Unified symbol-to-docblock server command
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / server / serverHotClasses.ml
1 (**
2 * Copyright (c) 2018, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
6 * LICENSE fn in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
8 *)
10 open Core_kernel
12 module DepSet = Typing_deps.DepSet
13 module Dep = Typing_deps.Dep
15 let go
16 (workers : MultiWorker.worker list option)
17 (env : ServerEnv.env)
18 (threshold : int)
19 : string =
20 let naming_table = env.ServerEnv.naming_table in
21 let start_t = Unix.gettimeofday () in
22 Hh_logger.log "Generating hot classes file...";
23 let classes_in_repo =
24 Naming_table.fold naming_table ~init:[] ~f:begin fun path info acc ->
25 match Relative_path.prefix path with
26 | Relative_path.Root ->
27 List.fold info.FileInfo.classes ~init:acc ~f:(fun acc (_,x) -> x::acc)
28 | _ -> acc
29 end
31 let add_hot_classes acc cids =
32 List.fold cids ~init:acc ~f:begin fun acc cid ->
33 let deps = DepSet.singleton @@ Dep.make (Dep.Class cid) in
34 let deps = Typing_deps.add_all_deps deps in
35 if DepSet.cardinal deps > threshold then cid::acc else acc
36 end
38 let classes_to_save =
39 MultiWorker.call
40 workers
41 ~job:add_hot_classes
42 ~neutral:[]
43 ~merge:List.rev_append
44 ~next:(MultiWorker.next workers classes_in_repo)
46 let classes_to_save =
47 classes_to_save
48 |> List.sort ~compare:String.compare
49 |> List.remove_consecutive_duplicates ~equal:String.equal
51 let result =
52 let open Hh_json in
53 let comment = List.map ServerHotClassesDescription.comment string_ in
54 let classes = List.map classes_to_save string_ in
55 json_to_string ~pretty:true @@ JSON_Object [
56 "comment", JSON_Array comment;
57 "threshold", int_ threshold;
58 "classes", JSON_Array classes;
61 let result = ServerHotClassesDescription.postprocess (result ^ "\n") in
62 let _ : float =
63 Hh_logger.log_duration "Done generating hot classes file" start_t in
64 result