Move to http-client-tls and pipes-http.
[haskell-cryptsy-api.git] / cryptsy-api.cabal
1 name:                cryptsy-api
2 version:             0.1
3 synopsis:            Bindings for Cryptsy cryptocurrency exchange API.
4 description:         Bindings for Cryptsy cryptocurrency exchange API.
5 license:             OtherLicense
6 license-file:        LICENSE
7 author:              Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
8 maintainer:
9 copyright:           2013 Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
10 category:            Web
11 build-type:          Simple
12 cabal-version:       >=1.8
13 extra-source-files:  LICENSE.GPL-3
14                    , src/Main.hs
16 source-repository head
17   type:     git
18   location:
20 library
21   exposed-modules:     Cryptsy.API.Public
22                      , Cryptsy.API.Public.MarketData.Old
23                      , Cryptsy.API.Public.MarketData.New
24                      , Cryptsy.API.Public.Market
25                      , Cryptsy.API.Public.OrderData
26                      , Cryptsy.API.Public.OrderBook
27                      , Cryptsy.API.Public.Types
28                      , Cryptsy.API.Public.Types.MarketData
29                      , Cryptsy.API.Public.Types.Market
30                      , Cryptsy.API.Public.Types.Trade
31                      , Cryptsy.API.Public.Types.Time
32                      , Cryptsy.API.Public.Types.OrderBook
33                      , Cryptsy.API.Public.Types.Order
34                      , Cryptsy.API.Public.Types.Num
35                      , Cryptsy.API.Public.Types.Monad
36                      , Cryptsy.API.Public.Types.Error
38   other-modules:       Cryptsy.API.Public.Internal
39                      , Cryptsy.API.Public.Types.Internal
41   build-depends:       base ==4.6.*
42                      , either >= 4.0 && < 4.2
43                      , text >= 0.11 && < 1.2
44                      , transformers ==0.3.*
45                      , unordered-containers ==0.2.*
46                      , vector ==0.10.*
47                      , aeson ==0.6.*
48                      , bytestring ==0.10.*
49                      , deepseq ==1.3.*
50                      , old-locale ==1.0.*
51                      , time ==1.4.*
52                      , http-client ==0.2.*
53                      , pipes-attoparsec ==0.4.*
54                      , http-client-tls ==0.2.*
55                      , pipes-http ==1.0.*
57   hs-source-dirs:      src