get: string -> t -> string list
85 val make: Nast.stmt -> t
87 end = struct
89 type t = string list SMap.t
91 let get = Dep.get
93 let local_to_string = function
94 | Lvar (_, x) ->
95 Some (Local_id.to_string x)
96 | Obj_get ((_, (This | Lvar _) as x), (_, Id (_, y)), _) ->
97 Some (Env.FakeMembers.make_id x y)
98 | Class_get (((), x), (_, y)) ->
99 Some (Env.FakeMembers.make_static_id x y)
100 | _ -> None
102 let visitor =
103 object(this)
104 inherit [string list SMap.t] Nast.Visitor.visitor as parent
106 method! on_expr acc (_, e_ as e) =
107 match e_ with
108 | Binop (Ast.Eq _, (p, List el), x2) ->
109 List.fold_left ~f:begin fun acc e ->
110 this#on_expr acc (p, Binop (Ast.Eq None, e, x2))
111 end ~init:acc el
112 | Binop (Ast.Eq _, x1, x2) ->
113 this#on_assign acc x1 x2
114 | _ -> parent#on_expr acc e
116 method on_assign acc (_, e1) e2 =
117 Option.value_map (local_to_string e1) ~f:begin fun s ->
118 Dep.expr s acc e2
119 end ~default:acc
121 method! on_efun acc _ _ = acc
124 let make st = visitor#on_stmt SMap.empty st
128 (*****************************************************************************)
129 (* Given an alias map, returns the length of the longest possible
130 * 'aliasing chain'.
132 * Example:
133 * $x = $y;
134 * $y = $z;
135 * $z = 'hello';
137 * RESULT=3 because of the chain $x => $y => $z
139 (*****************************************************************************)
141 module Depth: sig
142 val get: AliasMap.t -> int
143 end = struct
145 let rec fold aliases =
146 SMap.fold begin fun k _ (visited, current_max) ->
147 let visited, n = key aliases visited k in
148 visited, max n current_max
149 end aliases (SMap.empty, 0)
151 and key aliases visited k =
152 if SMap.mem k visited
153 then visited, SMap.find_unsafe k visited
154 else
155 let visited = SMap.add k 0 visited in
156 let kl = AliasMap.get k aliases in
157 let visited, depth_l = List.map_env visited kl (key aliases) in
158 let my_depth = 1 + List.fold_left ~f:max ~init:0 depth_l in
159 SMap.add k my_depth visited, my_depth
161 let get aliases = snd (fold aliases)
165 (*****************************************************************************)
166 (* Entry point. *)
167 (*****************************************************************************)
169 let get_depth st =
170 let aliases = AliasMap.make st in
171 let result = Depth.get aliases in
172 (* Needs to be at least 2 because of back edges. *)
173 max 2 result