Unified symbol-to-docblock server command
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / server / serverNotifierTypes.ml
1 (** Notifer results come in 3 flavors:
3 * 1) Notifier is not available (Dfind not available or watchman
4 * subscription is down)
5 * 2) Synchronous changes contain all changes up to the point
6 * that the notifier was invoked
7 * 3) Asynchronous changes include whatever changes that have been
8 * pushed up to this point.
9 * *)
10 type notifier_changes =
11 | Notifier_unavailable
12 | Notifier_state_enter of string * Hh_json.json option
13 | Notifier_state_leave of string * Hh_json.json option
14 | Notifier_synchronous_changes of SSet.t
15 | Notifier_async_changes of SSet.t