gnu: Django: Update to 1.11.21 [fixes CVE-2019-12308, CVE-2019-11358].
[guix.git] / gnu / build / accounts.scm
1 ;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
2 ;;; Copyright © 2019 Ludovic Courtès <>
3 ;;;
4 ;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
5 ;;;
6 ;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
7 ;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
9 ;;; your option) any later version.
10 ;;;
11 ;;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
12 ;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
15 ;;;
16 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 ;;; along with GNU Guix.  If not, see <>.
19 (define-module (gnu build accounts)
20   #:use-module (guix records)
21   #:use-module (guix combinators)
22   #:use-module (gnu system accounts)
23   #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
24   #:use-module (srfi srfi-11)
25   #:use-module (srfi srfi-19)
26   #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
27   #:use-module (ice-9 match)
28   #:use-module (ice-9 vlist)
29   #:use-module (ice-9 rdelim)
30   #:export (password-entry
31             password-entry?
32             password-entry-name
33             password-entry-uid
34             password-entry-gid
35             password-entry-real-name
36             password-entry-directory
37             password-entry-shell
39             shadow-entry
40             shadow-entry?
41             shadow-entry-name
42             shadow-entry-minimum-change-period
43             shadow-entry-maximum-change-period
44             shadow-entry-change-warning-time
45             shadow-entry-maximum-inactivity
46             shadow-entry-expiration
48             group-entry
49             group-entry?
50             group-entry-name
51             group-entry-gid
52             group-entry-members
54             write-group
55             write-passwd
56             write-shadow
57             read-group
58             read-passwd
59             read-shadow
61             %id-min
62             %id-max
63             %system-id-min
64             %system-id-max
66             user+group-databases))
68 ;;; Commentary:
69 ;;;
70 ;;; This modules provides functionality equivalent to the C library's
71 ;;; <shadow.h>, <pwd.h>, and <grp.h> routines, as well as a subset of the
72 ;;; functionality of the Shadow command-line tools.  It can parse and write
73 ;;; /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow, and /etc/group.  It can also take care of UID
74 ;;; and GID allocation in a way similar to what 'useradd' does.
75 ;;;
76 ;;; The benefit is twofold: less code is involved, and the ID allocation
77 ;;; strategy and state preservation is made explicit.
78 ;;;
79 ;;; Code:
82 ;;;
83 ;;; Machinery to define user and group databases.
84 ;;;
86 (define-syntax serialize-field
87   (syntax-rules (serialization)
88     ((_ entry (field get (serialization ->string string->) _ ...))
89      (->string (get entry)))
90     ((_ entry (field get _ ...))
91      (get entry))))
93 (define-syntax deserialize-field
94   (syntax-rules (serialization)
95     ((_ str (field get (serialization ->string string->) _ ...))
96      (string-> str))
97     ((_ str (field get _ ...))
98      str)))
100 (define-syntax let/fields
101   (syntax-rules ()
102     ((_ (((name get attributes ...) rest ...) lst) body ...)
103      (let ((l lst))
104        (let ((name (deserialize-field (car l)
105                                       (name get attributes ...))))
106          (let/fields ((rest ...) (cdr l)) body ...))))
107     ((_ (() lst) body ...)
108      (begin body ...))))
110 (define-syntax define-database-entry
111   (syntax-rules (serialization)
112     "Define a record data type, as per 'define-record-type*', with additional
113 information on how to serialize and deserialize the whole database as well as
114 each field."
115     ((_ <record> record make-record record?
116         (serialization separator entry->string string->entry)
117         fields ...)
118      (let-syntax ((field-name
119                    (syntax-rules ()
120                      ((_ (name _ (... ...))) name))))
121        (define-record-type* <record> record make-record
122          record?
123          fields ...)
125        (define (entry->string entry)
126          (string-join (list (serialize-field entry fields) ...)
127                       (string separator)))
129        (define (string->entry str)
130          (let/fields ((fields ...) (string-split str #\:))
131                      (make-record (field-name fields) ...)))))))
134 (define number->string*
135   (match-lambda
136     ((? number? number) (number->string number))
137     (_ "")))
139 (define (false-if-string=? false-string)
140   (lambda (str)
141     (if (string=? str false-string)
142         #f
143         str)))
145 (define (string-if-false str)
146   (lambda (obj)
147     (if (not obj) str obj)))
149 (define (comma-separated->list str)
150   (string-tokenize str (char-set-complement (char-set #\,))))
152 (define (list->comma-separated lst)
153   (string-join lst ","))
157 ;;; Database definitions.
160 (define-database-entry <password-entry>           ;<pwd.h>
161   password-entry make-password-entry
162   password-entry?
163   (serialization #\: password-entry->string string->password-entry)
165   (name       password-entry-name)
166   (password   password-entry-password
167               (serialization (const "x") (const #f))
168               (default "x"))
169   (uid        password-entry-uid
170               (serialization number->string string->number))
171   (gid        password-entry-gid
172               (serialization number->string string->number))
173   (real-name  password-entry-real-name
174               (default ""))
175   (directory  password-entry-directory)
176   (shell      password-entry-shell
177               (default "/bin/sh")))
179 (define-database-entry <shadow-entry>             ;<shadow.h>
180   shadow-entry make-shadow-entry
181   shadow-entry?
182   (serialization #\: shadow-entry->string string->shadow-entry)
184   (name                  shadow-entry-name)       ;string
185   (password              shadow-entry-password    ;string | #f
186                          (serialization (string-if-false "!")
187                                         (false-if-string=? "!"))
188                          (default #f))
189   (last-change           shadow-entry-last-change ;days since 1970-01-01
190                          (serialization number->string* string->number)
191                          (default 0))
192   (minimum-change-period shadow-entry-minimum-change-period
193                          (serialization number->string* string->number)
194                          (default #f))            ;days | #f
195   (maximum-change-period shadow-entry-maximum-change-period
196                          (serialization number->string* string->number)
197                          (default #f))            ;days | #f
198   (change-warning-time   shadow-entry-change-warning-time
199                          (serialization number->string* string->number)
200                          (default #f))            ;days | #f
201   (maximum-inactivity    shadow-entry-maximum-inactivity
202                          (serialization number->string* string->number)
203                          (default #f))             ;days | #f
204   (expiration            shadow-entry-expiration
205                          (serialization number->string* string->number)
206                          (default #f))            ;days since 1970-01-01 | #f
207   (flags                 shadow-entry-flags       ;"reserved"
208                          (serialization number->string* string->number)
209                          (default #f)))
211 (define-database-entry <group-entry>              ;<grp.h>
212   group-entry make-group-entry
213   group-entry?
214   (serialization #\: group-entry->string string->group-entry)
216   (name            group-entry-name)
217   (password        group-entry-password
218                    (serialization (string-if-false "x")
219                                   (false-if-string=? "x"))
220                    (default #f))
221   (gid             group-entry-gid
222                    (serialization number->string string->number))
223   (members         group-entry-members
224                    (serialization list->comma-separated comma-separated->list)
225                    (default '())))
227 (define (database-writer file mode entry->string)
228   (lambda* (entries #:optional (file-or-port file))
229     "Write ENTRIES to FILE-OR-PORT.  When FILE-OR-PORT is a file name, write
230 to it atomically and set the appropriate permissions."
231     (define (write-entries port)
232       (for-each (lambda (entry)
233                   (display (entry->string entry) port)
234                   (newline port))
235                 entries))
237     (if (port? file-or-port)
238         (write-entries file-or-port)
239         (let* ((template (string-append file-or-port ".XXXXXX"))
240                (port     (mkstemp! template)))
241           (dynamic-wind
242             (const #t)
243             (lambda ()
244               (chmod port mode)
245               (write-entries port)
246               (rename-file template file-or-port))
247             (lambda ()
248               (close-port port)
249               (when (file-exists? template)
250                 (delete-file template))))))))
252 (define write-passwd
253   (database-writer "/etc/passwd" #o644 password-entry->string))
254 (define write-shadow
255   (database-writer "/etc/shadow" #o600 shadow-entry->string))
256 (define write-group
257   (database-writer "/etc/group" #o644 group-entry->string))
259 (define (database-reader file string->entry)
260   (lambda* (#:optional (file-or-port file))
261     (define (read-entries port)
262       (let loop ((entries '()))
263         (match (read-line port)
264           ((? eof-object?)
265            (reverse entries))
266           (line
267            (loop (cons (string->entry line) entries))))))
269     (if (port? file-or-port)
270         (read-entries file-or-port)
271         (call-with-input-file file-or-port
272           read-entries))))
274 (define read-passwd
275   (database-reader "/etc/passwd" string->password-entry))
276 (define read-shadow
277   (database-reader "/etc/shadow" string->shadow-entry))
278 (define read-group
279   (database-reader "/etc/group" string->group-entry))
283 ;;; Building databases.
286 (define-record-type* <allocation>
287   allocation make-allocation
288   allocation?
289   (ids            allocation-ids (default vlist-null))
290   (next-id        allocation-next-id (default %id-min))
291   (next-system-id allocation-next-system-id (default %system-id-max)))
293 ;; Trick to avoid name clashes...
294 (define-syntax %allocation (identifier-syntax allocation))
296 ;; Minimum and maximum UIDs and GIDs (from find_new_uid.c and find_new_gid.c
297 ;; in Shadow.)
298 (define %id-min 1000)
299 (define %id-max 60000)
301 (define %system-id-min 100)
302 (define %system-id-max 999)
304 (define (system-id? id)
305   (and (> id %system-id-min)
306        (<= id %system-id-max)))
308 (define (user-id? id)
309   (and (>= id %id-min)
310        (< id %id-max)))
312 (define* (allocate-id assignment #:key system?)
313   "Return two values: a newly allocated ID, and an updated <allocation> record
314 based on ASSIGNMENT.  If SYSTEM? is true, return a system ID."
315   (define next
316     ;; Return the next available ID, looping if necessary.
317     (if system?
318         (lambda (id)
319           (let ((next-id (- id 1)))
320             (if (< next-id %system-id-min)
321                 %system-id-max
322                 next-id)))
323         (lambda (id)
324           (let ((next-id (+ id 1)))
325             (if (>= next-id %id-max)
326                 %id-min
327                 next-id)))))
329   (let loop ((id (if system?
330                      (allocation-next-system-id assignment)
331                      (allocation-next-id assignment))))
332     (if (vhash-assv id (allocation-ids assignment))
333         (loop (next id))
334         (let ((taken (vhash-consv id #t (allocation-ids assignment))))
335           (values (if system?
336                       (allocation (inherit assignment)
337                                   (next-system-id (next id))
338                                   (ids taken))
339                       (allocation (inherit assignment)
340                                   (next-id (next id))
341                                   (ids taken)))
342                   id)))))
344 (define* (reserve-ids allocation ids #:key (skip? #t))
345   "Mark the numbers listed in IDS as reserved in ALLOCATION.  When SKIP? is
346 true, start allocation after the highest (or lowest, depending on whether it's
347 a system ID allocation) number among IDS."
348   (%allocation
349    (inherit allocation)
350    (next-id (if skip?
351                 (+ (reduce max
352                            (- (allocation-next-id allocation) 1)
353                            (filter user-id? ids))
354                    1)
355                 (allocation-next-id allocation)))
356    (next-system-id
357     (if skip?
358         (- (reduce min
359                    (+ 1 (allocation-next-system-id allocation))
360                    (filter system-id? ids))
361            1)
362         (allocation-next-system-id allocation)))
363    (ids (fold (cut vhash-consv <> #t <>)
364               (allocation-ids allocation)
365               ids))))
367 (define (allocated? allocation id)
368   "Return true if ID is already allocated as part of ALLOCATION."
369   (->bool (vhash-assv id (allocation-ids allocation))))
371 (define (lookup-procedure lst key)
372   "Return a lookup procedure for the elements of LST, calling KEY to obtain
373 the key of each element."
374   (let ((table (fold (lambda (obj table)
375                        (vhash-cons (key obj) obj table))
376                      vlist-null
377                      lst)))
378     (lambda (key)
379       (match (vhash-assoc key table)
380         (#f #f)
381         ((_ . value) value)))))
383 (define* (allocate-groups groups members
384                           #:optional (current-groups '()))
385   "Return a list of group entries for GROUPS, a list of <user-group>.  Members
386 for each group are taken from MEMBERS, a vhash that maps group names to member
387 names.  GIDs and passwords found in CURRENT-GROUPS, a list of group entries,
388 are reused."
389   (define gids
390     ;; Mark all the currently-used GIDs and the explicitly requested GIDs as
391     ;; reserved.
392     (reserve-ids (reserve-ids (allocation)
393                               (map group-entry-gid current-groups))
394                  (filter-map user-group-id groups)
395                  #:skip? #f))
397   (define previous-entry
398     (lookup-procedure current-groups group-entry-name))
400   (reverse
401    (fold2 (lambda (group result allocation)
402             (let ((name         (user-group-name group))
403                   (password     (user-group-password group))
404                   (requested-id (user-group-id group))
405                   (system?      (user-group-system? group)))
406               (let*-values (((previous)
407                              (previous-entry name))
408                             ((allocation id)
409                              (cond
410                               ((number? requested-id)
411                                (values (reserve-ids allocation
412                                                     (list requested-id))
413                                        requested-id))
414                               (previous
415                                (values allocation
416                                        (group-entry-gid previous)))
417                               (else
418                                (allocate-id allocation
419                                             #:system? system?)))))
420                 (values (cons (group-entry
421                                (name name)
422                                (password
423                                 (if previous
424                                     (group-entry-password previous)
425                                     password))
426                                (gid id)
427                                (members (vhash-fold* cons '() name members)))
428                               result)
429                         allocation))))
430           '()
431           gids
432           groups)))
434 (define* (allocate-passwd users groups #:optional (current-passwd '()))
435   "Return a list of password entries for USERS, a list of <user-account>.
436 Take GIDs from GROUPS, a list of group entries.  Reuse UIDs from
437 CURRENT-PASSWD, a list of password entries, when possible; otherwise allocate
438 new UIDs."
439   (define uids
440     (reserve-ids (reserve-ids (allocation)
441                               (map password-entry-uid current-passwd))
442                  (filter-map user-account-uid users)
443                  #:skip? #f))
445   (define previous-entry
446     (lookup-procedure current-passwd password-entry-name))
448   (define (group-id name)
449     (or (any (lambda (entry)
450                (and (string=? (group-entry-name entry) name)
451                     (group-entry-gid entry)))
452              groups)
453         (error "group not found" name)))
455   (reverse
456    (fold2 (lambda (user result allocation)
457             (let ((name         (user-account-name user))
458                   (requested-id (user-account-uid user))
459                   (group        (user-account-group user))
460                   (real-name    (user-account-comment user))
461                   (directory    (user-account-home-directory user))
462                   (shell        (user-account-shell user))
463                   (system?      (user-account-system? user)))
464               (let*-values (((previous)
465                              (previous-entry name))
466                             ((allocation id)
467                              (cond
468                               ((number? requested-id)
469                                (values (reserve-ids allocation
470                                                     (list requested-id))
471                                        requested-id))
472                               (previous
473                                (values allocation
474                                        (password-entry-uid previous)))
475                               (else
476                                (allocate-id allocation
477                                             #:system? system?)))))
478                 (values (cons (password-entry
479                                (name name)
480                                (uid id)
481                                (directory directory)
482                                (gid (if (number? group) group (group-id group)))
483                                (real-name (if previous
484                                               (password-entry-real-name previous)
485                                               real-name))
487                                ;; Do not reuse the shell of PREVIOUS since (1)
488                                ;; that could lead to confusion, and (2) the
489                                ;; shell might have been GC'd.  See
490                                ;; <>.
491                                (shell shell))
492                               result)
493                         allocation))))
494           '()
495           uids
496           users)))
498 (define* (days-since-epoch #:optional (current-time current-time))
499   "Return the number of days elapsed since the 1st of January, 1970."
500   (let* ((now   (current-time time-utc))
501          (epoch (make-time time-utc 0 0))
502          (diff  (time-difference now epoch)))
503     (quotient (time-second diff) (* 24 3600))))
505 (define* (passwd->shadow users passwd #:optional (current-shadow '())
506                          #:key (current-time current-time))
507   "Return a list of shadow entries for the password entries listed in PASSWD.
508 Reuse shadow entries from CURRENT-SHADOW when they exist, and take the initial
509 password from USERS."
510   (define previous-entry
511     (lookup-procedure current-shadow shadow-entry-name))
513   (define now
514     (days-since-epoch current-time))
516   (map (lambda (user passwd)
517          (or (previous-entry (password-entry-name passwd))
518              (shadow-entry (name (password-entry-name passwd))
519                            (password (user-account-password user))
520                            (last-change now))))
521        users passwd))
523 (define (empty-if-not-found thunk)
524   "Call THUNK and return the empty list if that throws to ENOENT."
525   (catch 'system-error
526     thunk
527     (lambda args
528       (if (= ENOENT (system-error-errno args))
529           '()
530           (apply throw args)))))
532 (define* (user+group-databases users groups
533                                #:key
534                                (current-passwd
535                                 (empty-if-not-found read-passwd))
536                                (current-groups
537                                 (empty-if-not-found read-group))
538                                (current-shadow
539                                 (empty-if-not-found read-shadow))
540                                (current-time current-time))
541   "Return three values: the list of group entries, the list of password
542 entries, and the list of shadow entries corresponding to USERS and GROUPS.
543 Preserve stateful bits from CURRENT-PASSWD, CURRENT-GROUPS, and
544 CURRENT-SHADOW: UIDs, GIDs, passwords, user shells, etc."
545   (define members
546     ;; Map group name to user names.
547     (fold (lambda (user members)
548             (fold (cute vhash-cons <> (user-account-name user) <>)
549                   members
550                   (user-account-supplementary-groups user)))
551           vlist-null
552           users))
554   (define group-entries
555     (allocate-groups groups members current-groups))
557   (define passwd-entries
558     (allocate-passwd users group-entries current-passwd))
560   (define shadow-entries
561     (passwd->shadow users passwd-entries current-shadow
562                     #:current-time current-time))
564   (values group-entries passwd-entries shadow-entries))