Change from FAST to path list
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / server /
1 (*
2 * Copyright (c) 2015, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
8 *)
10 open Core_kernel
11 module MC = MonitorConnection
13 type 'env handle_command_result =
14 (* Command was fully handled, and this is the new environment. *)
15 | Done of 'env
16 (* Returned continuation needs to be run with an environment after finished
17 * full check to complete handling of command. The string specifies a reason
18 * why this command needs full recheck (for logging/debugging purposes) *)
19 | Needs_full_recheck of 'env * ('env -> 'env) * string
20 (* Commands that want to modify global state, by modifying file contents.
21 * The boolean indicates whether current recheck should be automatically
22 * restarted after applying the writes. The string specifies a reason why this
23 * command needs writes (for logging/debugging purposes) *)
24 | Needs_writes of 'env * ('env -> 'env) * bool * string
26 let wrap try_ f env = try_ env (fun () -> f env)
28 (* Wrap all the continuations inside result in provided try function *)
29 let wrap try_ = function
30 | Done env -> Done env
31 | Needs_full_recheck (env, f, reason) ->
32 Needs_full_recheck (env, wrap try_ f, reason)
33 | Needs_writes (env, f, restart, reason) ->
34 Needs_writes (env, wrap try_ f, restart, reason)
36 let shutdown_client (_ic, oc) =
37 let cli = Unix.descr_of_out_channel oc in
38 try
39 Unix.shutdown cli Unix.SHUTDOWN_ALL;
40 Out_channel.close oc
41 with _ -> ()
43 let hh_monitor_config root =
44 ServerMonitorUtils.
46 lock_file = ServerFiles.lock_file root;
47 socket_file = ServerFiles.socket_file root;
48 server_log_file = ServerFiles.log_link root;
49 monitor_log_file = ServerFiles.monitor_log_link root;
52 let shut_down_server root = MC.connect_and_shut_down (hh_monitor_config root)
54 let connect_to_monitor ~timeout root =
55 MC.connect_once ~timeout (hh_monitor_config root)
57 let server_progress ~timeout root =
58 MC.connect_to_monitor_and_get_server_progress
59 ~timeout
60 (hh_monitor_config root)
62 let print_hash_stats () =
63 Utils.try_with_stack SharedMem.dep_stats
64 |> Result.map_error ~f:(fun (exn, Utils.Callstack stack) ->
65 Hh_logger.exc ~stack exn)
66 |> Result.iter ~f:(fun { SharedMem.used_slots; slots; nonempty_slots = _ } ->
67 let load_factor = float_of_int used_slots /. float_of_int slots in
68 Hh_logger.log
69 "Dependency table load factor: %d / %d (%.02f)"
70 used_slots
71 slots
72 load_factor);
73 Utils.try_with_stack SharedMem.hash_stats
74 |> Result.map_error ~f:(fun (exn, Utils.Callstack stack) ->
75 Hh_logger.exc ~stack exn)
76 |> Result.iter ~f:(fun { SharedMem.used_slots; slots; nonempty_slots } ->
77 let load_factor = float_of_int used_slots /. float_of_int slots in
78 Hh_logger.log
79 "Hashtable load factor: %d / %d (%.02f) with %d nonempty slots"
80 used_slots
81 slots
82 load_factor
83 nonempty_slots)
85 let exit_on_exception (exn : exn) ~(stack : Utils.callstack) =
86 let (Utils.Callstack stack) = stack in
87 match exn with
88 | SharedMem.Out_of_shared_memory ->
89 print_hash_stats ();
90 Printf.eprintf "Error: failed to allocate in the shared heap.\n%!";
91 Exit_status.(exit Out_of_shared_memory)
92 | SharedMem.Hash_table_full ->
93 print_hash_stats ();
94 Printf.eprintf "Error: failed to allocate in the shared hashtable.\n%!";
95 Exit_status.(exit Hash_table_full)
96 | Watchman.Watchman_error s as e ->
97 Hh_logger.exc ~stack e;
98 Hh_logger.log "Exiting. Failed due to watchman error: %s" s;
99 Exit_status.(exit Watchman_failed)
100 | MultiThreadedCall.Coalesced_failures failures as e ->
101 Hh_logger.exc ~stack e;
102 let failure_msg = MultiThreadedCall.coalesced_failures_to_string failures in
103 Hh_logger.log "%s" failure_msg;
104 let is_oom_failure f =
105 match f with
106 | WorkerController.Worker_oomed -> true
107 | _ -> false
109 let has_oom_failure = List.exists ~f:is_oom_failure failures in
110 if has_oom_failure then
111 let () = Hh_logger.log "Worker oomed. Exiting" in
112 Exit_status.(exit Worker_oomed)
113 else
114 (* We attempt to exit with the same code as a worker by folding over
115 * all the failures and looking for a WEXITED. *)
116 let worker_exit f =
117 match f with
118 | WorkerController.Worker_quit (Unix.WEXITED i) -> Some i
119 | _ -> None
121 let exit_code =
122 List.fold_left
123 ~f:(fun acc f ->
124 if Option.is_some acc then
126 else
127 worker_exit f)
128 ~init:None
129 failures
131 (match exit_code with
132 | Some i ->
133 (* Exit with same code. *)
134 exit i
135 | None -> failwith failure_msg)
136 (* In single-threaded mode, WorkerController exceptions are raised directly
137 * instead of being grouped into MultiThreaadedCall.Coalesced_failures *)
138 | WorkerController.(Worker_failed (_, Worker_oomed)) as e ->
139 Hh_logger.exc ~stack e;
140 Exit_status.(exit Worker_oomed)
141 | WorkerController.Worker_busy as e ->
142 Hh_logger.exc ~stack e;
143 Exit_status.(exit Worker_busy)
144 | WorkerController.(Worker_failed (_, Worker_quit (Unix.WEXITED i))) as e ->
145 Hh_logger.exc ~stack e;
147 (* Exit with the same exit code that that worker used. *)
148 exit i
149 | WorkerController.Worker_failed_to_send_job _ as e ->
150 Hh_logger.exc ~stack e;
151 Exit_status.(exit Worker_failed_to_send_job)
152 | File_provider.File_provider_stale -> Exit_status.(exit File_provider_stale)
153 | Decl_class.Decl_heap_elems_bug -> Exit_status.(exit Decl_heap_elems_bug)
154 | Decl_defs.Decl_not_found _ -> Exit_status.(exit Decl_not_found)
155 | SharedMem.C_assertion_failure _ as e ->
156 Hh_logger.exc ~stack e;
157 Exit_status.(exit Shared_mem_assertion_failure)
158 | SharedMem.Sql_assertion_failure err_num as e ->
159 Hh_logger.exc ~stack e;
160 let exit_code =
161 match err_num with
162 | 11 -> Exit_status.Sql_corrupt
163 | 14 -> Exit_status.Sql_cantopen
164 | 21 -> Exit_status.Sql_misuse
165 | _ -> Exit_status.Sql_assertion_failure
167 Exit_status.exit exit_code
168 | Exit_status.Exit_with ec -> Exit_status.(exit ec)
169 | e ->
170 Hh_logger.exc ~stack e;
171 Exit_status.(exit Uncaught_exception)
173 let with_exit_on_exception f =
174 try f ()
175 with exn ->
176 let stack = Utils.Callstack (Printexc.get_backtrace ()) in
177 exit_on_exception exn ~stack