Add tests for not virtualized functions
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / test / typecheck / expression_trees_not_virtualize_functions / default_parameter.php.exp
1 File "default_parameter.php", line 5, characters 71-80:
2 This call is not allowed because its capabilities are incompatible with the context (Typing[4390])
3 File "default_parameter.php", line 5, characters 66-67:
4 From this declaration, the context of this function body provides the capability AccessGlobals
5 File "expr_tree.hhi", line 17, characters 26-33:
6 But the function being called requires the capability set {AccessGlobals, IO, ImplicitPolicyLocal, RxLocal, SystemLocal, WriteProperty}
7 File "default_parameter.php", line 5, characters 82-82:
8 This call is not allowed because its capabilities are incompatible with the context (Typing[4390])
9 File "default_parameter.php", line 5, characters 66-67:
10 From this declaration, the context of this function body provides the capability AccessGlobals
11 File "expr_tree.hhi", line 31, characters 26-32:
12 But the function being called requires the capability set {AccessGlobals, IO, ImplicitPolicyLocal, RxLocal, SystemLocal, WriteProperty}
13 File "default_parameter.php", line 5, characters 82-82:
14 This call is not allowed because its capabilities are incompatible with the context (Typing[4390])
15 File "default_parameter.php", line 5, characters 66-67:
16 From this declaration, the context of this function body provides the capability AccessGlobals
17 File "expr_tree.hhi", line 63, characters 19-26:
18 But the function being called requires the capability set {AccessGlobals, IO, ImplicitPolicyLocal, RxLocal, SystemLocal, WriteProperty}
19 File "default_parameter.php", line 9, characters 61-70:
20 This call is not allowed because its capabilities are incompatible with the context (Typing[4390])
21 File "default_parameter.php", line 9, characters 56-57:
22 From this declaration, the context of this function body provides the capability AccessGlobals
23 File "expr_tree.hhi", line 17, characters 26-33:
24 But the function being called requires the capability set {AccessGlobals, IO, ImplicitPolicyLocal, RxLocal, SystemLocal, WriteProperty}
25 File "default_parameter.php", line 9, characters 72-72:
26 This call is not allowed because its capabilities are incompatible with the context (Typing[4390])
27 File "default_parameter.php", line 9, characters 56-57:
28 From this declaration, the context of this function body provides the capability AccessGlobals
29 File "expr_tree.hhi", line 31, characters 26-32:
30 But the function being called requires the capability set {AccessGlobals, IO, ImplicitPolicyLocal, RxLocal, SystemLocal, WriteProperty}
31 File "default_parameter.php", line 9, characters 72-72:
32 This call is not allowed because its capabilities are incompatible with the context (Typing[4390])
33 File "default_parameter.php", line 9, characters 56-57:
34 From this declaration, the context of this function body provides the capability AccessGlobals
35 File "expr_tree.hhi", line 63, characters 19-26:
36 But the function being called requires the capability set {AccessGlobals, IO, ImplicitPolicyLocal, RxLocal, SystemLocal, WriteProperty}