Add tests for not virtualized functions
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / test / typecheck / expression_trees_not_virtualize_functions / boolean_operators.php.exp
1 File "boolean_operators.php", line 27, characters 7-33:
2 You are trying to access the method `__barbar` but this object can be null. (Typing[4064])
3 File "boolean_operators.php", line 7, characters 66-77:
4 This can be null
5 File "boolean_operators.php", line 28, characters 19-33:
6 Invalid argument (Typing[4110])
7 File "expr_tree.hhi", line 261, characters 28-38:
8 Expected `ExampleBool`
9 File "boolean_operators.php", line 7, characters 66-77:
10 But got `?ExampleBool`
11 File "boolean_operators.php", line 32, characters 7-33:
12 You are trying to access the method `__ampamp` but this object can be null. (Typing[4064])
13 File "boolean_operators.php", line 7, characters 66-77:
14 This can be null
15 File "boolean_operators.php", line 33, characters 19-33:
16 Invalid argument (Typing[4110])
17 File "expr_tree.hhi", line 260, characters 28-38:
18 Expected `ExampleBool`
19 File "boolean_operators.php", line 7, characters 66-77:
20 But got `?ExampleBool`
21 File "boolean_operators.php", line 37, characters 7-22:
22 You are trying to access the method `__exclamationMark` but this object can be null. (Typing[4064])
23 File "boolean_operators.php", line 7, characters 66-77:
24 This can be null