Solving inter-procedural constraints in shape-like-dict
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / shape_analysis /
1 (*
2 * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
4 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
7 *)
9 open Hh_prelude
10 open Shape_analysis_types
11 module HT = Hips_types
13 type 'constraint_ show_constraint_ =
14 Typing_env_types.env -> 'constraint_ -> string
16 let mk_shape field_map =
17 T.(mk (Typing_reason.Rnone, Tshape (Closed_shape, field_map)))
19 let show_entity = function
20 | Literal pos -> Format.asprintf "%a" Pos.pp pos
21 | Variable var -> Format.sprintf "?%d" var
22 | Inter ent -> HT.show_entity ent
24 let show_ty env = Typing_print.full env
26 let show_constraint env =
27 let show_ty = show_ty env in
28 function
29 | Marks (kind, pos) ->
30 Format.asprintf "%s at %a" (show_marker_kind kind) Pos.pp pos
31 | Has_static_key (entity, key, ty) ->
32 let field_map =
33 T.TShapeMap.singleton key T.{ sft_ty = ty; sft_optional = false }
35 let shape = mk_shape field_map in
36 Format.asprintf "SK %s : %s" (show_entity entity) (show_ty shape)
37 | Has_optional_key (entity, key) ->
38 Format.asprintf
39 "OK %s : %s"
40 (show_entity entity)
41 (Typing_utils.get_printable_shape_field_name key)
42 | Has_dynamic_key entity -> "DK " ^ show_entity entity ^ " : dyn"
43 | Subsets (sub, sup) -> show_entity sub ^ " ⊆ " ^ show_entity sup
44 | Joins { left; right; join } ->
45 show_entity left ^ " ∪ " ^ show_entity right ^ " = " ^ show_entity join
47 let show_inter_constraint _ = function
48 | HT.Arg ((f_id, arg_idx, _), ent) ->
49 Format.asprintf "Arg(%s, %i, %s)" f_id arg_idx (show_entity ent)
51 let show_decorated_constraint_general
52 ~verbosity
53 env
54 ~show_constr
55 ({ hack_pos; origin; constraint_ } : 'constraint_ decorated) =
56 let line = Pos.line hack_pos in
57 let constraint_ = show_constr env constraint_ in
58 if verbosity > 0 then
59 Format.asprintf "%4d: %4d: %s" line origin constraint_
60 else
61 Format.asprintf "%4d: %s" line constraint_
63 let show_decorated_constraint =
64 show_decorated_constraint_general ~show_constr:show_constraint
66 let show_decorated_inter_constraint =
67 show_decorated_constraint_general ~show_constr:show_inter_constraint
69 let show_shape_result env = function
70 | Shape_like_dict (pos, kind, keys_and_types) ->
71 let show_ty = show_ty env in
72 let shape = mk_shape keys_and_types in
73 Format.asprintf
74 "%s [%s]:\n %s"
75 (Format.asprintf "%a" Pos.pp pos)
76 (show_marker_kind kind)
77 (show_ty shape)
78 | Dynamically_accessed_dict entity ->
79 Format.asprintf "%s : dynamic" (show_entity entity)