1 a
2 ";}i
:2:": ";}i
:33:"How to install the arena plug-ins";i
3 ";}i
:1:" ";}i
:33:"How to install the arena plug-ins";}i
:21:"FileEdit C++ Template";i
15 #define rep(i, n) repb(i, 0, n)
16 #define repb(i, b, n) repbc(i, b, n, <)
17 #define repe(i, n) repbe(i, 0, n)
18 #define repbe(i, b, n) repbc(i, b, n, <=)
19 #define repbc(i, b, n, c) for(int i = b; i c n; i++)
42 ";i
:32:"{{tag>competitions programming}}";}i
:21:"FileEdit C++ Template";}i