Unified symbol-to-docblock server command
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / server / symbolInfoService.ml
1 (**
2 * Copyright (c) 2015, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
8 *)
10 open Hh_core
11 open ServerCommandTypes.Symbol_info_service
13 (* This module dumps all the symbol info(like fun-calls) in input files *)
15 let recheck_naming filename_l =
16 List.iter filename_l begin fun file ->
17 Errors.ignore_ begin fun () ->
18 (* We only need to name to find references to locals *)
19 List.iter (Ast_provider.get_ast file) begin function
20 | Ast.Fun f ->
21 let _ = Naming.fun_ (Ast_to_nast.on_fun f) in
23 | Ast.Class c ->
24 let _ = Naming.class_ (Ast_to_nast.on_class c) in
26 | _ -> ()
27 end
28 end
29 end
31 let helper tcopt acc filetuple_l =
32 let filename_l = List.rev_map filetuple_l fst in
33 recheck_naming filename_l;
34 let tasts = ServerIdeUtils.recheck tcopt filetuple_l |> List.map ~f:snd in
35 let fun_calls = SymbolFunCallService.find_fun_calls tasts in
36 let symbol_types = SymbolTypeService.generate_types tasts in
37 (fun_calls, symbol_types) :: acc
39 let parallel_helper workers filetuple_l tcopt =
40 MultiWorker.call
41 workers
42 ~job:(helper tcopt)
43 ~neutral:[]
44 ~merge:List.rev_append
45 ~next:(MultiWorker.next workers filetuple_l)
47 (* Format result from '(fun_calls * symbol_types) list' raw result into *)
48 (* 'fun_calls list, symbol_types list' and store in SymbolInfoService.result *)
49 let format_result raw_result =
50 let result_list = List.fold_left raw_result ~f:begin fun acc bucket ->
51 let result1, result2 = acc in
52 let part1, part2 = bucket in
53 (List.rev_append part1 result1,
54 List.rev_append part2 result2)
55 end ~init:([], []) in
57 fun_calls = fst result_list;
58 symbol_types = snd result_list;
61 (* Entry Point *)
62 let go workers file_list env =
63 (* Convert 'string list' into 'fileinfo list' *)
64 let filetuple_l = List.fold_left file_list ~f:begin fun acc file_path ->
65 let fn = Relative_path.create Relative_path.Root file_path in
66 match Naming_table.get_file_info env.ServerEnv.naming_table fn with
67 | Some fileinfo -> (fn, fileinfo) :: acc
68 | None -> acc
69 end ~init:[]
71 let tcopt = env.ServerEnv.tcopt in
72 let raw_result =
73 if (List.length file_list) < 10 then
74 helper tcopt [] filetuple_l
75 else
76 parallel_helper workers filetuple_l tcopt in
77 format_result raw_result