3 [[http://www.topcoder.com/|TopCoder]]: [[wp>TopCoder]].
5 ===== How to install the arena plug-ins =====
7 [[http://www.topcoder.com/wiki/display/tc/How+to+install+The+Arena+plug-ins|Tutorial]] \\
9 ===== FileEdit C++ Template =====
23 #define rep(i, n) repb(i, 0, n)
24 #define repb(i, b, n) repbc(i, b, n, <)
25 #define repe(i, n) repbe(i, 0, n)
26 #define repbe(i, b, n) repbc(i, b, n, <=)
27 #define repbc(i, b, n, c) for(int i = b; i c n; i++)
53 {{tag>competitions programming}}