derivation: Remove duplicate inputs.
[guix.git] / guix / derivations.scm
1 ;;; Guix --- Nix package management from Guile.         -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 ;;; Copyright (C) 2012 Ludovic Courtès <>
3 ;;;
4 ;;; This file is part of Guix.
5 ;;;
6 ;;; Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
7 ;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
9 ;;; your option) any later version.
10 ;;;
11 ;;; Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
12 ;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
15 ;;;
16 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 ;;; along with Guix.  If not, see <>.
19 (define-module (guix derivations)
20   #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
21   #:use-module (srfi srfi-9)
22   #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
23   #:use-module (rnrs io ports)
24   #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
25   #:use-module (ice-9 match)
26   #:use-module (ice-9 rdelim)
27   #:use-module (guix store)
28   #:use-module (guix utils)
29   #:export (derivation?
30             derivation-outputs
31             derivation-inputs
32             derivation-sources
33             derivation-system
34             derivation-builder-arguments
35             derivation-builder-environment-vars
37             derivation-output?
38             derivation-output-path
39             derivation-output-hash-algo
40             derivation-output-hash
42             derivation-input?
43             derivation-input-path
44             derivation-input-sub-derivations
46             fixed-output-derivation?
47             derivation-hash
49             read-derivation
50             write-derivation
51             derivation-path->output-path
52             derivation
54             %guile-for-build
55             build-expression->derivation
56             imported-files))
58 ;;;
59 ;;; Nix derivations, as implemented in Nix's `'.
60 ;;;
62 (define-record-type <derivation>
63   (make-derivation outputs inputs sources system builder args env-vars)
64   derivation?
65   (outputs  derivation-outputs)      ; list of name/<derivation-output> pairs
66   (inputs   derivation-inputs)       ; list of <derivation-input>
67   (sources  derivation-sources)      ; list of store paths
68   (system   derivation-system)       ; string
69   (builder  derivation-builder)      ; store path
70   (args     derivation-builder-arguments)         ; list of strings
71   (env-vars derivation-builder-environment-vars)) ; list of name/value pairs
73 (define-record-type <derivation-output>
74   (make-derivation-output path hash-algo hash)
75   derivation-output?
76   (path       derivation-output-path)             ; store path
77   (hash-algo  derivation-output-hash-algo)        ; symbol | #f
78   (hash       derivation-output-hash))            ; bytevector | #f
80 (define-record-type <derivation-input>
81   (make-derivation-input path sub-derivations)
82   derivation-input?
83   (path            derivation-input-path)             ; store path
84   (sub-derivations derivation-input-sub-derivations)) ; list of strings
86 (define (fixed-output-derivation? drv)
87   "Return #t if DRV is a fixed-output derivation, such as the result of a
88 download with a fixed hash (aka. `fetchurl')."
89   (match drv
90     (($ <derivation>
91         (($ <derivation-output> _ (? symbol?) (? string?))))
92      #t)
93     (_ #f)))
95 (define (read-derivation drv-port)
96   "Read the derivation from DRV-PORT and return the corresponding
97 <derivation> object."
99   (define comma (string->symbol ","))
101   (define (ununquote x)
102     (match x
103       (('unquote x) (ununquote x))
104       ((x ...)      (map ununquote x))
105       (_            x)))
107   (define (outputs->alist x)
108     (fold-right (lambda (output result)
109                   (match output
110                     ((name path "" "")
111                      (alist-cons name
112                                  (make-derivation-output path #f #f)
113                                  result))
114                     ((name path hash-algo hash)
115                      ;; fixed-output
116                      (let ((algo (string->symbol hash-algo))
117                            (hash (base16-string->bytevector hash)))
118                        (alist-cons name
119                                    (make-derivation-output path algo hash)
120                                    result)))))
121                 '()
122                 x))
124   (define (make-input-drvs x)
125     (fold-right (lambda (input result)
126                   (match input
127                     ((path (sub-drvs ...))
128                      (cons (make-derivation-input path sub-drvs)
129                            result))))
130                 '()
131                 x))
133   (let loop ((exp    (read drv-port))
134              (result '()))
135     (match exp
136       ((? eof-object?)
137        (let ((result (reverse result)))
138          (match result
139            (('Derive ((outputs ...) (input-drvs ...)
140                       (input-srcs ...)
141                       (? string? system)
142                       (? string? builder)
143                       ((? string? args) ...)
144                       ((var value) ...)))
145             (make-derivation (outputs->alist outputs)
146                              (make-input-drvs input-drvs)
147                              input-srcs
148                              system builder args
149                              (fold-right alist-cons '() var value)))
150            (_
151             (error "failed to parse derivation" drv-port result)))))
152       ((? (cut eq? <> comma))
153        (loop (read drv-port) result))
154       (_
155        (loop (read drv-port)
156              (cons (ununquote exp) result))))))
158 (define (write-derivation drv port)
159   "Write the ATerm-like serialization of DRV to PORT.  See Section 2.4 of
160 Eelco Dolstra's PhD dissertation for an overview of a previous version of
161 that form."
162   (define (list->string lst)
163     (string-append "[" (string-join lst ",") "]"))
165   (define (write-list lst)
166     (display (list->string lst) port))
168   (match drv
169     (($ <derivation> outputs inputs sources
170         system builder args env-vars)
171      (display "Derive(" port)
172      (write-list (map (match-lambda
173                        ((name . ($ <derivation-output> path hash-algo hash))
174                         (format #f "(~s,~s,~s,~s)"
175                                 name path
176                                 (or (and=> hash-algo symbol->string) "")
177                                 (or (and=> hash bytevector->base16-string)
178                                     ""))))
179                       outputs))
180      (display "," port)
181      (write-list (map (match-lambda
182                        (($ <derivation-input> path sub-drvs)
183                         (format #f "(~s,~a)" path
184                                 (list->string (map object->string sub-drvs)))))
185                       inputs))
186      (display "," port)
187      (write-list (map object->string sources))
188      (format port ",~s,~s," system builder)
189      (write-list (map object->string args))
190      (display "," port)
191      (write-list (map (match-lambda
192                        ((name . value)
193                         (format #f "(~s,~s)" name value)))
194                       env-vars))
195      (display ")" port))))
197 (define* (derivation-path->output-path path #:optional (output "out"))
198   "Read the derivation from PATH (`/nix/store/xxx.drv'), and return the store
199 path of its output OUTPUT."
200   (let* ((drv     (call-with-input-file path read-derivation))
201          (outputs (derivation-outputs drv)))
202     (and=> (assoc-ref outputs output) derivation-output-path)))
206 ;;; Derivation primitive.
209 (define (compressed-hash bv size)                 ; `compressHash'
210   "Given the hash stored in BV, return a compressed version thereof that fits
211 in SIZE bytes."
212   (define new (make-bytevector size 0))
213   (define old-size (bytevector-length bv))
214   (let loop ((i 0))
215     (if (= i old-size)
216         new
217         (let* ((j (modulo i size))
218                (o (bytevector-u8-ref new j)))
219           (bytevector-u8-set! new j
220                               (logxor o (bytevector-u8-ref bv i)))
221           (loop (+ 1 i))))))
223 (define derivation-hash            ; `hashDerivationModulo' in
224   (memoize
225    (lambda (drv)
226     "Return the hash of DRV, modulo its fixed-output inputs, as a bytevector."
227     (match drv
228       (($ <derivation> ((_ . ($ <derivation-output> path
229                                 (? symbol? hash-algo) (? bytevector? hash)))))
230        ;; A fixed-output derivation.
231        (sha256
232         (string->utf8
233          (string-append "fixed:out:" (symbol->string hash-algo)
234                         ":" (bytevector->base16-string hash)
235                         ":" path))))
236       (($ <derivation> outputs inputs sources
237           system builder args env-vars)
238        ;; A regular derivation: replace the path of each input with that
239        ;; input's hash; return the hash of serialization of the resulting
240        ;; derivation.  Note: inputs are sorted as in the order of their hex
241        ;; hash representation because that's what the C++ `std::map' code
242        ;; does.
243        (let* ((inputs  (sort (map (match-lambda
244                                    (($ <derivation-input> path sub-drvs)
245                                     (let ((hash (call-with-input-file path
246                                                   (compose bytevector->base16-string
247                                                            derivation-hash
248                                                            read-derivation))))
249                                       (make-derivation-input hash sub-drvs))))
250                                   inputs)
251                              (lambda (i1 i2)
252                                (string<? (derivation-input-path i1)
253                                          (derivation-input-path i2)))))
254               (sources (sort sources string<?))
255               (drv     (make-derivation outputs inputs sources
256                                         system builder args env-vars)))
257          (sha256
258           (string->utf8 (call-with-output-string
259                          (cut write-derivation drv <>))))))))))
261 (define (store-path type hash name)               ; makeStorePath
262   "Return the store path for NAME/HASH/TYPE."
263   (let* ((s (string-append type ":sha256:"
264                            (bytevector->base16-string hash) ":"
265                            (%store-prefix) ":" name))
266          (h (sha256 (string->utf8 s)))
267          (c (compressed-hash h 20)))
268     (string-append (%store-prefix) "/"
269                    (bytevector->nix-base32-string c) "-"
270                    name)))
272 (define (output-path output hash name)            ; makeOutputPath
273   "Return an output path for OUTPUT (the name of the output as a string) of
274 the derivation called NAME with hash HASH."
275   (store-path (string-append "output:" output) hash
276               (if (string=? output "out")
277                   name
278                   (string-append name "-" output))))
280 (define* (derivation store name system builder args env-vars inputs
281                      #:key (outputs '("out")) hash hash-algo hash-mode)
282   "Build a derivation with the given arguments.  Return the resulting
283 store path and <derivation> object.  When HASH, HASH-ALGO, and HASH-MODE
284 are given, a fixed-output derivation is created---i.e., one whose result is
285 known in advance, such as a file download."
286   (define (add-output-paths drv)
287     ;; Return DRV with an actual store path for each of its output and the
288     ;; corresponding environment variable.
289     (match drv
290       (($ <derivation> outputs inputs sources
291           system builder args env-vars)
292        (let* ((drv-hash (derivation-hash drv))
293               (outputs  (map (match-lambda
294                               ((output-name . ($ <derivation-output>
295                                                  _ algo hash))
296                                (let ((path (output-path output-name
297                                                         drv-hash name)))
298                                  (cons output-name
299                                        (make-derivation-output path algo
300                                                                hash)))))
301                              outputs)))
302          (make-derivation outputs inputs sources system builder args
303                           (map (match-lambda
304                                 ((name . value)
305                                  (cons name
306                                        (or (and=> (assoc-ref outputs name)
307                                                   derivation-output-path)
308                                            value))))
309                                env-vars))))))
311   (define (env-vars-with-empty-outputs)
312     ;; Return a variant of ENV-VARS where each OUTPUTS is associated with an
313     ;; empty string, even outputs that do not appear in ENV-VARS.  Note: the
314     ;; result is sorted alphabetically, as with C++ `std::map'.
315     (let ((e (map (match-lambda
316                    ((name . val)
317                     (if (member name outputs)
318                         (cons name "")
319                         (cons name val))))
320                   env-vars)))
321       (sort (fold (lambda (output-name env-vars)
322                     (if (assoc output-name env-vars)
323                         env-vars
324                         (append env-vars `((,output-name . "")))))
325                   e
326                   outputs)
327             (lambda (e1 e2)
328               (string<? (car e1) (car e2))))))
330   (let* ((outputs    (map (lambda (name)
331                             ;; Return outputs with an empty path.
332                             (cons name
333                                   (make-derivation-output "" hash-algo hash)))
334                           outputs))
335          (inputs     (map (match-lambda
336                            (((? store-path? input))
337                             (make-derivation-input input '("out")))
338                            (((? store-path? input) sub-drvs ...)
339                             (make-derivation-input input sub-drvs))
340                            ((input . _)
341                             (let ((path (add-to-store store
342                                                       (basename input)
343                                                       (hash-algo sha256) #t #t
344                                                       input)))
345                               (make-derivation-input path '()))))
346                           (delete-duplicates inputs)))
347          (env-vars   (env-vars-with-empty-outputs))
348          (drv-masked (make-derivation outputs
349                                       (filter (compose derivation-path?
350                                                        derivation-input-path)
351                                               inputs)
352                                       (filter-map (lambda (i)
353                                                     (let ((p (derivation-input-path i)))
354                                                       (and (not (derivation-path? p))
355                                                            p)))
356                                                   inputs)
357                                       system builder args env-vars))
358          (drv        (add-output-paths drv-masked)))
360     (values (add-text-to-store store (string-append name ".drv")
361                                (call-with-output-string
362                                 (cut write-derivation drv <>))
363                                (map derivation-input-path
364                                     inputs))
365             drv)))
369 ;;; Guile-based builders.
372 (define %guile-for-build
373   ;; The derivation of the Guile to be used within the build environment,
374   ;; when using `build-expression->derivation'.
375   (make-parameter (false-if-exception (nixpkgs-derivation "guile"))))
377 (define* (imported-files store files
378                          #:key (name "file-import") (system (%current-system)))
379   "Return a derivation that imports FILES into STORE.  FILES must be a list
380 of (FINAL-PATH . FILE-NAME) pairs; each FILE-NAME is read from the file
381 system, imported, and appears under FINAL-PATH in the resulting store path."
382   (define (parent-dirs file-name)
383     ;; Return the list of parent dirs of FILE-NAME, in the order in which an
384     ;; `mkdir -p' implementation would make them.
385     (let ((not-slash (char-set-complement (char-set #\/))))
386       (reverse
387        (fold (lambda (dir result)
388                (match result
389                  (()
390                   (list dir))
391                  ((prev _ ...)
392                   (cons (string-append prev "/" dir)
393                         result))))
394              '()
395              (remove (cut string=? <> ".")
396                      (string-tokenize (dirname file-name) not-slash))))))
398   (let* ((files   (map (match-lambda
399                         ((final-path . file-name)
400                          (list final-path
401                                (add-to-store store (basename final-path) #t #f
402                                              "sha256" file-name))))
403                        files))
404          (builder
405           `(begin
406              (mkdir %output) (chdir %output)
407              ,@(append-map (match-lambda
408                             ((final-path store-path)
409                              (append (match (parent-dirs final-path)
410                                        (() '())
411                                        ((head ... tail)
412                                         (append (map (lambda (d)
413                                                        `(false-if-exception
414                                                          (mkdir ,d)))
415                                                      head)
416                                                 `((or (file-exists? ,tail)
417                                                       (mkdir ,tail))))))
418                                      `((symlink ,store-path ,final-path)))))
419                            files))))
420     (build-expression->derivation store name (%current-system)
421                                   builder files)))
423 (define* (imported-modules store modules
424                            #:key (name "module-import")
425                            (system (%current-system)))
426   "Return a derivation that contains the source files of MODULES, a list of
427 module names such as `(ice-9 q)'.  All of MODULES must be in the current
428 search path."
429   ;; TODO: Determine the closure of MODULES, build the `.go' files,
430   ;; canonicalize the source files through read/write, etc.
431   (let ((files (map (lambda (m)
432                       (let ((f (string-append
433                                 (string-join (map symbol->string m) "/")
434                                 ".scm")))
435                         (cons f (search-path %load-path f))))
436                     modules)))
437     (imported-files store files #:name name #:system system)))
440 (define* (build-expression->derivation store name system exp inputs
441                                        #:key (outputs '("out"))
442                                        hash hash-algo
443                                        (modules '()))
444   "Return a derivation that executes Scheme expression EXP as a builder for
445 derivation NAME.  INPUTS must be a list of (NAME DRV-PATH SUB-DRV) tuples;
446 when SUB-DRV is omitted, \"out\" is assumed.  EXP is evaluated in an
447 environment where %OUTPUT is bound to the main output path, %OUTPUTS is bound
448 to a list of output/path pairs, and where %BUILD-INPUTS is bound to an alist
449 of string/output-path pairs made from INPUTS.  The builder terminates by
450 passing the result of EXP to `exit'; thus, when EXP returns #f, the build is
451 considered to have failed."
452   (define guile
453     (string-append (derivation-path->output-path (%guile-for-build))
454                    "/bin/guile"))
456   (define module-form?
457     (match-lambda
458       (((or 'define-module 'use-modules) _ ...) #t)
459       (_ #f)))
461   (let* ((prologue `(begin
462                       ,@(match exp
463                           ((_ ...)
464                            ;; Module forms must appear at the top-level so
465                            ;; that any macros they export can be expanded.
466                            (filter module-form? exp))
467                           (_ `(,exp)))
469                       (define %output (getenv "out"))
470                       (define %outputs
471                         (map (lambda (o)
472                                (cons o (getenv o)))
473                              ',outputs))
474                       (define %build-inputs
475                         ',(map (match-lambda
476                                 ((name drv . rest)
477                                  (let ((sub (match rest
478                                               (() "out")
479                                               ((x) x))))
480                                    (cons name
481                                          (if (derivation-path? drv)
482                                              (derivation-path->output-path drv
483                                                                            sub)
484                                              drv)))))
485                                inputs))))
486          (builder  (add-text-to-store store
487                                       (string-append name "-guile-builder")
488                                       (string-append
489                                        (object->string prologue)
490                                        (object->string
491                                         `(exit
492                                           ,(match exp
493                                              ((_ ...)
494                                               (remove module-form? exp))
495                                              (_ `(,exp))))))
496                                       (map second inputs)))
497          (mod-drv  (if (null? modules)
498                        #f
499                        (imported-modules store modules)))
500          (mod-dir  (and mod-drv
501                         (derivation-path->output-path mod-drv))))
502     (derivation store name system guile
503                 `("--no-auto-compile"
504                   ,@(if mod-dir `("-L" ,mod-dir) '())
505                   ,builder)
506                 '(("HOME" . "/homeless"))
507                 `((,(%guile-for-build))
508                   (,builder)
509                   ,@(map cdr inputs)
510                   ,@(if mod-drv `((,mod-drv)) '()))
511                 #:hash hash #:hash-algo hash-algo
512                 #:outputs outputs)))