Trimming whitespace at end of line, removing unneeded print statements.
[halbot.git] /
1 import html, perms
2 from basic_commands import reply, troggie
3 from globals import commands
4 from throttle import throttle
6 web_throttle = throttle("web")
8 def title(who, where, args, all=False):
9 "$title <url>: Asks Hal to fetch the title of a given URL. Not very useful in a channel, where it's done implicitly whenever someone says a URL."
10 if html.non_webpage(args):
11 return
12 try:
13 reply(who, where, "[%s]" % (html.get_title(args)), all)
14 except Exception, e:
15 #if not html.is_webpage(args):
16 reply(who, where, "Error retrieving URL '%s'." % args, all)
17 title = troggie(title)
18 title = throttle("web", quiet=True)(title)
19 commands['title'] = (perms.voice, title)
21 def title_implicit(who, where, args):
22 "Implicit version of $title."
23 title(who, where, args, all=True)
24 commands['title implicit'] = (perms.voice, title_implicit)
26 def calc(who, where, args):
27 "$calc <math>: Asks Google's calculator to do some math for you."
28 try:
29 reply(who, where, "Google says: %s" % html.google_calc(args), all=True)
30 except Exception, e:
31 reply(who, where, "Ewwww... Google barfed on me.", all=True)
32 #calc = troggie(calc)
33 calc = web_throttle(calc)
34 commands['calc'] = (perms.voice, calc)
36 def google(who, where, args):
37 "$google <search>: Asks Google for its first result for a given search."
38 try:
39 url = html.first_google(args)
40 reply(who, where, "Google says: %s [%s]." % (url, html.get_title(url)), all=True)
41 except Exception, e:
42 reply(who, where, "Ewwww... Google barfed on me.", all=True)
43 #google = troggie(google)
44 google = web_throttle(google)
45 commands['google'] = (perms.voice, google)
47 def jig(who, where, args):
48 "$jig <search>: Ask Google for its first result for a given search, restricted to Jayisgames."
49 google(who, where, args + "")
50 #jig = troggie(jig)
51 commands['jig'] = (perms.voice, jig)
53 def wp(who, where, args):
54 "$wp <search> or $wikipedia <search>: Asks Google for its first result for a given search, restricted to Wikipedia."
55 google(who, where, args + "")
56 commands['wp'] = (perms.voice, wp)
57 commands['wikipedia'] = (perms.voice, wp)
59 def youtube(who, where, args):
60 "$youtube <search>: Asks Google for its first result for a given search, restricted to YouTube."
61 google(who, where, args + "")
62 commands['youtube'] = (perms.voice, youtube)
64 def onr(who, where, args, comic=None):
65 "$onr <search>: Searches, returns the first result."
66 try:
67 url = html.first_onr(args, comic)
68 reply(who, where, " says: %s [%s]." % (url, html.get_title(url)), all=True)
69 except Exception, e:
70 reply(who, where, "Oh no! No luck.", all=True)
71 onr = web_throttle(onr)
72 commands['onr'] = (perms.voice, onr)
74 def xkcd(who, where, args):
75 "$xkcd <search>: Searches XKCD comics with"
76 onr(who, where, args, 56)
77 commands['xkcd'] = (perms.voice, xkcd)
79 def weather(who, where, args):
80 "$weather <zipcode or location>: Asks Hal for the weather in a given location. Unfortunately, he doesn't know how yet."
81 reply(who, where, "I'm sorry, troggie isn't here, and I don't know how to do that.")
82 weather = troggie(weather)
83 commands['weather'] = (perms.voice, weather)
85 def reset_throttle(who, where, args):
86 "$reset-throttle: Resets Hal's throttling mechanism for web requests."
87 reply(who, where, "Throttling reset.")
88 reset_throttle = throttle("web", seconds_between=.1)(reset_throttle)
89 commands['reset-throttle'] = (perms.ircop, reset_throttle)